Born under the vastness of celestial skies, Li Tianyan’s arrival heralds the dawn of a new age. Above, a massive red eye shimmers into existence, a silent witness to his birth. Yet, Tianyan remains calm, his gaze flickering with an ancient light. Chosen by a legendary ancestor, he is destined for greatness beyond human comprehension.
Embark on an unforgettable journey as Tianyan steps into a world fueled by power, ambition, and ancient legacies. Will he ascend as a dragon among men, or will the weight of fate crush his spirit? In a realm where each decision shapes the path forward, Tianyan’s odyssey has just begun.
nice book. I enjoyed the overall experience, it was captiving all in all its a 10 outa 10
I love the story line so far, can't wait to see how far Li Tianyan goes
Drop a like guys and a comment also, it helps a lot
I am hooked already and it's only been a few chapters
Reveal Spoiler
Beautiful world building and character development... Looking great so far it's a pity I can't keep reading as much as I want. Anyway keep it up