6. Innocent of Azkaban

With the coming of third year, I finally felt relieved now that I don't have to act like a completely ignorant child. Soon, the news of Marge coming to the Dursleys came. It is the first time she is coming here since I have set them straight as the Dursleys themselves went to Marge's house whenever they wanted to meet since that day. I gave them a simple condition, I will ignore them, and they will ignore me, and we wouldn't need to resort to the painful way. And no, I didn't have any problem in getting them to sign the form to go to Hogsmeade since both of knew who the boss in the house is.

Well, everything was going fine but it seems Marge don't have filter in her mouth when she was drunk and started talking shit about my parents. Well, I did the same thing as in the books and cast a wandless bloating curse on her. After that I left the House to go to the Leaky Cauldron, met with Sirius but was unable to talk with him as I knew someone must be watching me. Acted as calling the Knight Bus accidentally while truly speaking it was the only legal way I can travel if not counting Floo.

Reached there, acted as a scared kid while I knew that they can't do anything, they can't trace wandless magic, and it was through Dumbledore's wards that they even knew about it. Stayed there for three weeks, did my shopping, met with Weasley's and Hermione. Went to King's Cross together, sat in the compartment with Remus who must be suffering from the effects of full moon, as it just a couple days back. Got confronted by Dementors but I didn't fall unconscious, and Remus took care of them.

Then we all went to the castle where McGonagall took me and Hermione away, Madam Pomfrey gave me a checkup while McGonagall gave Hermione the Time Turner, we went to the feast in which Dumbledore gave us the warning about Dementors and Sirius. It just confirmed it for me that he has something to do with Sirius arrest, after all even the short trials the like of which were given to Lestrange's, who were caught red handed in the act mind you, can't happen without the Supreme Mugwump, then how did he not know that Sirius was never given a trial, a member of his own Order.

Well anyways, the year continued normally, I didn't take Divination and just said that I think Arithmancy and Runes sound more interesting and I have to look for my future as well as I can't solely depend on my vault as I will run out as I know that Dumbledore is messing with my mails and it was only thanks to the small vault in the manor and the revenues generated by selling the produce from Brownies that I was able to hide my knowledge of other vaults and use money without accessing my trust vault before my fourteenth birthday. Anyways, during the Magical Creature class Draco did his thing and got Buckbeak in trouble. I also went to the twins and I formally introduced myself as Prongslet to Fred and George and asked for the map. I used it to keep an eye on Pettigrew and Sirius, but I always ensured no one knew about the map, as I am sure that Peter never saw the map with the Weasleys because if he is found near there room, they would start experimenting on him.

During the Hogsmeade trip on the Halloween, Sirius struck and tried to enter the Dormitory, cementing everyone's belief that he was after me. School did a thorough search for him but found nothing. Dumbledore used this excuse to stop me from going to the Hogsmeade, but I used the secret passages to go there. Then, we had our quidditch match against Hufflepuff, but the Dementors came and ruined the match with Hufflepuff and despite knowing how to cast the patronus charm in the shield form as I am not able to make a corporeal patronus till now, the swarm of dementors still overpowered it and I fell from my broom.

But during the Christmas, I received a Firebolt from some unknown whom only I know was Sirius. But Hermione reported it to McGonagall, and she confiscated the broom to check the broom for curses. Ron made a fuss about it as if it was his own broom and stopped talking and hanging out with Hermione. I was already going to do that because if she confiscated it sometime later than I may not be able to ride it during our match but this gave me more time to spend with Hermione and it was during this that we have our first kiss when we were roaming the grounds during the evening before curfew but after that Hermione started avoiding me for some time and never raised the topic again so I also didn't raise it. I got the broom back just a couple days before the match and won the match with Slytherins.

Soon after the match, in February, Sirius again tried to sneak into the dormitory and was able to reach till Ron's bed, but he woke Ron up who screamed, and Sirius had to run away. Again, search began for him, but Sirius was already out of the castle by that time. During another Hogsmeade weekend Remus caught me sneaking out of the castle and confiscated the map and also told me that he was the friend of my father.

Then came the match with Ravenclaws and Draco and some of his year mates tried to scare me with Dementor costume, well I showed them up by casting the patronus which for the first time turned into a corporeal one, a griffin to be exact.

After that our exams came and I got the prophecy from Trelawney about Pettigrew escaping to Volde but as soon as the exams finished, we got news from Hagrid that they are going to execute Buckbeak. We went there to give him support, who also gave Scabbers to Ron whom he found wandering the grounds but when we were coming back to the castle, Sirius attacked Ron and dragged him into the whomping willow and into the shrieking shack. After much effort I was able to find the knot which stills the tree, and we also went after them. But just as we were confronting Sirius, Remus came, and they together told us about Pettigrew but just as we were about to turn the rat into Pettigrew Snape came and started his old sad drama. Having enough of him I stunned him, and we turned Pettigrew back into human.

It took some convincing to stop Sirius from killing him, but he agreed and then we were dragging Pettigrew, but Remus forgot taking the Wolfsbane Potion and turned into a werewolf, thankfully Sirius in his Animagus form was able to drag Remus away where I knew Buckbeak would scare him away. But soon Dementors came and before I could cast the patronus they swarmed us, and I fall unconscious and woke up in the Hospital Wing. There, Ron and Hermione told me about Snape catching Sirius and how they are going to have him Kissed by Dementors any time now.

Hermione tried to convince Fudge, but I didn't even try because I know he is not going to do anything. Then Dumbledore came and gave Hermione the hint to use the Time Turner, which I knew was his attempt to save face in case I found out that he could have given Sirius a trial even now. Me and Hermione went back in time and waited at the edges of the forest. We saw ourselves going to Hagrid's Hut and coming out, meanwhile we silently released Buckbeak after Minister Fudge and Dumbledore came and have looked at him once, than we saw Ron being dragged by Sirius inside the secret passage to the Shrieking Shack and coming out after an hour or so.

When Remus transformed into the werewolf, we distracted him so that he does not attack our past self and then Buckbeak came to our rescue and sent Moony inside the forest for the night. After that we saw Dementors coming and started encircling our past self. Just as I saw my past self-falling unconscious, I summoned the memory of kissing Hermione to the front and cast the patronus charm.

"Expecto Patronum"

And out came a beautiful griffin, that soon started attacking dementors and removed them from the grounds. Then I canceled the charm and soon we saw Snivellus waking up and taking both of our past self and Ron and Sirius towards the castle while taking the credit for removing the dementors. Then we waited for enough time for them to lock Sirius in West tower in Professor Flitwick's office and went there and send him of on Buckbeak. But before sending him off I passed him a note when Hermione was not looking and telling him to go to Grimmauld Place and wait there and not to tell anyone about it, not even Remus, and that we will talk later.

After that we made a run to the Medical Wing and reached there on time just as we went back in time and started eating our remaining chocolate. Then Snape and Fudge, the Buffoon, came again and started asking questioning us about how we rescued Sirius but couldn't do anything. And so, the year came to an end. On the train journey back to the King's Cross, Sirius sends us a message that he is safe and telling me that he was the one to send the Firebolt, with Ron's new owl Pig.

After that I slept for the rest of the ride while keeping my head in Hermione's lap, she blushed slightly but didn't say anything and I woke up just before we reached King's Cross and after saying goodbye to our friends, I went with the Dursleys and waited for when Dumbledore will have to leave for the yearly ICW session.


Author's Note

Now that Sirius is free, it's time for the main story to begin. So, wait patiently and enjoy.