I did not know what I was thinking when I volunteered to do this first. Well I did not necessarily volunteer, I just wanted to get away from Edward and wanted to prove to Ollie that I didn't need Edward's guidance.
Working with him for the past seven years was equivalent to this course. A narrow pathway of bullshit and if you chose to listen to Edward you'd end up face first in a pile of shit. I had tried to memorize it plenty therefore I felt I could navigate it perfectly without any of his help.
"Okay mate take the first step," Edward called out as if I was a mountain away while I was right above him. His sugary sweet perfume; that shit was not cologne, was so strong that it was hard to not know exactly where he was. If I had any doubt about my next step I just had to follow his scent and I knew I'd make it fine.
"Connor the purpose of the course is not speed," Ollie sighed, "It's about listening and taking guidance. Trusting that your partner won't let you fall."
"Edward would let me fall," I waved him off. Not entirely sure which direction he was at but fairly confident he must have been near. I heard Edward snicker and rolled my eyes even though my eyes were closed and covered by the blindfold.
With easy breaths I took my first step on the narrow pathway and once I got my footing I was on to it.
"Mate you're going too fast," Edward yelled, "You need to turn right in a metre."
Yeah right. I could smell he was to my left. Clearly there must have been some sort of sudden pivot. He was telling me right when really he meant left just so he could see me fall to my ever pending doom.
When I had roughly calculated how far was a meter I took a left and snickered. If Edward thought he had gotten me he was painfully wrong!
That was until I realized there was nothing below me but air. I imagined myself running on air like a cartoon before falling to my never ending doom.
Edwards' plan must have been to make me not trust him so I would think he really meant the opposite direction when in reality he was giving me the right direction from the very beginning! He was a sneaky bastard. That much was true and I knew if I could see I would have landed just fine on my feet but currently I was blind.
With a brave face I waited for impact but it never came.
What did come was the feel of a hard chest against my hands and strong arms holding me bridal style. Utter humiliation was what I felt when I ripped the blindfold off my eyes and saw that Edward managed to rush to my aid.
I did not know why I was hoping it was Ollie. It could have been a ghost for all I cared but nothing was more demeaning than being saved by my nemesis.
He held me up like I weighed nothing and barely looked winded. If I was in a movie a slow romantic tune would have been playing as I looked into his cobalt icy blue eyes. I had never been this near him to marvel at them and my, he was like an animation. I knew he grew facial hair, I had seen it once or twice but his skin was like marble. Barely a pore out of place.
I did not think he had pores. It was probably the 24 carat gold face masks Edward Coleman; his father, sold. They were the only people rich enough to put pure gold on their faces and act like it was completely normal.
When his eyes looked into mine whatever little whirlpool I was in quickly spat me out as I pushed against his chest so he could let me down. He did it without a further debate.
I tried to search my mind for some sort of insult but my mind was blank. Maybe the fall had knocked them out of my skull.
"You're not as heavy as you look. I thought my spine would snap in half to be honest," and there Edward was ruining a moment.
Not a moment just... whatever the fuck that weird thing was. I was sure villains always admired their enemies. Maybe made a wax statue of them after they had died just to remember that they had once killed this rare animal.
"Did the fall stop your heart or something?" He snapped his fingers in front of my face and I was quick to pull back.
"You lied to me," I frowned, "you gave me the wrong direction."
His eyebrows shot up as he looked at Ollie with parted lips, "Ollie. Did we not see him completely ignore my instructions and take the wrong turn? Are you a fucking bellend? No wonder you don't listen to me when we play a game. You're too caught up on thinking everything you do is right."
"I- you know what I am not to blame here," I folded my arms across my chest. "Clearly I couldn't believe you because of my lack of faith in you. Maybe you should work harder to make me trust you instead of shifting the blame on me."
"I think you need to give Edward the benefit of the doubt so that he can feel valued in your relationship," Ollie butted in with his damn calm voice.
"What relationship? This," i pointed back and forth between Edward and I, "is no relationship."
He let out a sigh as he massaged his temples then simply nodded, "I fear I'm going to have to install a punishment here for you to take it seriously."
"I am not a child!" I stomped my foot. Very adult of me.
"So mature," Edward rolled his eyes before letting out the most irritating snicker I had ever heard.