As Olivia and her escorts left the clinic and were walking down the now empty streets Shin stopped and pulled Olivia over to a secluded corner.
"Hey what gives?" Tony asked as he followed the other two over to the corner.
"Now, you are going to tell us what is going on. What are you?" Shin asked Olivia as he trapped her in the corner between two buildings.
"I don't know what you are talking about." Olivia said lightly as she tried to think of a way out of this situation.
"I saw you. Your eyes turned red and it looked like you were chewing on Rob's arm." Shin drew one of his blades from the sheath on his back. "Now you are going to tell me what you are and assure me you are not a threat to the people here or I am going to end your life right here."
Olivia saw that Shin was serious and knew of no other way out of this than to tell them what she knew.
"Alright." Olivia sighed. "Just please keep an open mind as what I am about to tell you is so odd even I'm having a hard time believing it, and I'm the one it is happening to."
Olivia the proceeded to tell them about the artifacts and that they downloaded some sort of genetic code into her that changed her into this thing called a halfling. She also told them about the blood cravings and not knowing what might happen if she didn't get the human blood she needed on time.
"You're right. That does sound crazy and I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it happen with my own eyes." Shin said once Olivia was done her story. He however did not lower his blade.
"Please I told you everything." Olivia begged. "I don't want to hurt anyone. I came here to find answers."
"Put your blade away Shin. She said she means no harm. Besides we can watch over her and make sure nothing bad happens." Tony suggested as he tried to reason with his friend.
Shin nodded slowly and sheathed his blade. "The best thing we can do for now is get some rest. We will come up with a plan tomorrow."
Everyone agreed and continued on their way.
It wasn't hard for Olivia to find Dr. Richardson's apartment as she had the system set up a home point for her. This meant that no matter where she went she could always find her way back.
Once they reached the apartment Olivia opened the door to the lobby and walked in. The two men walked in right behind her.
"Uh I don't think Dr. Richardson will like the two of you sleeping in his apartment with us. Do you have anywhere you can go?" Olivia inquired as she saw they were following her.
"Until we are sure you aren't going to go on a nightly killing spree we will be watching over you." Shin replied.
"Don't worry about us. We will just hunker down here in the hallway." Tony smiled at the girl.
"I mean I guess that's alright though Dr. Richardson might question why you are there in the morning." Olivia went over to the apartment door and unlocked it.
"Don't worry about that. You just go get some rest." Tony replied.
Olivia shrugged then opened the door and slipped inside. There was a glow coming from her bedroom as she guessed the doctor left the light on for her before he went to bed.
'He is going to be so mad at me for being out so late.' Olivia thought.
She groaned as she walked over to her room to get ready for bed. She had no idea what she was going to tell Dr. Richardson in the morning and was hoping he wouldn't be too upset.
With nothing else she could do Olivia climbed into bed and promptly fell asleep.