However, Jaden said, "My sister just called and told me my grandparents are all set for surgery. Their physical evaluation met the requirements, so they can get admitted anytime. They need some time to recover afterward."
He sighed. "And on top of that, Linda's decided to stick around Okhorn Village. I can't just sit back and let her bug me, so I'm planning to leave with my grandparents in the next couple of days."
Luna felt a bit awkward about her earlier thoughts and struggled to find the right words. Jaden, not knowing what was going through her head, continued, "Miss Carter, I really need you to keep our family's location a secret. Don't let Linda know where we are."
That was when Luna realized she had actually accomplished what she came for. She should feel happy about it, so she smiled and said, "Don't worry, we're in this together. I've got your back."