mommy wants to play

Poppy wasn't sure what an exorcist was but she could tell that he was arm to the teeth and he didn't sound like he had trouble with huggy.

Poppy: what is an exorcist?

Max: it's basically a tittle that is given people who drive away evil spirits.

Poppy: that sounds pretty fake.

Max: says the living doll on my shoulder.

Poppy: I'm one thing but evil spirits thats impossible.

Max: whatever I didn't expect you to believe me anyways.

They were now in front of a red door that was the office of Elliot Ludwig.

Poppy: we need a key to open the door luckily I know where-

She was cut off when max kicked the door open and poppy was caught of guard that he did just kicked the door.

Max: searching is a waste of time.

Poppy: did you really needed to open it like that?

Max: no but I'm not patient enough to look for a key.

Poppy got off max's shoulder and got on the desk and he noticed a piece of paper he grabbed it and read it.

The note was about an experiment about a rat but what was eye catching to him was the part where it says they put the rat in a poppy gelled mixture and gave it an electric shock but from what it says it didn't succeed he saw the top of the note and it said exp 814.

Max: looks like this is one of the earliest experiments.

Poppy: can you show me?

Max gave the note to poppy and she read it.

Poppy: this the first time I heard of this looks they worked on rats and then they moved on to bigger experiments.

Max: the children. I swear to everything that's holy I meet one of these scientists I will make sure they suffer.

Poppy saw how max's hand was clenching and she saw how he was genuinely mad.

Max: give me the note I'm gonna take a picture and send it to Miguel.

She handed him the note and she was curious on this Miguel she doesn't recognize it as an employee.

Poppy: who is Miguel?

Max: he is my superior and he works in the investigation department.

Poppy: so he is a detective?

Max: yeah he is.

He took a picture of the note and sent it to Miguel he then looked around the room for anything of importance but all that this room had was drawings.

They left the room and encountered a metal door poppy suggest to get the power back on but max once again kicked it down.

Poppy: how do you have the strength to kick a metal door?

Max: this place is run down and I'm pretty strong as for how that's my secret.

They continue on but they encourage a massive sinkhole.

Poppy: we would need a grab pack to get through this there is something that we can hang onto.

Max: that's not necessary.

He used his black arms to make wings and he flew over the sinkhole surprising poppy.

When they got to the other side poppy had to ask how he can do that.

Poppy: how did you do that?

Max: that's my secret to keep.

They opened a door and it had a sinkhole but unlike the one before it's more of a giant hole.

Max threw a small rock onto the hole to see if it was that deep he enhanced his ears to hear if it hit bottom but instead it sounded like it was sliding.

Poppy: max.


Poppy: I'm going to need you to trust me on this there is a-

Poppy was cut off when max grabbed her and backed away from the sinkhole where a pink hand tried to grab her it was pink with a blue wristband.

The hand failed to grab its objective and it disappeared into the sinkhole.

Max: looks like this experiment is stretchy literally.

Poppy: that was mommy that was way too close.

Max: mommy? Is that her name?

Poppy: yeah mommy long legs.

Max: that's a wierd name but what do you expect from a toy factory I'll just call her long legs no way in hell I'm calling her mommy it grosses me out.

He decided to take the sinkhole and when they jumped max made wings to slow them down incase they hit the ground.

Max felt something in his foot and he realized this whole sinkhole had a slide in it.

They slid down the slide and when they got to the end they saw a metal door that said game station.

Poppy: I'm guessing you are going to kick it down?

Max: yup.

He wond up his leg and kick it down with force they walked pass by the now busted metal door and they saw another metal door that needed the red hand of the grab pack.

Max was about to get close enough to kick it down but he sensed a presence above him.

Poppy: why did you-

Mommy long legs: new playmates!

They both looked up and saw a figure that looked like a Betty spaghetti doll to max.

Mommy long legs: it's been so long since I've seen anyone here.

Poppy: mommy.

