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Chapter 16: Conscription

Note: This chapter contains strong language, bodily harm, and mentions of abuse and sexual intentions towards the main character. 


"Ostara! Another task!"

"Can you organize these? Thanks, Tara!"

"Open your ears, girl! Didn't you hear me? My wand is clearly made of oak wood!"

Ostara did each task that was asked of her with a smile, keeping her feet firmly on the ground as she got yelled at again for something out of her control. Clean the windows, identify a wand, grow the plants, match a wand, wrangle a screaming child or adult, she never said no to any task that was asked of her, not even if it disgusted her. Sure, she would sometimes end the day ready to collapse, but that feeling was becoming commonplace in her life.

Irenaeus poked his head inside and found Ostara taking a potion from the top shelf and handing it down to a customer who was seemingly disappointed that the shelf was too short to see up her skirt. "Ah, girl. Come here. Now."

Ostara climbed off the stepladder and set it next to the stairs before she stepped outside. Irenaeus pushed Frig forward towards her, but he quickly pulled her into a hug, his limbs bleeding.

"Did you hear the news?" Irenaeus asked. "The chief is setting up a conscription camp at the end of the market for a war. Go with Frig and see that he's signed in."

"Yes, sir," she said, pushing Frig off her body after she noticed Irenaeus glaring at him. "But, if I may offer a suggestion? I do believe that I am not his mother, therefore there is a chance he may not be let in without parental-" Ostara noticed his eyes turn dark with anger and she quickly changed her tone. "-which seems like a perfectly reasonable task to complete, as I am the eldest and it is Frig's job as the man of the house to stand for us. You are a very busy man, and I will not interject with suggestions again. Forgive me for the rash decision, for it was not planned-"

"Silence." Ostara slammed her jaw shut at the word. "Go on, then. Return by the feeding hour."

Ostara pushed Frig's hand away from hers before they left Irenaeus' line of sight and she led him through the shop. They walked out of there and into the main road, following the winding streets around the other shops and towards the growing line at the marketplace.

"Alright." Ostara started, smoothing out her dress, and realized she'd forgotten her necklace in the rush, but refused to let anyone know. "How do you feel about this, Frig?"

He let go of her skirt and grabbed her hand, squeezing it. Despite being six years younger, the top of his head reached her shoulder, and he still tried to use this to hide behind her. "I don't want to go," he whispered.

"I know." She nodded as they followed the line, still not able to see where they were headed. "But you have a job in this family. We all do."

"We have the worst jobs, I'm sure. Us and Mom."

"She has no choice."

Frig gripped her arm. "But there's always a choice," he announced the lie as the stall came into view.

Men laughed and smiled as the recruits entered the tent behind them but the elders were turned away, telling them it was best for their health.

"Do you see something?" Frig asked, trying to look over a tall man's shoulders with no luck.

"There's a stall in front of a tent. Recruits keep walking in, but not out," she told him as a brown-haired boy walked into the tent. Clearing her throat, she smiled down at him. "Have you researched anything interesting recently?" she asked, desperately trying to distract him from their situation.

Frig shook his head. "Father won't let me. I'd like to research wand lore and nature with you and Kal, but I never will."

"That's true." She agreed, seeing the third man in front of them be accepted, but the next rejected. "It's our turn." she hissed.

The officer let the man in front of them go ahead, then did a double take when he saw Ostara, his usual frown twisting into a smile. "Miss. Weddal? What are you doing here? Women aren't allowed in war."

The officer next to him let out a laugh at the absurdity of it but kept himself upright for the next man before him.

"I'm aware. My brother would like to sign up, though." Ostara shoved Frig forward, and he fell into a bow towards the officer.

"H-Hello, sir," he whispered.

"Mr. Weddal." His tone had changed fast when speaking to each sibling. "Is Irenaeus here as well? Seems like something he'd enjoy. The age limit is sixty rotations."

"Oh, really? I'll pass along the message. I don't think it had reached him yet."

The other officer leaned over the table towards her as the duo he had just accepted walked behind them toward the tent. "Miss. Weddal. There's a rumor you have two abilities through birth. Is that true?"

She nodded. "It is. I have Earth Manipulation and I can also Shapeshift myself and others."

He whistled, eyes flicking away from hers too many times to be an accident. "That's brilliant."

The first officer looked at Frig. "What about your brother?"

Ostara knew what their responses would be, but she was too deep to lie now. "No, he has one ability. He can only manipulate the Earth."

His face instantly fell. "Interesting."

The man behind them had been eavesdropping and broke into a laugh, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Weddal would be a force to deal with if she hadn't been a girl."

The officers laughed at this and Ostara pretended to join them, pulling herself off from the man when he wasn't looking.

The first officer grinned. "Ah. If only you two could switch abilities! Or sex! Then I'd consider him."

More laughter followed this statement, and Ostara nodded along, feeling Frig's hand hold her arm tight. She pushed him off, though.

The officer finally cleared his throat and checked his list, taking breaks to peek through her cloak at her chest. "Ah, well. Erm, how old did you say he was, again?"

"He is fifteen years of age, sir."

He pretended to check his papers again. "Well. Your brother does qualify for war."

"Wonderful. I'll tell Irenaeus-"

"That's the thing. He's a child. Children need verbal confirmation from their parents that they want them in the war. Your father must be present to allow your brother through here. Sending the eldest child does not count as parental approval."

"Oh." Ostara sighed, running a hand through her hair as she thought of the possibilities. "That's alright. May we come back later with Irenaeus?"

He nodded and smiled at her. "Of course, dear."

Ostara bowed in politeness, knowing she'd disappointed him somehow. "I apologize for the interruption. I'll let you get on with your job. Come with me, Frig."

He followed her away from the stall, both shaking in their boots at what Irenaeus would say or do.

"I'm sure it'll be alright." she smiled, putting on another ruse for Frig. "He just has to come back and approve of you. Nothing horrible. We'll get through this."

Frig gripped her arm tighter as they walked home, trying to slow down their pace to delay the inevitable.