CHAPTER 49:A New Day 2

"Its strange" Leo smiled.

"What? Bethran asked.

"How early we sleep at the Night" he replied, Bethran nodded in agreement for the entire castle remained silent.

A few sounds of movement could still be heard; probably unlucky assassins who had been assigned the night watch or those who had been assigned late missions.

On approaching the kitchen area, a few assassins led by Celia did greet them, before they retired to get a good night rest.

The duo continued silently, until they arrived at the first floor where the elders lived.

Taking in a breath of air, Leo grabbed the sword shaped knocker before striking it repeatedly against the massive oak door.

Letting go the two waited for a few minutes before a response was heard.

"Leo, Bethran! Tyler beamed. "Cool eyepatch by the way bro".

Leo only smiled, knowing that Tyler was probably worried sick about his safety an was actually scared that he had lost an eye.

"Maybe all the girls will finally start looking his way" Bethran laughed.

"Does it hurt? Tyler asked.

Leo didn't reply for a tall figure had just appeared behind the boy.

"Good evening Fang Alexandre" Leo and Bethran greeted, bowing their heads a little.

"I think it's way past your bed time Tyler" Alexandre frowned.

Gulping a little, Tyler waved at the two before he ran inside.

Alexandre waited for the loud slamming of a door, signaling that Tyler had gone to his room, before he offered the two a sit.

"I'm assuming this visit isn't a casual one?

The two nodded.

"Since you are here I'm sure Fang has already briefed you on majority of what had happened". Alexandre crossed his legs before he continued.

"Like you may already know Leo, my family had been assigned the task of finding and training the chosen one".

"The time this was to happen wasn't sure but the only clue that Orus had given us was that the child would have azure eyes and hair with a shade as deep as the night sky before the stars emerge.

"And then it happened, on a dark rainy day marked with mighty thunderstorms, I was patrolling the forbidden forest; as required of me, for Orus had informed my ancestors that the child would be found there.

But then I heard cries coming from some nearby bushes.

Not wasting any time, I tore through the bushes and there wrapped in a dark indigo cloth was a baby boy with ebony skin, dark blue hair and azure eyes that shone through the night.

Gladly I picked you up and that was the beginning of your journey in the Night.

Thankfully Diane my wife, was so accommodating, and treated you like her very own son, though sadly I never did tell her or anyone in the Night who you truly were.

"The reason being that I didn't want to put the order in danger and also I knew that the Sun would probably take you away and though I could vouch for everyone in the Night, the same cannot be said for the Sun. So instead I trusted Orus words and waited for when you would reach the age to understand everything.

Alexandre took a breath of air as his face changed from its stoic expression to form a sad smile.

"I'm sorry that at such an age, you have already been burdened with the such a huge responsibility".

Leo looked up to the ceiling before he smiled "It's not your fault dad, you have already done your part and I think it's high time I start doing mine.

"In that case you can have this".

Alexandre walked to the massive bookshelf in the room and crouching down, he pulled out a small compartment hidden at its base. Pushing it back, Alexandre placed in Leo's hand a large azure book that had a white stag etched onto its surface.

Leo bowed towards his father before sitting down.

"And now lest I forget" Alexandre smiled. "I have news for you Bethran though it pains me that I would be the one to tell you this instead of Violet.

"That night another baby was found in another part of the forest".

"And that baby was you" ….

"Mom I want the truth and nothing but it" Bethran said as he leaned forward to stare into his mother's sapphire eyes.

"Reduce your voice, he might still be awake" Violet whispered as she pointed upstairs.

Bethran growled a little. "I doubt, the old fart always sleeps likes a log of wood, you of all people should know".

"Fine but just know that I'm really sorry for not telling you this earlier".

"Thirty years ago I had just married what at the time seemed like the love of my life. Everything seemed so magical until the fourth year when I was yet to conceive. He didn't beat me or shout for once, but at the time we became so distant that it looked like we weren't even living as husband and wife.

It became even worse when he started cheating and everything became so frustrating that I started accepting missions that would take me to the farthest reaches of the Phoenix, all in an effort to just forget my troubles.

Then it finally happened, I became pregnant in the eleventh year of our marriage. At that instant my life had never felt so colorful, everyone felt so happy for me and even my husband started treating me like his wife.

In the third month of my pregnancy, I decided to travel to Elyria in order to tell my long lost friend from the Sun, Cassandra, the wonderful new.

And then as if fate decided I had been happy for too long, I had a miscarriage during my fourth month.

My friend tried her best to console me and had even foiled two of my attempts to commit suicide.

In the end I had decided to stay in Elyria for a bit longer. I never came out throughout the remaining three months until finally after some advice I decided to just go back home and bring back the news.

It was raining that night, but still I didn't care even as I trembled from cold not to mention the fact that the tree in front of me had just been split by lightning.

And yet that still didn't bother me until I heard something; a sound that I had always wanted to hear, a sound that made the darkness in my heart dissipate.

A cry of a baby.

Running with all of my might I arrived at a tree where a very tiny baby laid at its foot, trembling from cold and searching for a mother that was nowhere to be seen.

I didn't think twice and with joy I picked the silver-haired boy; happy that the cosmos had finally answered my prayers.

His green eyes shone with gratitude as I cuddled him and I was so distracted while staring at this little bundle of joy that I had failed to notice the tall figure stepping out from the bushes to my right.

"He is cute" Alexandre had smiled as he held your tiny fingers and at the same time nearly giving me a heart attack.

Knowing my tale, he promised to keep my secret and that night we both returned to the night happy and yet receiving two different reactions.

Everyone including my husband surrounded me with joy as they welcomed you to the Night while at the other side the midnights frowned and chastised Alexandre for picking what they considered, some little bum in the forest.

"That my son is the tale of how you entered my life" Violet smiled.

Violet didn't even have the time to clean her tears for she was now in a crushing hug that screamed gratitude and for a moment she remembered the same joy all those years ago when she had hugged a far smaller version of the man before her.

"Thank you for everything mom" Bethran cried as the tears flowed down. Violet in return just patted his back as streams of tears flowed down her own face as well.

"I knew it! Roared a voice from the staircase. "YOU WHORE!!

Rolfe shouted as he descended the stairs in livid fury.

"What did you just say? Bethran growled; his eyes glowing bright green as he breathed slowly.

"Shut up bastard, I should have known this who….

Rolfe never completed this for he was now trembling as he observed the shaking white clawed hand just inches from his heart.

"He is not worth it" Leo growled; his right azure eye shining brightly while a dark furred clawed hand clenched the white paw tightly.

Bethran's eye glowed in bestial fury as it stared at the azure eye, that glowed in likewise intensity.

"Please Bethran" Violet knelt down on the floor, crying "Don't do this".

"Don't cry" Bethran smiled as his right hand began to shrink. "You now tears make you look old".

Violet only laughed.

Leo let go of Bethran's hand; shaking the blood off his fingers.

"And as for you" Bethran grinned, exposing long fangs. "If you ever call my mother a whore or so much as hurt her or make her cry again".

"Death would become something that you would look forward to, anytime you stare into the mirror".

Rolfe still stood shivering especially when Leo passed by him; whispering something that only he could hear.

"Remember I still know what really happened to most of your targets".

Scratching his head, a little, Leo bowed.

"Sorry about the mess".

It was only then that Rolfe noticed the splintered doorway and the massive door resting on the oak floor.

The two left, leaving Violet and Rolfe who now smelled like urine.

"I don't think I can continue with this" Violet finally said as she went upstairs.

Rolfe just sat down onto the oak floor, shuddering as he observed the deep indentations of four horrendous claws.