getting answers.

Huggy didn't know what happened one minute he was about to grab his prey an the next he felt a blow and passed out.

When he was waking up he saw max right in front of him looking at him with an analytical eye he tried to attack him but he felt his arms and legs were tied up in black tendrils connected to max's body.

And not only that his mouth was gagged and now he realized that the hunter has become the prey.

Max looked at huggy analyzing him he looked at him in the eyes and he saw that the creature was afraid of him and he can tell that his eyes had terror.

Max: be glad that I'm merciful because when it comes to try to kill me I can hold a grudge but let it be known.

He looked directly into huggy's eyes to get the message across.

Max: do anything stupid and I'll kill you on the spot. And in case you don't believe me.

He got out a small blade and he stabbed huggy to where the liver was supposed to be and huggy let out a muffled roar of pain.

Max: now unless you want to end up losing a limb I suggest you start talking.

But huggy didn't have the ability to speak he was one of the early experiments so at the time they didn't gave him the ability to talk so even if max tried torture him he can't say anything.

Max didn't hear a single word from huggy he thought that he was playing hard to get and he was about to get violent he grabbed one of his arms and he was about to cut it off but moline stopped him.

Moline: big bro wait!

Max: what?

Moline: I don't think he can't talk.

Max: the hell those that mean?

Moline: I saw that he looked really terrified and he looked like he was going to spill his guts.

Max looked at huggy's eyes and he once again saw fear in them he let out a sigh and decided to try something.

Max: alright let's do this I'll ask something and just turn your head in yes or no can you do that?

Huggy relax a bit and he nodded his head.

Max: okay at least you understand me so first question are you a lost soul?

Huggy didn't know what that was so he just shook his head in a way to say no.

Max: okay.

He looked at the bleeding wound and he decided to test something.

Max: hey moline try this.

He whipped up some blood and he raised his fingers so that moline can taste it he knows that both lost souls and pure souls can eat human but that is mostly the work of a lost soul.

Moline licked the blooded fingers and she indeed tasted human blood.

Moline: it's human blood alright.

He turned to look at huggy again and he was thinking about what happened here did they secretly made biological weapons or something?

Max: hey listen to me and listen well because I'm not gonna repeat myself I'm gonna to free you and if you attack me this time I'll cut your head off you understand me?

Huggy felt like max was serious and if he can knock him easily then it's most likely that he can kill him easily so he nodded.

Max looked at huggy's eyes and he felt like he wasn't lying so he unwrapped his black arms of huggy and went back to his body.

Huggy got up and he walked away wanting to get away from this monster of a human which was kinda ironic.

But max once again called him out.

Max: remember furball if you come after me I'll make sure you don't have a head.

Huggy heard the threat and he walked away back to his stand leaving max alone in make a friend.

Max: fuck now what do?

Moline: try going through the vents?

He turned to see the open vent door and he went there to see where it leads.

The vents were a pain in the ass to pass but eventually he made it towards a place that had a massive pit below that looked endless

He went down some stairs and he saw a door with a red flower symbol with toys hanging.

While he was walking he accidentally kicked a vhs tape the he didn't notice he grabbed it and put it on a player connected to a tv.

Unlike the others this one had an air of chaos thanks to the screams in the background but while that was happening a scientist was talking about an experiment going by. Exp 1006 the prototype.

And the rest of the tape was about the scientist rambling about continuing in the name of science before the tape cut off leaving a blank screen.

Unlike the other tapes this one had more information and one thing is for sure they were doing experiments but he doesn't know the reason why.

Nevertheless he continued and opened the door and he heard a music box like sound.

When he got down stairs he saw the doll that was the face of playtime. Poppy in a case supposedly sleeping.

Max could have just walked away and looked for another way but he sensed that the doll like huggy was alive but unlike huggy she felt more intelligent.

He ordered moline to give him a hand gun to kill the doll if it tried to attack him.

He his hand on the case door and the hand with the gun at the ready.

When he opened the case poppy's eyes opened wide and max not taking chances put up the guns towards poppy's head and this startled the doll.

Max: try anything funny and I'll blow whatever is inside that head of yours.

Poppy: wait!!

He was caught off guard by the fact that the doll can talk but he regained his focus back and looked at her with a fierce expression.

Max: you can talk huh? You might have some answers to some of my questions.

Poppy: huh who are you? You don't look like an employee.

Max: I'm not I just came here to investigate and I met your blue furball friend.

Poppy had an offended look and she elaborated.

Poppy: huggy is not my friend he is nothing but a monster.

Max: so you and him have bad history?

Poppy: not personal but based on what he did.

Max: what did he do?

Poppy: he killed people innocent people.

Max wasn't going to defend huggy but this peaked his interest

Max: since you can talk explain what is huggy? Is he a bio weapon?.

Poppy: no he is a child turned into.. that.

His eyes widen at hearing this.

Max: what the hell do you mean that he is a kid?

Poppy: they used children for their experiments but more specifically orphans.

Poppy saw how this guy's expression went blank and he put his gun down and walked towards a wall.

And to her surprise he punched the wall so hard that he broke it with his bare hands and it didn't suffer any damage.

Max: if this is true then this whole toy factory thing is bullshit!

He then turned to poppy.

Max: is there any scientist alive?

Poppy: no they are the bodies of eat.

He perked up at this.

Max: why? Did they feed them normal food?

Poppy: no I think the scientists made them carnivals so that they can get rid of anyone who is trying to expose them.

Max: of course why not make your bio engineer toy a carnival sure that isn't going to bite them in the ass.

He then let out a sigh and got out his phone to call Miguel and update him on the situation.

Poppy saw the device on max's hand and it looked more advanced then the ones she saw the scientists used to communicate.

Miguel: hey did you find anything?

Max: now but I just found out that huggy is actually an orphan child.

Miguel on the other side was surprised by this news but he needed the details.

Miguel: how did you found out?

Max: well.

He looked at poppy thinking on how he should describe it.

Max: let's just say I encountered another living toy and it's poppy.

Miguel: is she hostile?

Max: no for now at least but don't worry if she tries anything I will kill her on the spot.

Poppy felt like those were a promise of pain.

Miguel: fine you need anything?

Max: nah I'm good besides now that I know that they are children I don't have to worry.

Miguel: why?

Max: since these children were used as lab rats they don't have combat experience so in terms of skill and power I'm on the top.

Miguel: still because if you encounter a lost soul you'll have trouble."

Max: don't worry I know what I'm doing.

Miguel: you better call me when you found anything else.

Max: Roger that.

Miguel then hung up and max was now lost in thought. How did the scientists manage to turn children into these creatures was it some kind of special mechanism Or a special chemical?

Poppy saw how max was lost in his own world and she got out of her case and looked around for anyway to get out.

She saw a door behind a book case and she would have tried to move it but thanks to her small body she can't so she went back to get max.

Poppy: hey there is a door behind a bookcase I think it might be a way out.

Max got up and he saw the door and moved the bookcase easily.

Poppy: um hey

Max: mmm?

Poppy: can I sit on your shoulder I can't exactly keep up.

Max: fine.

He got on poppy's level and she got on his shoulder and hanging on to not fall.

And poppy was curious on who he was since he isn't an employee she didn't know anything about this guy.

Poppy: so who exactly are you since you aren't an employee I haven't seen you before.

Max took a moment to think and answered.

Max: I'm max McKnight an exorcist.