2. Check Up (Rewrite)

Next day I woke up pretty late at 10 am. At first, I was a little confused thinking where I am but soon the previous night's event came back, and I relaxed a little. I called Tobby and asked him to show me to bathroom and prepare breakfast while I finish bathing. After I came out of the bathroom, which was more like a swimming pool, like the prefect's bathroom in Hogwarts, Tobby showed me to dining area. Where the elves have prepared a literal feast for me. As I finished eating the healer also arrived.

"Good morning, sir I am the resident Head Healer, Dacey Stones at the Griffin Fort. Tobby asked the Commander for my services here." The healer came and introduced herself. She was a lady in her mid-thirties, with curves in all the right places hidden by a robe that is similar to a doctor's coat, so I think its healer robe.

"Hello Healer Dacey. I am Harry Potter; you were called here to check me." I introduced myself.

"Are you really..." She stopped herself and cleared her throat. "Forgive me, please where can I do the check up and when was the last time you had a checkup." She asked. She almost lost her composure there. She thought it must have been some ally or something of House Potter.

"I don't know, maybe before my parents' death. And Tobby is there a place where she can do the checkup." I asked Tobby.

"Yes master, she can the checkup in the medical bay of the manor. Come I will show you." Tobby said and both of us followed.

After reaching there, she told me to remove my clothes leaving only the underwear and lie down on the bed there. As I laid down on the bed, she begins explaining the process.

"First I will be doing your diagnostic and then I will move according to the diagnosis after that I will be giving you your shots of magical diseases. I hope you are vaccinated against muggle diseases at least." She asked me.

"Yes, I am" I said, thinking about how forcefully the Dursley's did it after a subject teacher at school questioned about it and the beating, they gave Harry after that.

"Good, now I will be putting you to sleep till the process completes." She spoke.

"Ok, do it" And so I dosed off once more.

I don't know after how long I woke up, but it shouldn't be long and after looking at the time I was right. I was unconscious for only 2 hours. But as I looked at myself, I could feel much better than last night.

"Mr. Potter, I see you have woken up. I know this is not part of my job but still I am asking where you were raised that you were in that condition. You had over a dozen different fractures and breaks in your body ranging from your legs, arms, ribs, and your skull. Also, there are puncture wound, burns, bite marks, bad resets, and a list of dozen more injures marking your body. Furthermore, I didn't even need a diagnostic for this that you are malnourished, and your bones are too brittle which were resulting in you having a stunted growth. And that's not even the whole thing."

"I found a deep and surface scrying spell, anti-mail spells, emotional inhibitor spells, magical and physical stunting spells, which I have taken the liberty to remove as they are very harmful for a growing child, especially a magical one, bloodline locks, and other spells I can make no heads or tails what they do. I have healed the bones and wounds, you will need to apply a scar removal paste to remove all the marks on your body, a potion regimen of nourishment potion, bone and muscle strengthening potion as well. I have left the spells there because I was not sure who put them and why. But the most peculiar thing is that scar of yours. It is oozing with dark energy, but I don't know what it is or how to deal with it." She told me.

"Good, can you somehow confound the scrying spell so that it always shows my previous state to the caster, as for the other spells leave them and forget about them, I will deal with them in due time." I told her.

"I will do that, but I still advise that you should get rid of that scar as soon as possible." And she got to work. After completing the task, she said "I will be back later today with all the shots you will be needing and your potions."

"Thank you for your help, Healer Dacey. But I am curious why are you willing to leave these spells on my person, this should be against your ethics, shouldn't it." I asked.

"Mr. Potter I am the Head Healer of Griffin Legion, I understand that I may have to do these kinds of things." She told and while I don't know what Griffin Legion is, I understood that she is not going to say anything to anyone about this.

"Tobby, please escort her to the gate respectfully." I asked Tobby as I started wearing my clothes.

After this I went to the room where the portraits are kept. As I reached there, there was already a man standing there talking to the portrait of my grandparents and granduncle and aunt. As they saw me entering my grandfather said

"Come Harry meet him, he is an old friend and Commander of the Griffin Legion, Leonard Caprio." My grandfather introduced him.

He came to shake my hand which I did but then asked, "I don't mean to sound rude but what is Griffin Legion."

"Yeah, we totally forgot that you were introduced to magical world just last night. Well, you see in the old days, when the civilizations were emerging and conquering each other and wizards were spreading and building fortresses, they stumbled upon powerful beasts with whom they reached a sort of pact for support in war in exchange of sanctuary. These wizards using the beast became nobles in the King's court who used to command Dragons themselves. But after the British Royal family became extinct, we found the Ministry of Magic as the executive body but still kept the right to keep a private army and to be a part of legislative and semi-judicial body, as we don't judge every case, only major ones, the Wizengamot. And the House Potter's private army is called Griffin Legion." My grandfather gave a brief overview about all this.

Hmm, it makes sense after all why would wizarding world nobility give up there right to field an army just because of a ministry who according to me could barely fields more than a few thousand aurors (police) and hit wizard (much like an army) combined and why could wars between such small groups cause the population to fall to such low levels.

"It's nice to meet you, Commander." I spoke.

"Leo, we will explain things to you later, but we want you to train Harry in some basic spells with which he can counter some muggles. Also teach him some shield spells which work against bullets, knives etc. You need to do all that in 3 days, starting from now." Grandfather said. "Tobby bring out the wands of all the Potters. Harry pick each of them one by one and give them a flick. whichever responds the most with you will be the wand you are using."

Tobby soon returned with many wands. One by one I tried each one and also used observe on them which directly told me about the compatibility between me and the wand. Whichever wand showed a high compatibility between us I put it in a line in ascending order and at the end picked up the wand with the highest compatibility that turned out to be my grandfather's wand.

"Haha boy, excellent this used to be my wand till I died now it is yours and don't worry even after you get your own wand, you can keep it as your secondary wand." Charlus Potter's portrait said.

"So, should we start our training" I asked while looking at Commander Leonardo.

"Yes, we shall"

And so, it begins.