"The only advantage I will have over him is my superior speed" Leo reasoned, getting into a sprinting position.

With a burst of energy Leo pushed off the ground turning into a blur as he approached the nonchalant mage. Wulfe seeing a flash of silver, quickly shifted his head to the left, dodging a stab but groaning when a well-placed kick to the ribs sent him crashing into the floor.

"You are fast, I will give you that" Wulfe commended Leo, getting up before he flexed his wands outwards. Streams of bright red flames shot forward, all threatening to scorch the advancing Leo. Leo seeing this, slashed in an 'x' pattern and continued forward not even attempting to evade them.

The flames split into four, fading away and forcing Wulfe to raise an earthen shield in an effort to protect himself from the approaching slashes.

The shield to Leo's surprise was quite sturdy but nevertheless he had expected this and it seemed like everything was going according to plan.

"You are so full of surprises" Wulfe smiled pointing his wand forward as the shield slowly came down.

"I don't think so" Leo thought to himself knowing the damage that Wulfe could mete out on him if he finished casting that spell, and so with another superhuman burst of speed Leo's right dagger travelled fast aiming for the throat.

Using his left hand Wulfe smacked Leo's right hand thus cutting the momentum and preventing the dagger from impaling him. Leo recovered quickly from the initial shock of the block and stabbed forward aiming for the mage's abdomen.

The stab didn't deliver as he was sent flying back courtesy of Wulfe's counter attack in the form of a heavy kick to the ribs.

Wulfe not waiting for the assassin to regain his footing quickly fired a short barrage of fireballs.


Leo evaded a few of the flaming projectiles but coughed blood when a rather giant one struck him in the chest. The impact of the blast was great almost knocking him to the ground and ultimately making him drop to one knee.

"Still alive? Wulfe chuckled, walking forward while a sword comprised entirely of darkness energy formed in his hands.

"Your armor is simply to die for, and I won't mind taking it from your corpse" Wulfe added now breaking into a run as he attempted to cleave of Leo's head in one fell swoop."Didn't think I would be brought down by such a hit" Leo thought, gritting his teeth. The dark sword came down but to Wulfe's surprise, Leo lunged forward; his right fist connecting with Wulfe's stomach.

LWulfe moved back not expecting Leo to still have such strength and sensing a disturbance in the air drew his head back a little second before a thin red line formed on his neck.

Blood trickled down a little but thankfully Wulfe's reflex had made the slash to be shallow. Wulfe's face quickly took on a deadly frown, anger coursing through him for he couldn't believe that Leo had even managed to lay a scratch on him.


Streams of chaos arrows shot forward; creating massive holes as they struck the ground due to, their target evading them with nothing but pure agility and in the process making it to look like he already had an idea on where they were going to strike. However, Wulfe had simply used this attack as a diversion and with that in mind, he casted a spell while the assassin was busy dodging the arrows.

Leo felt a strange tingle up his spine, and so like with the fight against the reaper, he listened to this instinct and leapt up some feet into the air.


A small crack formed on the earth beneath before it widened; opening into a gaping chasm that swallowed everything on its surface.

"I really need to key into this instinct more often" Leo told himself happy that he had somehow evaded that spell. "But still where in the forever realm did that traitor disappear to? He asked himself, all of his senses searching for any sign of Wulfe.

And then like before, the strange instinct kicked in making him to cross his hands seconds before a dark slash from above tore at his body.


Like a meteor Leo crashed into the gaping chasm beneath him, coughing another round of blood when his back crashed into the solid earth.

"Time to die" Wulfe smiled stretching his wand downwards.


Rounds of bright red fireballs filled the chasm drowning it in a bright light and a cacophony of loud explosions. After what seemed to be forever the noise died down leaving the acrid scent of smoke and revealing to Wulfe a vast layer of blackened earth but still no sign of the pesky assassin.

"You are one pesky little rat; you know that? Wulfe sighed casting sensory spell after sensory spell in a bid to discover the location of Leo.

"I may as well just disengage and search for the princess, after all my mana will soon be depleted" Wulfe added yawning from severe exhaustion. Casting another spell, he coated himself in a layer of air magic, as he got ready to track the princess down.


"F*CK! Wulfe exclaimed conjuring an earthen shield in an effort to protect himself from a bright blue beam originating from the deep chasm, that wasted no time in passing through the shield.

The beam not even stopping for a single second continued forward until it passed through the clouds illuminating the darkness for a single moment.

Wulfe placed his right hand against a bleeding abdomen sighing, before like Leo, he crashed into the ground creating a mini crater. "Nice one" Wulfe coughed dismissing the hard layer of earth around his body while he slowly got up. "You actually managed to survive that" smiled the humanoid beast standing at the outer edge of the crater. "Such a nice spell" Wulfe remarked placing a finger through the gaping right hole of his stomach. "First time I am ever seeing a spatial attack of that nature, but I guess you are just full of surprises.

"But no matter you will still die by my hand" Wulfe grinned; his hand glowing with a white light as small crystals of ice formed around the hole sealing it and preventing blood and gastric juices from seeping out.

"Good thing I allowed it to strike in a place not containing any vital organs" Wulfe smiled.

Though Wulfe's timely dodge had prevented the beam from striking very important internal organs, he was still badly affected by the attack that had erased important blood vessels, a part of his large intestine and even veins; meaning that unless he could reconstruct such organs Wulfe would still die anyway regardless of the ice covering the hole.

A high level healing light spell of course could probably do the trick but Wulfe's specialty in darkness and chaos magic prevented him from casting high level light spells that were necessary for healing, not to mention the 'mana fatigue' that he was currently feeling, no thanks to his earlier battle with Patricia.

And so Wulfe's best bet was to kill his opponent quickly and then seek help from a healer. An option that he was glad to take.


"Very well" Leo smiled opening his jaws wide as a bright azure light slowly began to form.*************************************************************************************

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