Olivia's eyes started to glow red as she crept closer to Rob. The blood pouring from his body was like a a magnet pulling her closer and closer.
Both men watched as Olivia walked up to Rob's dying body.
"Are you OK miss?" Tony asked. He couldn't see Olivia's glowing eyes as he was behind her but Shin was still over by Rob and was watching the girl with caution. Olivia however didn't respond and kept walking towards her prey.
Once Olivia was close enough she pounced on the man like a starving lioness and bit into his arm. She had forgotten about everything around her and didn't even notice the changes to her own body.
The moment the blood touched her tongue the sweetest nectar she had ever tasted enveloped her mouth. She gulped it down like it was life itself until her hunger was sated and she finally came back to herself.
[Hunger has been sated]
[First time consuming human blood quest complete. 50 exp gained]
[EXP: 80/300]
"What have I done?" Olivia whispered as she fell back and looked at what was left of Rob. There were bite marks on his arm to go along with the stab wound in his torso. In a situation like this anyone would empty their stomach but Olivia couldn't. She remembered how sweet the man's blood was and subconsciously licked her lips at the thought.
"No I don't want this!" She panicked. "I don't want to become a monster." The stress of everything had gotten to Olivia and all of her energy drained out of her body as she fell over and passed out.
Shin took this moment to run over to the girl. He took out one of his blades and was going to slit the monster's throat. What he witnessed was an abomination to nature and should not exist.
"Shin what the hell are you doing man? She is just a child!" Tony ran over to protect Olivia from his friend who had obviously gone crazy. "We need to get her to the clinic."
"Did you not see what that monster just did?" Shin replied carefully. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt a friend.
"It doesn't matter what she did, she is still a girl and she needs our help." Tony then watched as Shin slowly backed away and re-sheathed his blade. He then scooped her up and headed towards the medical clinic.
"You are going to need to take care of Rob." Tony told Shin as they walked through the quiet streets. "The guild has to know, and someone new needs to be assigned to that post."
Shin looked over at his friend. "You aren't going back to the guild?" He was surprised by that. Tony had always wanted to be a hunter.
"No. What Rob did left a bad taste in my mouth. How many girls do you think the guild exploited?" Shin could understand where Tony was coming from. He wasn't keen on going back to the guild either. Besides if Tony was going to help the girl he needed backup to help with anything that could happen.
"You are going to stay with the girl aren't you?" He inquired. Even though Shin already knew the answer.
"I am. Whatever this girl is going through she will need help. Plus I smell quite the adventure coming our way." Tony grinned like an idiot while he imagined what kinds of adventures could be in store for them.
"You have not changed one bit." Shin sighed. "Very well, I shall accompany you. Someone needs to keep you out of trouble."
Tony laughed as the two of them reached the medical clinic and went through the doors.
The nurse on staff took them to one of the two examination rooms at the back of the building. Tony carefully placed Olivia on the bed and proceeded to tell the nurse her name, station, and most of what happened. Both he and Shin left out the part where she seemed to have gone feral and bit Rob's arm.
Once all the information was relayed to the nurse both Tony and Shin stepped out of the room to give Olivia and the nurse some privacy.
"I will inform the guild of what happened and give them our resignation." Shin stated as he walked out the door into the cool night air.
Once he was outside Shin pulled out his data pad and contacted guild headquarters. "This is hunter Shin checking in."
"Go ahead with your report hunter." He heard a tired voice reply.
"During our watch Rob and I got into an altercation that resulted in Rob's life being terminated. I take full responsibility for the incident. Due to what has happened Tony and I are officially resigning from the guild and you will need to assign a new team to our post."
The voice on the other end was silent for a long time. He didn't know how to respond to the death of one of their oldest members. "We will accept your resignation and close the case." The person sighed. "However if any of Rob's friends get wind of what happened they will come for your head."
"I am well aware of what the guild is like." Shin replied. "Hopefully it doesn't come to further bloodshed." Shin then terminated the transmission and walked back into the clinic.
"So how did it go?" Tony asked.
"It could have gone worse." Shin replied as he sat in one of the empty chairs beside Tony. "They accepted our resignation and will not look further into Rob's death."
"Well that's good news." Tony sighed in relief.
"However..." Shin continued. "We both know that when Rob's friends find out about his death they will be coming for us."
"I'm not too worried. Most of those men are paid thugs and law breakers. Nothing we can't handle."
"We are not starting a war with the hunters guild." Shin stated.
"Sorry to interrupt you gentlemen but Olivia is awake." The nurse walked over from the examination room to give them the good news. "Her reaction is common when experiencing this kind of trauma and she is most likely exhausted as it is quite late."
"I'm OK." Olivia mumbled as she staggered out from the room.
"Miss Olivia you shouldn't be up out of bed. You need rest." The nurse scolded her.
"Don't worry ma'am, we will make sure miss Olivia gets home safely." Tony said with a smile as he got up off the chair.
The nurse wasn't sure about the men that had brought her in. Obviously not family, nor are they members of the archival team. "Are you OK with this miss Olivia? You can always stay here for the night and I can fetch Dr. Richardson in the morning."
"It's fine. I would feel safer with them escorting me home so that I can rest in my own bed." Olivia smiled. She was very much mentally and emotionally drained, and didn't relish the thought of having to stay at the clinic on an uncomfortable hospital bed all night. Besides these boys rescued her. They couldn't be all that bad.