The next 3 days went in training and recuperating. I have also grown a couple of inches and have started to lose my skinny frame. A house elf also spies on Dursleys all the time. It seems either they have not noticed my absence or are happy with my disappearance but atleast they have not spread the news it all around the neighborhood. Figg and ultimately Dumbledore wouldn't notice anything strange.
And today, I am finally going to teach the Dursleys a lesson. I asked Tobby to teleport me to the edge of the backyard of Dursley's House and follow me invisibly and silently inside. I was not worried about Dumbledore finding out about it because Dumbledore didn't know about Dobby in the canon.
I entered the house through the backdoor and entered the kitchen where the Dursleys were having breakfast. Seeing me entering the kitchen they were shocked and angry.
"Finally decided to return you ungrateful Freak. What were you thinking that someone is gonna help a freak like you. You should be grateful that respectable citizens like us agreed to take you in and you dare to run away. Now get inside your cupboard and forget about any food for a week." Vernon said.
"Yeah, such respectable citizen who involve themselves in slavery and make their own nephew a slave, starve him, gave him scraps and your leftover to eat and you want me to be grateful to you, you hypocritic, obese, son of a rhino and octopus." I said.
Hearing this Vernon leapt from his chair and charged at me like a bull, but I was ready and already had my wand in hand and fired a Stupefy at him. A streak of red light hit him, and he directly fell on the floor. Seeing him fall like this Petunia screamed as if she saw a murder happening, which according to her is the case.
"Shut up you dumb, petty, jealous women. He is only unconscious but if you don't shut up, he will surely die." I threatened her.
After making some distance between me and Vernon I fired an Enervate at him. As he gained consciousness and started to get up, I fired a banishing charm at him and then tied all 3 of them in rope using Incarcerous.
"Now, there will be some changes in this house. First, I will be taking Dudley's second bedroom. Secondly, I will not be doing any chores other than gardening and that too when I feel like it. You will not have to feed me, my helpers will bring my food directly to my room. You ignore me, I ignore you, but I don't trust you so for good measure..." I said and fired three streaks of light at them.
"This is a curse, if you harmed me directly or indirectly, you die. If you kill me directly or indirectly, you die. You torture me, you die. You got the picture, good." I bluffed. Then I freed Dudley from ropes. "Go and clean that room. If I find it even a little bit dirty, you wouldn't like the result." Hearing this the cowards ran to the room as fast as his legs allowed him.
"Now you both will be acting as you normally do. I wouldn't be here for most of the day so you will not have to see me, and I will not have to see you and make sure that little whale you call son, and his friends don't bother me. Nod of you understand" I said, and they nodded so fast that I wouldn't be surprised if they sprained their neck. "Now get to your work." Ah, it feels so refreshing to finally be able to let out those bottled-up emotions of Harry, but I am not finished with them, right now I need to maintain appearance but after that I will ruin their life.
I was expecting another attempt to attack me by Vernon, but it never came, and they left to do their work while looking completely scared. Soon Vernon left for his work and Petunia started doing household chores. As for why I agreed to do gardening, so that Figg doesn't suspect anything. Then I left for the local public library, it used to be my safe heaven because Dudley and his gang would never come here so the librarian was not surprised to see me.
After that I spend my whole day in the library, absorbing the books, some books on history, science, english and, mathematics became useless. But the books on different languages, advanced books, books on martial arts, and some other were very helpful.
My history, science, mathematics and english is at a level with the advanced I can study from books originally meant for colleges and university student. I only left the library after I started to feel hungry and saw that its lunch time. I went to Privet Drive inside my new room which has been cleaned now and asked Tobby to bring my lunch along with my potions.
After having lunch, I again went to the library and spent the rest of the day increasing my muggle skills. At night I went back to the Potter Manor and have dinner and started reading some Magical Theory and Wizarding History. After that I went to sleep.
Timeskip 3 years:
It has been two years since I came to this world, and I have learned a lot. First thing, using my own knowledge and with the help of system I was able to complete muggle school. It was done secretly from a school in London and one of the muggles born generals of the army came as my guardian, which the Dursleys officially signed the papers for. It was all kept quiet while I still attended the school in Surrey to keep Dumbledore unaware. I have also catch upto a level most of the children of noble houses are at in etiquette and have surpassed them in magic as most of them also don't try magic at home before 13 years of age as well because their magic is very volatile till than to perform more than a few spells. It was only due to the system, my control over wandless magic and my larger than normal reserves that I was able to learn magic.
So, to sum it all these three years have been very fruitful. I got rid of some of my ill effects of malnourishment, abuse, learned many new things, completed all my schooling, enrolled for dance classes, as is an essential skill for a lord according to my ancestors, self-defense classes, gymnastic because it helps with the martial arts and in dueling. I have also perfected my disguise and ensured that I can hold it even in my sleep.
My magical progress has been slow as I am confined to only theory and very little wand work as according to them children's magic starts stabilizing at age 7 and finishes stabilizing at age 13, that's why practicing magic before age of 13 can be harmful and can cause permanent harm to magic. That's why I am only allowed only the lowest of the low-level spells that do not cause any harm like Lumos charm because using magic is also good but not excessively or in hard and dangerous spells. And I couldn't focus much on it last year because of ensuring that all our plans were set and everything is normal. But there is nothing to worry as not many children starting Hogwarts know much about magic as well.
Soon my Hogwarts acceptance letter will arrive and in preparation of that I have always stayed in the cupboard under the stairs but ofcourse I have the elves expand it from inside making it a proper room for me. The Griffin Legion and the Ape Legion of House Fleamont has also been reestablished using the profits made from selling the products grown by Brownies secretly. So, I am ready to face whatever Hogwarts is gonna throw at me till Sirius is free from Azkaban.