Surgical 'Enhancement'? [R18]


The dragons were all on alert, standing on their hind legs and facing the direction of the thundering of hooves.

Delphi had decided to call her dragon leader Miro, which meant spear in the indigenous language. Miro peered over in her direction.

She strode over to the window and beckoned it over.

"Chase them away," she said, gesturing to show getting rid of the unwelcome visitors, "but don't hurt them". She covered her mouth to indicate no biting or spitting.

The creature gave her its usual inscrutable look and disappeared into the night with its fellows.

Shouts from the guards rang out a minute later.

"Dragons! Retreat men, fallback."

That sounded like the Commander, she reflected, happily imagining his face.

"There's a bunch of them, at least eight," someone yelled.

"It's too dark to fight them anyway, get out of there Han!"

The Commander again, she nodded with satisfaction.