abandoned toy factory

In a black car in a clear road was a boy named max McKnight he was lend a cap to head towards a supposed abandoned toy factory that was popular in the 19s

It was to make sure that no lost souls were in their and in case it bacame a territory he thought he can handle it alone so he was now on his way there to investigate.

From the information gathered the factory was named playtime co and it was a smashing hit in the past due to there advance toys especially like ones called poppy and another one called huggy wuggy but strange things started to happen and after a couple of years it mysteriously shut down.

One of the scouts from The E.X.O corporation felt like something was odd about this factory so they decided to send an exorcist to take care of it and max accepted the job since him and his crew took a break and it doesn't hurt to start big after a 2 weeks of vacation.

Max was getting sleepy and the driver was focused on the road he saw the time and it was dusk so he decided to take a nap.

After a few hours they finally made it to the factory and max who had a good sleep saw that the factory looked like a city.

Driver: sorry if the ride was boring.

Max: it's alright i had time to think about strategies in case I get into trouble.

Driver: good to know also i saw a motel nearby so I'll stay there when you need me to pick you up.

Max: thanks.

The driver then took of and max looked at the factory and like the scout said in the report this place those have an odd air around it.

Max: welp it's time to get to work. Moline.

A white snake appeared out of thin air and open its mouth and max pulled out a bagged up sword he got the straps tied to his chest and the bag was on his back.

Moline: not gonna lie big bro this place is creepy.

Max: since when had that stopped us?

Moline: you are right but still.

Max then walked up to the entrance and opened the entrance door and he saw a table and two locations.

He went up to the table and saw a vhs tape he saw a tape player connected to a tv.

He put it in and he watched what it had in it but instead of showing a video all the tape caught was a voice.

It was a about a man named Leigh Pierre who was the head of innovation and he was talking about the security system in the factory.

Max didn't care much about the history but taht doesn't mean he can't use the information.

He then looked to the left and saw a door along with a security pad but instead of numbers it had colors.

If max was a normal person he would have find a code or something but max wasn't a normal person.

He raised up his leg and kicked the door open and he saw a wierd back pack looking thing he noticed another tape and he put on to see what it was about.

The tape showed about a tool called a grab pack it's a tool that had two hands and it can be used for rewiring and transfer electricity and the grip of these things is strong enough to rip a head off.

Max didn't see anything else of importance besides the grab pack he decided to take it so he adjusted the straps on his bagged sword and put it sideways in his waist.

He then put on the grab pack and he it felt wierd.

Moline: you look goofy with that on.

Max: shut up.

He took it of and he threw it in the air and moline swallowed it storing it in her pocket dimension for a stomach.

Max: I used that thing unless I need it.

Moline: you just don't like how wierd it make you look.

Max: oh crew you sis.

Moline just laughed and disappeared in white particles.

He then when on to a place called the gift shop and what stood out was toys covered in blood that gave him the vibes of someone was killed here or something else happened.

He didn't see anything of importance so he left the gift shop and head passed by the main desk and he at the back which had a metal gate but this time it needed the blue hand of the grab pack.

Like the door that had security pad he kicked it but this time he hit it with more force and the gate was kicked off it's hinges.

And on the other side was a blue furred creature with red lips and goggle looking eyes.

Max got closer and he instantly sensed that this thing was alive but he didn't want to start trouble unless this thing attacks first.

He got closer and saw a stand that had information on this thing.

This is the second most popular toy huggy wuggy next to poppy.

He then saw a door and once again it had a pad that needed the blue hand to open it.

Like the one that led to huggy he kicked it off its hinges and continued not caring about the property damage.

Huggy's eyes turned to see the direction the human went he was somewhat surprised that he had the strength to kick a steel door down especially for a human.

But that aside huggy was concerned about one thing and it's to eat he hasn't eaten in a while so seeing fresh pray is not something he will let pass.

However max wasn't a normal human and he will learn that the hard way.

Max was in place that had lots of boxes made he found another tape that talked about how the company had an orphanage system and how the employees weren't treated properly.

Once he was done collecting fuse boxes he got the red hand of the grab pack.

He got back to the room huggy was in and this the blue furball was no where to be seen.

Max was used to the creepy dynamics so this didn't freaked him out but instead he thought the blue menace was watching him.

He decided to ignore it and just continue towards another door.

This one had a long hallway with lots of darkness but after a while he stumbled onto another metal door.

Like the others he kicked it down and when it came down he saw that he was in a room that had lots of machines he saw a stand and it was called the make a friend machine.

Basically this thing can create toys he saw that one of the doors that usually used to transport toys to other locations was opened but he didn't see it as important.

He was about to come back to where he came but he stopped because he sensed the blue menace was waiting to get the jump on him.

Max: nice try fur ball but that doesn't work me so if you have a problem with me show yourself.

Huggy indeed was surprised on how he was instantly found out but he didn't care how he was hungry and he there stealth out the window and just went for it.

Huggy revealed himself to max who unlike before had two sets of teeth and he looked at him with hunger.

Any normal person would have Been scared by this monsterous appearance but instead as just smile not talk the blue fur all seriously.

Max: wow I knew you were ugly before but now you look like you are trying way too hard to be scary.

This seemed to agitate huggy who launched at max who stood in place.

When huggy was about to grab max to eat him max put up his arm and black fire like energy surrounded his fist.

And with one fast move he punched huggy hard enough to knock him out in just one punch.

Max saw the in unconscious state of huggy was knocked out cold he thought that this thing was a lost soul but when he looked on the ground he saw blood and not black blood like he expected but red blood.

He took out his phone and took a picture of huggy and the blood to one of his superiors and that was Miguel.

Miguel: I saw the picture and I can tell it ain't a lost soul since it appears on camera so what is that thing?

Max who was on the phone had huggy tied up and gagged incase he tries to attack him.

Max: no clue but I can tell it's organic and not meta physical.

Miguel: have you encountered a lost soul?

Max: none that I've seen.

Miguel: okay continue to investigate and incase you need back up call me.

Max: got it.

Miguel hung up and max was now wondering what is going on in this factory if it can create a monster version of one of its toys.