Mommy long legs: I was planning to snatch you so that you wouldn't cheat but I figured this would make things interesting.

Max: so you are long legs huh?

Mommy long legs: it's mommy long legs.

Max scoffed at that.

Max: like hell I'll call you mommy it's pretty damn awards so no I'm just calling you long legs.

Mommy was somewhat ticked off that someone insulted her name to her face but she will wait until she gets see him get killed during the games.

Mommy long legs: well if that's the case then how about we play some games because I can tell you want to get out of here.

Poppy: what no he-

Max: yes I do want to get out of here.

Poppy looked at max like he lost his mind as for mommy she bought it.

Mommy long legs: how about this I have the code for you to escape and if you win you can have it sound fair no?

Max: that's sounds fair.

Mommy then decided to show who is the one in charge by threatening max.

Mommy long legs: obey the rules or I'll tear you apart and eats your insides while you are still alive.

Max just looked at her with a straight face and he decided to throw her off.

Max: I'll looking forward to that promise.

There was a silence and moline inside max's head was shaking her head in disappointment at the joke.

Mommy pretended she didn't hear anything max said and back away and she opens the door saving max the trouble of busting it.

But before he got moving poppy pulled on his hair getting his attention.

Poppy: what the hell are you doing? Didn't you say that you were investigating?

Max: don't worry I'm not leaving I'm just playing her and besides I can tell that she is not going to keep her word so I'm just pretending.

Poppy: so you lied about getting out of here to just pretend she has something on you?

Max: yup plus I feel like this so called game station aren't actually games.

They got into the game station and the place looked like a train station so max guess that's were the game station name came from.

He pulled a lever and a voice from a woman named Stella rang out.

And a door that said musical memory open and they got down but poppy saw a hole.

Poppy: hey max let me down.

Max: why?

Poppy: I have a feeling the other side of that hole.

She got down and went into the hole and it was too small for max to get through so he went into were the game was supposed to take place.

He got inside and a screen turned on and played a video it was a normal tutorial video except that it said that this was to test reaction speeds and memory max wasn't a tech genius or anything but he can tell that this is more of a test then games and he looked up and saw the bunny named bun so max didn't feel threatened by the yellow rabbit but it doesn't mean that he won't try to see how this so called game works.

He heard a bang and he turned to see mommy long legs in a control room watching through a window.

Mommy long legs: oh isn't it amazing mommy hasn't seen the place up and running in years I can only imagine how excited bunzo is.

While mommy was talking max noticed that bunzo was lowering but it was to intimidate him.

Mommy long legs: it's been such a long time since he's been able to play. To cheer. To eat.

Bunzo clashed his symbols and went back up.

Through out the whole thing max was doing fairly well his memory wasn't perfect but it worked well enough.

But when he was at the round five things got completely out of control the screens Keeped on giving him patterns non stop but a button with a caution symbol was spinning around he broke one of the buttons and threw it at the caution button and the whole thing broke.

Mommy long legs: oh it broke that's no fun. For doing a good job mommy has decided to give you part of the code for the train.

Mommy stretch her arm and it had a piece of paper he took it and the hand went back.

Mommy long legs: I was hoping the game could last but oh well I have other ways to play with you.

Max: cool it lady I'm not into what freaky shit you are in.

Once again mommy felt like ripping this guy to pieces but she decided to hold back her anger.

While max was walking away the bridge lowered and he slipped but thanks to his experience as an exorcist he enhanced his legs with spiritual energy and he jumped landing perfectly in the exit he looked up and saw mommy with a bewildered look.

Max: you missed.

With that remark he left and once he did mommy couldn't hold back her rage and she decided to take it out on bunzo.

And the poor rabbit was killed by her max heard the sounds of a commotion when he got back into the station and he felt bunzo's presence was gone he didn't care much since the rabbit was intending to kill him or eat him as mommy said but he then noticed that poppy was nowhere to be seen.

Max: I really hope that doll isn't doing anything stupid.