I thought better of the city that i was in, After all in the anime there wasn't as much crime as i thought there would be. And turns out the anime didn't show halve of it, Not even five minutes and i already found someone being mugged in an alley way.

"Just give me everything you have and don't even think about reaching for that phone." The Mugler said seeming to hold a knife to the man being robbed. Seeing my chance to intervene I pointed a mana shot with a little more kick to it just to be safe. pulling my hood over my head and pulling the strings to only show my nose and shot.

What i didn't expect is the muggers head to explode causing me and the guy being mugged to puke. "That's unexpected" I had said a little nauseated while the man passed out from shock face planting on his own bile. Taking a second to gather myself i looked at the corpse that started glowing a faint red. Walking up to the corpse and reaching towards the faint glow and touching I received more mana as the red glow began to dissipate.

[Plus 20 Max Mana]

[Plus .3 Mana Regeneration]

My eyes bugged out from the amount i got from one person. "What a way to dehumanize people, just turn them into points." I stated walking deeper into the alley way to find more which didn't take me very long when i found a group of thugs preparing to rob a bank it seems and about 7 of them.

'Dragon looking, Bird lookin, That one has claws why am i even thinking of a strategy only one has a gun' I watched as they bickered about cuts and who is doing what until the five animal mutations froze and somewhat franticly looked around the moment i got a little closer. The other two freaking out cause the five went quiet went on guard the one holding the gun raised it as it and a crosshair in his eye manifesting as the other had a small flame on his forearm.

"Don't you know its just abut eight o'clock, Isn't it early to be robbin banks." I had said creating a four meter long thread coated in wind and mana bullet pointed at them.

"You better get out of here brat" The man holding the gun barked out while aiming at me. I shot him without much hesitation with the same amped up shot, His torso caved in as the other six had looks of shock and horror. I took my chance to not focus on the death and whipped the thread around the dragon headed one cutting though it like mud.

The five remaining now coming out of their shock had decided to charge towards me. My response was to create more threads from my finger tips and wave my hand about making lacerations as well as deep gashes leaving them dead or dying. 

'Eight dead men in the span of an hour and more power to draw upon.'

[Plus 140 Max Mana]

[Plus 2.1 Mana Regeneration]

"GOD DAMN WHOO SHIT" I didn't feel all that bad for the ones I murdered just now, But that excitement was short lived when my stomach growled. Looking over to the men i killed i picked up the gun and the individual wallets. gaining 22479 yen, 'Not sure if this is a lot or not but ill figure it out in a minute.'

'I should really find an inn somewhere cause damn am tired.' Taking a look around i leave through the next alley way out. 'Guess ill sleep in the dump of the beach' I started walking in the general direction of the beach when i came across the convenient store. 'How lucky' And the only thing foreign about me is my skin tone and eyes so might as well.

I step into the store and head the drink section to grab a couple bottles of water and a noodle cup before heading to the cashier that had spikes on his elbows "Will this be all?" The cashier had asked and I nodded yes "great that will be 478 yen" He said as i handed him a one thousand yen bill.

With practice ease he handed me the rest of my change and i departed back on my way to the beach already getting to play in the water. 'So I have a lot I guess or is it Area?' I never figured out anything other than the American way, 'At least the store didn't detect the gun I was carrying.'

I really thought that was going to be the end of all excitement until there was a big commotion with a bunch of cop cars showing up and taping the alley way i came. Looking at them for only a moment i walked a little faster to the beach to construct my living arrangements. Figuring to stay clear of the city for a bit i quickly walked back to my little starting area.

Taking a bit to construct my mana ropes, I use two of them to lift the long and wide pieces of metal to build sorta of a teepee. 'Not perfect but it'll do' Using the some of the water in the bottle to put in my cup of noodles i heat the water in the cup carefully as not to burn everything down, which was a lot more difficult than just lobbing fire balls and using my blowtorch method.

Six minutes of me trying and waiting to eat and i had a meal of sorts. 'Well its about ten in the morning so why not try to do water.' Standing up to walk to the water i use the mana ropes to make a path way to the shore and to my little hut i reach where the water almost reaches my toes. I let a thread come from my palm to touch and or grab the water. It sorta worked so I added more mana through the thread allowing to hold the water better, Reeling the thread in I touch the water trying to get a feel for it by pushing my mana into it.

One hand with water the other trying to recreate the feeling or trying to do something like the opposite of fire in the. 'Well I tried to do something for just about well looking at the sun just about 4 hours it looks past noonish, So At least a full day not sleeping better fix that.'

I headed back to the tp laying on the somewhat cold sand, Heating up the air in the hut with a tiny flame on my palm letting the wind from my other hand carry the heat around.

The heat so comforting I almost forgot to cover the door way. Quickly blocking the path i fell asleep in the slowly cooling room dirty and a little warmer.