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Chapter 15: Her Worries

Note: This chapter contains strong language and reminders of trauma. 

Sol shut the door behind them, the dying sunlight shining over his face. She fell onto the hay next to Moon's sleeping form and turned her head to see Planet, who was frozen next to the door.

"What's wrong?"

She released a breath and her talking sped up. "Some Wizards were talking behind the wall, and I listened in, and apparently, there's a war going on in another town, so I think their feud has reached its peak and they're trying to…to kill each other?"

Sol sat up. "Are they starting war?"


"And how far away is this town?"

"I don't know. I think it was called Pure or Purest or something. The Witches attacked them and they're fighting back."

"That doesn't answer the question."

"I don't know!"

"What else did the Wizards say?"

"One tried to convince the other that it was going to be okay and the war wouldn't reach them. That it would stay contain-ned there."

"So you should believe them. Everything is going to be fine. The Wizards won't reach us. We'll probably be gone by then."

"How long do you want to stay in each town?"

"A month at less. A year at most."

"Around the time that those our age have begun to change?"

"Yes. We appear to be thirteen, correct?"

Planet nodded. "Why are you speaking Modern?"

"You were thinking about your Elven education today, so I'd rather not bring it up. I know you struggle."

Planet curled into a ball, hating that he knew. "It's fine now."

"You were on the verge of mental breakdown."

"Couldn't we just speak the first language?"

Sol scoffed. "As if I remember that."

"Borasda." she muttered the word bitch, which was a more offensive word nowadays. Sol reached over to kick her, making her realize that she did indeed remember the language, but his body fell in fatigue, keeping him down on the hay.

"Goodnight, Auizia." Planet smirked.

"Goodnight, Krea." Sol muttered into the pile. "Stupid ass name."

"Thank you." she said before Moon pushed himself up, hands sinking into the hay.

"What happened?" he asked, pulling hay off his lips and tongue. "Planet! What happened?"

"Nothing. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine." he grumped, pulling hay out of his hair. "What happened with that Rustad bitch?"

"Everything's okay." she told him. "We're students now."

"Under him?"

"Yes. We have developed education plans and we have new names."

"What are they?" This wasn't the first time they had decided new names without consulting everyone, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

"I'm Krea, you're Arche, presumably, and Sol is now Auizia."

"Aow-ih-ziy-ah? That will probably be one of the most confusing names Sol has had."

"Maybe." She smacked her forehead as the realization hit her. "Stupid! I forgot to ask about night schooling for you!"

"Wh- that's fine! All education systems won't be the same, so we can assume that Wizardly education won't have the same perks as Elven."

"And what about Giant education? Would they have the same perks?"

Moon held up a finger to make a point, then shut his mouth. "That…that theory hasn't been tested yet."

"Why?" Planet asked.

"Because they'll kill us."

"Because they'll kill us, exactly."

Moon pushed his hair away from his face. "Look, I'm about to explore, so just…go to sleep if you haven't lately." He glared at her, reminding her of last night. "I'll ask if I come across him."

Planet nodded and curled into the hay, keeping still as she heard him turn into his Embodiment form, blending in with the new rays, and disappearing out the window. She hid her face in the hay, trying not to cry into it in the case that he would see.