I had never been more humiliated in my entire life. I had faced many defeats but watching Edward successfully catch a fish, gut it, grill it and even prepare a whole feast then clean up was baffling to me.
He looked like the type who grew up with chefs and maids. It never occurred in my mind that he even knew how to wipe his own arse in my opinion. He just seemed to live in a glass ball with all these carers around him that to me it never looked like he could survive by himself.
After all, he still lived with his parents for the sole reason that he refused to pay rent. It was something he was very proud of.
Meanwhile I prided myself in knowing how to make a mean bowl of boiled egg salad but didn't even know a thing about catching fish. If I had to be honest I did not think I had much time for learning how to fish when I had rugby practice right after school and training matches on the weekend. It was not like my father ever cared to teach me to begin with.
How had my thoughts gone from Edward to depressing thoughts within seconds?
Dinner was great. It was the best thing I had ever tasted but I refused to tell him that. I simply grunted a thank you before I helped him wash the dishes and we got ready for bed.
He was fast asleep next to me within minutes whilst I stayed awake staring at the ceiling. His snoring was persistent but at least tonight it was better which gave me a false sense of calm. I knew it would pick up again close to midnight. His body seemed to have an internal clock.
I just couldn't get it out of my head that he knew something more than me. He knew how to bait a fish and cast out the line with ease. It bothered me not knowing something. It bothered me even more knowing that Edward was better at something than me.
We would probably be fishing a lot more and he would soon catch on that I didn't know what I was doing. He even knew how to collect the right wood to make a fire for the grill. I was just grabbing on twigs.
I needed the internet. I knew there were multiple tutorials out there and if I could just get my hands on them there was no stopping me.
Edward must have thought I was stupid to agree to his demands of kissing him for a minute. Did he regard prostitution as a good form of blackmail?
What would people say?
I was a rugby legend. Such scandals would ruin me. There was no way in hell I'd kiss Edward at will. The thought of it made my body tremble with dread. I had more self respect.
With one last glance at him, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I crept out of my bed and with slow calculating steps walked out of the bedroom then gently closed the door behind me.
He had left his laptop and phone on the dining table.
An idiot.
With a happy smile I sat down and opened the screen. It took a second to switch on but when it did it was so encrypted I would have had to have a computer science degree to crack it. There were ones and zeros with no normal place to put in a password.
Even with my terrible attempts to put numbers in, nothing worked and only when it threatened to lock itself did I quickly switch it off.
No wonder he was so smug about it! He knew there was no way I would figure it out. I was surprised he was able to figure it out. He once searched the whole locker room and kept everyone hostage because he couldn't find his Dad's Bugatti's keys whilst they were right in his pocket.
It was the biggest waste of an afternoon.
With a sigh I reached for his phone and just as I switched on the screen the eyes of his other father Vasili were staring right back at me. There was something intimidating about a man who wore a skirt and still looked like they could beat you up. The tattoos definitely didn't make things better.
With strong enough reason to stop poking around I defeatedly went back to our bedroom.
"Couldn't figure out the password?"
"Fuck shit, Edward!" I nearly jumped ten feet in the air as I pressed my hands to my chest. Like a fucking creep Edward sat up in his bed with his arms crossed over his chest. He had that smug annoying look on his face and I just wanted to gauge his eyes out.
"You shouldn't go poking around peoples things Connor," he tsked as he shook his head.
"I wasn't doing anything!" I defended once my heart was stable enough to not give me a heart attack.
"Just kiss me and you can have all the access you want," he beamed, "I'm even willing to make a compromise."
"And what is that?" I didn't even know why I was entertaining this.
"For one minute you get one hour. For thirty seconds to you get thirty minutes and for two minutes you get-"
"Shit I get it, I know math as well," I stopped him from rubbing salt into the wound further. He let out a chuckle and I stared at him for a few seconds.
This must have been what junkies felt like. I was so used to my technology that without it I felt like nothing. It was only day two and I was being lowered to this, we still had almost three weeks to go! What else could Edward demand from me just to see how desperate I was?
In his psychotic mind he probably enjoyed seeing me suffer. I had no choice and maybe just maybe if I threatened Lottie enough she could send me underwear that actually covered my arse.