The Patrician aka Desmond is a shadowy figure of power and intrigue, a relic of an age when noble houses ruled with steel and cunning. Once a celebrated warrior and statesman, his life was shattered during a violent uprising that claimed his parents and nearly destroyed his family. Now, he operates in the shadows, pulling the strings of an empire rebuilt on blood and ambition.
Cold, calculating, and enigmatic, Desmond will do whatever it takes to protect his two younger brothers—the last remnants of his shattered lineage. With a deadly poleaxe at his side and an arsenal of political manipulation at his disposal, he seeks to entrench his family’s survival within the empire’s very foundations.
But as he navigates a world of treacherous alliances and looming conflict, Desmond faces an impossible choice: how far will he go to ensure his family’s safety, and how much of himself will he sacrifice in the process?
For readers who crave morally complex characters, high-stakes political drama, and a gripping tale of loyalty and revenge, Shadow Of The Crown promises an unforgettable journey through a world where survival demands both brilliance and ruthlessness.