Problem In Musutafu

 {Detective Tsukauchi POV}

'There is a monster in Musutafu taking the life of over 200 people even if they were criminals.' Lifting my coffee mug to my lips I now realize that it is empty and a sigh escapes my lips tired from the constant reports over the past three weeks of something killing in the streets of Musutafu.

Closing my eyes I hear the familiar footsteps of one of my coworkers "Tamagawa?" "Tsukauchi." Tamagawa responded seriousness in his voice as he places a folder on my desk. "You can add five more to his count" The cat man stated. Another tired sigh escapes my lips as i open my eyes looking through the documents and seeing the same type of slashes and wounds but once again more refined actually cutting off limbs. "We really need to find this maniac and put a stop to this, The commission has decided to aid us in this by sending more hero's this way as well as sharing info with the hero's to be on the lookout."

"Whoever this maniac is needs to be brought to justice and quickly before he starts going after the innocents and hero." I responded wondering if the commission will send that person out as I go to get my twelfth cup of coffee this morning. 'The top five are on the lookout for him, All somewhat coming from their areas to look here.'


"I feel so good right now" I had said in my make shift home now bigger and more stable in the junk pile. 'Creating a little sauna just for little ol me was the best decision after learning how to conjure water properly, and now so much mana to use it was so much easier than i thought to obtain this much.'

[Max Mana 5,616] 

[Mana Regeneration 80.06]

The smile on my face was almost to wide for my face 'Ok maybe I'm a little joyous for the amount of mana I have as well as regen, Two hundred forty eight people in three week the authorities must be having a mental break down.'

I chuckle to myself thinking of all the characters that are all running around looking for the person who's killed so much. 

'With Fire, Wind, And Water that can be used to an basic or below basic degree I should probably get to refinement on the elements or perhaps power usage and shape manipulation. After all chains are better then the ropes I could use and the threads are always lethal with the wind to sharpen them.'

'Maybe I should learn lightning to fuck with people, No earth would be even better to use when the only "quirk" I want to show is the silly string from my finger tips.' With a devious smirk I force my mana into the ground to try and manipulate it to my will to no success. I sigh as I am forced to go through another probably longer process to use the earth.

"So the options are refinement of a particular thing, Learn another element, Or seals engravings and runes to make machinery, Things like magi Tec. Things only powered by me." This idea has me grinning ear to ear at the creations and attack of all the above.

'I believe canon should start in 3 months, Although I did kill a lot of people so maybe it'll change. I wonder how much I can fuck it up before I have to do the actual goal the blue dipshit wants me to do. After all, All I need to do is be considered a hero to the people and by law so my goal will be complete.'

"Now then its mid day I suppose I could go hunting again" I began walking towards the dryer part of my abode to put more than a towel on. Passing my collection of firearms, Stacks of yen, And leftovers of Izuku's future job, I put on a some darker colored pants with a black shirt and a blue hoodie.

'The upside for being so small and young is that I'm unassuming and not really taken as the murderer. The down side of this is I am four ten and a half as a fourteen year old as well as the older women and men trying to get me to follow them, Which I do just to collect the reward of mana and what ever they had. Sometimes I find others that were captured as I kill the scum and set them free. Its very sad to see for me.'

Hearing a female sounding yelp for help in one of the alley ways I tend to use a shortcut I walk as I cover my head in the hoodie again and let a thread covered in the sharp wind trail along side me. Turning the corner I see a white haired women with some red in some areas. Two men seemed to be assailing her, 'My lucky day' I thought to my self as I walk and hum a chipper tune catching the attention of the three.

Stopping my hum I start sprinting towards the three immediately swinging my arm letting the threads on my fingers make deep gashes through the men as the lady stood there in mild shock. "shoo, go on get this my loot" I said making a shooing motion as I pick the cash and anything valuable from the now corpses.

She ran out of the alley phone in hand and a minute later I already hear sirens approaching fast. "What a snitch."

 {Fuyumi POV} Five minutes ago

'Now then maybe I should get more soba for Shoto' I thought melancholy wanting to at least see a smile on his face. Getting grabbed roughly I tried to yell and struggle as I was being dragged into the darkness of the nearby alley way Getting shoved into the wall only letting out a quick yelp before one of them covered my mouth with their dirty hand. Panic arose in my chest as I struggled against the two lecherous men.

The two men and I stopped when hearing a childish chipper tune. The two men still holding me against the wall looked around before they found where the noise was coming from. A child, And from the looks of it younger than Shoto by a year or two. To the surprise of me and the men He started sprinting towards us. I tried to warn him trying to get him to leave, Yet he continued and swung his arm swinging what seemed to be a blue line towards the men slicing them apart.

It happened so fast I couldn't move thinking I was going to be next. Until I heard his childish voice "Shoo, go on get this is my loot". Taking my phone out of my pocket I ran out of there as fast as I could taking on last glance at the dead men remembering hearing about a mass murderer that killed leaving the bodies just like that. 'It was the kid doing it, But why?'.