"You need me to help with this don't you?" he asked her outright. "Have you tried doing it yourself?"
He would really be quite happy if she had…
"I tried after what you did to me, but I just can't do it!" she complained. "I think it's been too closely linked with injury and shame after what they did to us at the palace," she said sadly.
Another legacy of that evil man's selfish desires, she thought.
Alton nodded. That made sense. The Emperor would have made her highly sensitive but unable to touch herself, so she needed him in bed. What a Machiavellian bastard!
"You want me to continue now I've started, don't you?" he growled in her ear.
He felt a little guilty now he knew what had been done to her, but he figured if she wanted him to continue, there was no harm no foul.
"Mmhm," she nodded urgently.