Aaron Vale, a middle-class boy from Greenvale, dreams of a life beyond his humble beginnings. As he navigates the challenges of family, education, and personal growth, he must confront the harsh realities of his aspirations. Will his ambition lead him to success, or will it crumble under pressure?
Author here guys :) Aaron Vale is a young man with an unyielding spirit. He is the kind of guy who will stop at nothing to achieve his dreams. To capture the essence of his ambition and the challenges that come with it, join him on his journey as he navigates the complexities of life and the pursuit of his ambitions. Aaron reflects that one spirit within everyone who was burden by one's responsibilities. Hope You guys will like it.
I really must say, I have those two chapters out there and I can feel so many similarities with the mc and me. His life, his parents. Give this book a chance.
Came Across this accidentally, but found it intriguing seems like a mc that can be related not exaggerated like many novels.
Loved the pacing to the story. And really loved how the first chapter sets up everything. So we could get hang of the character and bit of thier back story.
This novel is giving me a third person perspective about a life of a boy. And it's will really give us more understanding about the life of boy/man.