"Curses! Alicia screamed, throwing and kicking the littered papers and scrolls before sending the center table flying with an outstretched hand.
"How did I not notice this" she sighed. "It must have been that darn Fanghyr".
After Hilda had revealed to the rest, what book she now had in her possession, Alicia was determined to find some crucial information first before handing it over to the infuriating 'matriarch'.
Unfortunately for her however, it turned out that a special crystal was required for one to access the spells contained inside.
Meaning that at the moment all she could do was read the foreword which contained a little information about Kay Locksworth life before writing the book, this could be considered great by some but Alicia hadn't collected the book because she had felt like researching.
If that had been the case she wouldn't have gone through all the effort for keeping it hidden in the first place.
No, Alicia had hidden this book because she had planned to use it for her own personal purposes.
Which as of now wasn't going to happen, no thanks to the fact that the rest of the Supremes and Hilda had agreed to bring the meeting date forward and now the meeting which ordinarily should have taken place the following week was now happening tomorrow.
"TOMORROW! Alicia roared again and resuming another frantic search that she inwardly knew would not produce results.
"This will only make me look like another traitor". Alicia panicked getting up to her feet and pacing around the room as she gnawed on a fingernail.
"I could blame it on the Night, saying that they had hidden the crystal for their own nefarious purposes'. Alicia thought but ultimately ruling that out on the fact that the Supremes and possibly Hilda might find it hard to believe that assassins with no magical training would be skilled enough to hide a magical item from a mage not to mention a Supreme.
"This is probably the opportunity Clyde has been waiting for."
Alicia who now was feeling a little bit light headed took her seat.
"That wily old fox would use this is an opportunity to prove that among the three of us left, I am the most dishonorable.
Eventually after mulling over her options, Alicia came up with an idea that she knew was probably going to hunt her for centuries.
She was going to wait for nightfall and then sneak into the Night, but first two variables had to be taken care of.
Putting the book back into a dimension space, she arranged everything with one spell and walked out of the beautiful ivory door.
"The things we do to keep things hidden" Hilda chuckled as she stepped out of the shadows and after taking one last look around the matriarch waved her wand; dismantling all guard and safety spells before silently, she closed the ivory door behind her.
"Let's see what you had been up to Mother".
Reaching into her ancient robes the Matriarch's face frowned a little as her hands searched frantically through the many folds. "I remember keeping it somewhere".
Finally, her hand rested on what she had been looking for.
"For a superior mage, I can be such a klutz sometimes" she shook her head in embarrassment, unclasping her necklace slowly before finally placing it on the table.
Was the spell that came out of her mouth and after what felt like another eternity to her, a small purple portal opened right in front of her.
"Don't mind if is do" she stretched out a wrinkled hand, pulling out the ancient book from what many considered an impenetrable and inaccessible place.
And yet in just a few minutes Hilda had reached into Alicia's space dimension and pulled out what she needed. Still the book could only stay out of the space for five minutes before the Supreme would finally notice the intrusion.
Five minutes which were more than enough…
"Where are you going big bro? Tyler asked impatiently as he put down his wooden sword.
Leo looked into the skies before replying. "I want to go on a little sightseeing before the valor ball takes place".
"Can I join you? A voice asked from within Tyler.
"No you can't Basi" Leo replied and earning himself a hiss of anger.
The purple cobra slithered out of the boy's pocket and changed his tone to a more reserved one. "Please I promise to be good, I'm getting tired of being prodded by all the little whelps in this suffocating castle".
"That's enough Basi" Tyler chuckled. "Don't worry my mom promised to make something special for you.
"No! I'll rather die than to meet that wit...
The cobra had paused when he had caught a slight glint of azure coming off from Leo.
"All right, let's just get this over with" he finally sighed. "Back to rodent catching".
"Isn't it nice that you have access to so many little morsels instead of having to fight over it like your fellow kind in the wild? Tyler asked wondering why the snake wasn't beaming for joy.
Leo on the other hand had left just as soon as he had heard Basi threatening to spit into Tyler's eyes when he sleeps and the latter promising to return the gesture by turning him into his mother's birthday gift.
"After all I heard snake skin makes really good leather" Tyler's voice trailed off followed by a frightened hiss.
"Now where do I start from" Leo thought hard for it had been long since he had been presented with such a long period of rest. "I think I have just the right place in mind".
Looking up again the assassin frowned. "It's already dark".
"I have a long walk ahead of me".
"That takes care of one" Alicia smiled, jumping down from a massive tree before uttering the spells needed to open the Night's gate.
"Now to find that crystal".
Moving quickly Alicia sneaked past the assassins taking the Night watch, while still keeping her eyes peeled for Bethran who as of now would be the only person in the castle that would be able to detect her presence.
Or so she thought.
Tyler chatted idly with some of his friends, laughing loudly much to the annoyance of the snake.
But then something captured its attention or rather someone.
"An intruder? The cobra asked himself wondering why none of the boys had noticed the woman who had just walked past them. At first he had considered alerting them but that could only tip off the intruder that she had been found out, so instead the snake decided to take things into its own hands or rather tail.
Freeing himself from Tyler's robes the cobra slithered off in the direction of the intruder, happy that finally he had found something interesting.