CHAPTER 52:Supreme Meeting

"I welcome you all to this Supreme meeting" Alicia smiled as she addressed the three mages before her.

"As you all know; our beloved Superintendent Patricia has been missing for the past five days. Reports from the Night and Hamilton claim that Wulfe had played a huge role in her disappearance.

"What this means is that there is a small chance that she is still alive, in wherever the enemy had sent her".

"So you want us to begin searching for her? Gerald interrupted with a yawn.

Alicia stared into the ebony elf's face before she replied with a kiss of her teeth.

"WE have already begun the search for her, you on the other hand haven't lifted so much as a finger which makes me believe that you must be quite pleased with her disappearance right?

"Hey, easy there" Gerald smiled nervously. "I was just trying to lighten the mood".

"This isn't the time for fun and games" Alicia frowned before she continued.

"Unfortunately, even I have been unable to trace the residuals of her mana, which prompts me to believe that she might either be in a seal or somewhere with mana foreign to ours".

"You mean another realm". The old woman with white long hair completed.

"That is a possibility" Alicia nodded in agreement. "Though it pains me to say this, I believe the time has come for us to pick a temporary replacement pending when we find Patricia".

"I agree" Clyde said. "But I think it would be best if we choose the replacement in this meeting".

"Not it" Gregory smiled.

"You were never an option in the first place" the old female mage frowned. "So how will you guys do it?

"I have a suggestion" Clyde spoke up. "I think the vote should lie in your hands, Grand mage Hilda".

"Me? Hilda asked. "I promised not to interfere in the affairs of the new magical generation, remember?

"We know" Alicia said. "But since Gregory has shown no interest in being picked, we think it will be best for you to be the deciding vote.

"If you say so" Hilda sighed in defeat as she crossed her legs. "But first I have a question for the both of you, which must be answered quickly and truthfully.

Hilda's smiling face then turned stoic "Remember nothing, even lies can get past me".

Rubbing her hands together, Hilda leaned forward and gave the two standing mages a good look before she finally turned towards Clyde.

"Why were there so many casualties in Klaustia?

Clyde paused for a few seconds before he replied. "The devil we faced there proved to be a terrible foe and would have claimed more lives if not for my timely intervention.

Hilda hearing this sighed.

"Terrible foe indeed". Staring right into Clyde's fidgeting eyes she continued "In the face of any terrible magical threat such as a devil, demon or powerful forbidden art user, a Supreme must be the first to rush into action unless if he or she is being occupied with a more daunting task elsewhere".

"Here it is"

In a bright flash of green, a pince-nez appeared on Hilda's face while a thick voluminous book appeared on her lap.

"Page two hundred and thirty-five, section twenty-two of the Magic rules and conduct". The grand mage added as she pointed at the dusty page.

"A rule that most of you had disobeyed on the night of the Phoenix attack" Hilda shook her head before facing Gregory. "Especially you".

Gregory didn't say anything in his defense and simply stared at the ground in shame.

"Sadly Clyde, you used the dwarves and members of your own order as a 'bait' instead of facing the threat directly".

There was a disappointed sigh. "And for this reason you cannot be a Superintendent even if temporarily".

"I understand Grand mage" Clyde bowed before taking his seat, leaving Alicia standing in the center.

Hilda crossed her hands and raised her eyebrows up as she observed Alicia, an outsider seeing this might have found it funny since the gesture now made Hilda to look like some long lost scholar.

"Alicia when did you plan on telling your comrades about the book you found in the Magnitian tower?

"How did she know? Alicia's eyes widened for a second before she quickly regained her composure.

"I did find a book in the Magnitian tower and I had already planned to reveal my discovery before the end of this meeting" Alicia explained herself in a confidence that would have fooled anyone except the matriarch before them.

"Well done" Hilda clapped sarcastically. "It seems none of you are fit to take up the mantle".

"I am seriously disappointed in all of you".

"Especially you Alicia, since you're the oldest among these buffoons".

"I think it will be best for things to remain the way they are while we intensify our efforts in finding Patricia". Hilda started slowly as she rose to her feet. "And Alicia don't forget to bring the book to the next meeting".

The grand mage stopped at the door before she added with a sly smile. "And the staff as well"

And just like that the Grand mage left.

"What now? Gregory asked the two.

For once not even Clyde had an answer to that question...

"I guess it's time for these old bags of flesh to get a move on" Hilda yawned as she walked towards the 'immortal' lodge. "It seems I have to pay that lizard a little visit" …

Hilda Locksworth was the last surviving member of the four grand mages; four individuals who had been the founding members of the Order of the Sun.

To the rest of the magical world and the Phoenix, she had died centuries ago along with her comrades. Only the Supremes and a few members of the god rank knew about her real status.

But to the other mages in the Sun, she was nothing more than a cheerful old god rank that worked as a healer. A job that gave her just enough time to see how well the Sun had advanced since the Grand Mages era.

And every once in a while she assisted the Supremes by offering sound advice though she didn't participate in the voting process that put them in their positions.

Still, out of all the Ten Superintendents she had guided, Patricia remained her favorite for she reminded Hilda of a younger version of herself, and that's why she was going to do everything in her power to bring her back safe and sound.


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