"Get the f*ck out of here! An elven soldier shouted before using his boot to kick the skinny blonde elf for good measure.
"You can't do this! The elf shouted back and thus earning himself a painful slap that knocked out a tooth.
"Like I said before if I so much as smell you in this part of the theatre, you can be sure to lose more than a tooth" the soldier barked.
The elf knowing what arguing would bring, just picked up the doll on the floor, wiped the blood from his mouth and after looking back at the theater behind him cursed silently and went back home sad.
Pushing open the door, he almost fell down and instead smiled as he stared into the cute beaming face hugging his legs.
"Welcome home daddy". The round faced elf with brown pigtails laughed before letting go of her father and spinning around as she waited for her daddy's complement.
'What a nice dress Triss" he complemented with joy and pride. "Mummy would have been so proud".
"You really think so? The little girl asked as she spun round and round.
"I know so" her father replied before he carried her into his arms. "Now guess what daddy brought for his little angel".
"A doll? Triss guessed as she beamed wildly.
"Maybe you should apply for the Moon". He complemented as he ruffled her hair.
Reaching into the small bag at his side her father pulled out a little doll and smiled. "Because you are just that darn smart".
"Daddy what happened? The little girl asked as her cheerful face turned into a worried one.
"This? Her dad asked as he cleaned a little bit of blood from his chin. "It's just your awesome dad getting into a fight with a tree bear and coming out victorious".
"Really? The little girl asked.
"Why yes, like I always say yours truly is the strongest dad to ever live".
"Of course he is" the girl smiled as she hugged him once again.
All this happened twenty years before Flamboyant became an elder of the Hyacinth village.
A decision that was supported by everyone in the village for they all knew that among all the gardeners; he wasn't only the most skilled but at the same time had a heart so pure that he always placed the need of his fellow elves' before his.
His daughter Triss currently was a full grown elven female, though not always around due to her work at the Moon.
Something that Goldwyn never stopped to brag about.
Regardless of how the Seed, Bark and Root clan treated them, the Flower and Leaf still went around with their daily lives, smiling and laughing for at least in their discrimination, they still had each other.
All this however began to change when in the tenth year of Flamboyant's time as village head, something bad happened.
"I don't like this one bit" Flamboyant sighed. "This isn't fair, why should our taxes be increased?
Goldwyn his close friend and also a head of the Rose village replied with a frown. "It's expected after all the queen is just trying to make us more human".
"Human? Flamboyant asked.
"Yes "his friend replied. "First it was the establishment of schools and now taxes".
"It's only a matter of time before she makes us cut of our ear tips".
"I don't think it's that bad" Flamboyant smiled. "After all the elven school have brought children from all elvish clans together which will really go a long way in destroying the prejudice against us".
"That's the problem" Goldwyn sighed. "The prejudice will only be made worse for even the queen can't be everywhere".
"Those bastards from the 'elite' clans will only use these 'schools' as a means of proving their superiority to our young ones and thus cementing their inferiority complex from a tender age".
"Whatever, I personally don't really see anything wrong in copying the good things from human society after all they did learn a lot of things from us, like magic and see how advanced they have gone in that regard".
Goldwyn only shook his head in disagreement.
Sadly, Flamboyant's views on human took a drastic turn when a messenger arrived two days later at his doorstep with harrowing news.
His daughter Triss was found dead in a ditch; apparently she was found with a slit on her throat and a letter bearing a panther seal right next to her.
The letter's content however wasn't revealed to the distraught father and to this day he never did find out why his daughter had been 'murdered' by the Night.
The news affected him in more ways more than one, especially since thirty-five years ago on this very day, his wife Triss had been murdered by human robbers that brutally raped her before eventually ending her life.
He had hated and once vowed to kill those humans ever since but not once had he blamed their entire race since other elven bandits had on other occasions murdered humans though rape cases had never been recorded in such attacks.
But with this recent news his heart finally came to the conclusion that Goldwyn was right and when some soldiers from the Root brutally massacred some Flower elves including Goldwyn's son, he knew that something had to be done.
And it didn't come as a surprise when he, Goldwyn and a few members of the Flower formed the cult known as the 'Brotherhood'. Vilfortz return from banishment sparked another series of unfortunate event for through him they all pledged loyalty to the 'Destroyer of Realms' Draghyr.
They also gave the dragon their very lives in return for the protection of their families and showed no fear as their blades and arrows struck down fellow elves and member of other races.
In the end of it all, Flamboyant regretted forming the cult, for Draghyr in the end didn't keep to his promise and repaid their loyalty by sacrificing their family's souls; two hundred in total for what a high ranking member jokingly called a 'Fallen' payment.
Alas it was too late to pull out for only he and Goldwyn knew about this, which even made it more painful that their fellow cult members were fighting for the safety of families that had already been killed.
Draghyr's top 'Twelve'; a group of individuals who formed his round table had even laughed when he had come to beg them to spare at least a hundred of those souls.
The twelve only laughed and one in a swift movement blasted he and Goldwyn with a strange blue fire; giving them the dragon's mark which meant upon their death, both of their souls would return into the embrace of Draghyr.
Strangely even after everything had gone the way they went, Goldwyn was still of the opinion that they should follow this to the end and so they did their best to cover the disappearances of most of their departed comrades.
An effort which in the end proved futile.
More tears dropped from Flamboyant's eyes, agony and guilt written on his face because, in his plot for revenge he had taken more elven lives than the humans and Night; the two things he had seen as ultimate evil.
Thankfully, he was spared the embarrassment of facing the shocked and betrayed looks on the rest of his people's faces .
"You my friend still have questions to answer" Flowyria smiled as she locked eyes with Goldwyn.
Goldwyn's eyes remained wide open as Flamboyant's head stared at him from the queen's right hand.
Even in death the face still bore an expression of guilt and regret.
Shivering a little, Goldwyn placed his hands backwards, only to shudder in ultimate fear when he felt something warm.
His legs in no time also became drenched in the crimson liquid belonging to a headless man who was his longtime friend and brother.
The queen dropped the lifeless head onto the marble floor and turning around sat on her throne; cheek resting in a bloody right hand with an expression that scared the living daylights out of everyone gathered there including her own daughter.