Exactly a Minute


I could feel Connors' eyes on me as I opened my laptop and answered emails. The benefit of running one of the top gyms in London was that I had such an extensive team that I was not really needed. Personal trainers took care of clients and I was only needed for brand promotions every once in a while. 

The others were things I needed to sign for big decisions regarding Coleman enterprise. Ethan was CEO so it was not that any of us chairman's were asked for much but when it came to big investments I always just went ahead with what Dad said. 

If he said sign. I did so without asking questions. 

For a second I had gotten so engrossed in it that I temporarily forgot the giant was staring at me until he let out a sigh so big that I had no choice but to stare back. "What is it that you want?" 

"You type loudly," he blinked before looking out the window of our small cabin. 

"I'll make sure to ask my uncle to design a laptop that's more silent," I rolled my eyes before clicking even louder on my keyboard just to annoy him. 

"Which uncle is that?" 

"Leonardo Agassi. He's the tech wiz," I sighed before continuing on. 

"How many uncles do you have in total?"

I closed my eyes for a few seconds and let out a deep sigh once again. "To be honest at this point I've honestly lost count. I'm sure we're well over thirty."

He seemed surprised, "that's a lot."

I nodded, "we're well over hundred members in the family. It gets confusing."

"How come you're allowed to keep your devices and I'm reduced to one hour a day?" He folded his arms over his beefy chest. He was seated on the tiny armchair close to the fireplace whilst I took the couch. 

We were about to go out to catch dinner for tonight. We decided to go fishing and I was sure that was going to be an experience in itself. Connor seemed competitive on how fast he breathed and I was sure if I caught a fish bigger than his he was going to lose his shit. 

"I don't know, maybe because I'm not obsessed with my devices. Plus Dad needs me sometimes."

He let out a chuckle which got under my skin in more ways than one. 

"What do you mean by that?" I snapped, "what's so amusing about my dad needing me?"

"I don't know," he shrugged with a cheeky grin, "just Edward Coleman seems like the type of man who always has things in order. Or whoever the new CEO he appointed is."

I pressed my lips into a thin line, "Ethan always has things in order but sometimes he needs us too."

"Ethan?" He raised his eyebrows. The name clearly did not ring any bells for him. 

I nodded, "Ethan Jackson. He's practically dad's clone. He once played in the junior team for the All Blacks. He's from New Zealand."

It was only then the name seemed to click for him. "That Ethan Jackson! I never thought he would choose business over rugby."

"Me either," I pouted as I typed away on the keyboard, "he taught me everything I know about rugby."

"Even the yoga?" He was practically seated on the edge of his seat. Anyone who loves rugby knows of Ethan's past and since he was older than Connor I knew he was someone who he would look up to. 

I could have lied and said Ethan was completely into yoga but if he found out he would probably strangle me or give me his famous glare. That caused a shiver to run down my back. 

"The yoga was my idea," I pressed my lips into a thin line, "Pa always made us do yoga growing up and it just ensures your muscles don't cramp up more." 

He let out a chuckle then leaned back in his seat. "Don't you ever get worried Ethan will just take up all your positions and just chuck you out."

I shook my head, "Ethan is practically dads first son. They're close and his dad, Damien, is our dads best friend. There's not a way in the world that could ever happen."

He hummed, "Well must be nice to have someone you trust like that." Our eyes connected for a second and I simply nodded. We kept quiet for another few minutes before he let out the loudest sigh ever. "Can't I just borrow your phone for one single second?"

I pulled my eyes away from my screen, "and what will be in it for me?"

He shrugged, "I'll make dinner."

I shook my head, "I know very well how to make my own dinner therefore it has to be something special. After all, I am breaking camp ground rules for you. The reward needs to be worth the risk."

"You're a fucking leech," he rolled his eyes. He thought for a long time then nodded. "Fine, what is it that you want?"

"Three kisses a day," I grinned evilly. His reaction was priceless! He instantly turned pale and I swore I saw him drop a few pounds. He shivered. 

I shit you not!

He literally shivered as if the thought of kissing me was so repulsive that his organs would shut down if his lips laid on mine. It was not the reaction I was hoping for. Normally I would get someone throwing themselves in my arms at the thought of kissing me and if I was really lucky I'd get something more. 

With Connor it seemed he would rather die however. 

"For how long?"

"Exactly a minute," I puckered my lips. "I think it's worth the chance of us getting caught."

He stood up, "if you think that I'm that cheap to sell myself for internet access you have another thing coming! I have morals and if Ollie will restrict me to only one hour then so be it."

And with that he walked over to the kitchen, grabbed fishing gear then headed for the door. 

"Now when you're done with your shit, I would like to catch fish earlier," and with that he was out the door walking to the dam.