78 | Clingy and Annoying

Blue shook off the thought as soon as it came to his mind. With the kind of parents Winter had, Blue doubted that Winter grew up unloved, so what was the problem?

Why was Winter the way he was?

During all of this thinking, Blue had unconsciously been staring at Winter continuously. There was a small frown on his face too. What brought Blue's attention to this was when Winter said:

"Please, excuse me. I have to go to my lover. He doesn't like it when I stay away from him too long." He perfected a shy voice for this, his eyes bouncing between where Blue was sitting and the Omegas standing around him.

Once the Omegas were fully able to understand what Winter was saying, they began to glare at Blue. However, Winter didn't seem to catch this as he had already walked over to Blue and settled down on a chair next to him.

There was a goofy smile on his face while he did this. And Blue was still watching him with a frown.