she crazy

Max went up to the control panel and he pulled the lever and once again the voice of Stella rang out and the next game was called wack-a-wuggy.

and max can easily put together that this game might be related to huggy and if huggy showed himself max will make sure that he is dead.

He got on to the stairs of wack-a-wuggy and when he got there he saw holes and a window to a control room a video once again played and it said the rules of the "game" and it was about reaction speed also he needed a grab pack but he won't need it.

And once again mommy long legs's voice rang out but luckily this time she didn't ramble much.

Mommy long legs: the toys in this game used to have strings attached to them so they could be pulled back when they got too close to the children…have fun.

He then heard noises from the vents and he assumed that the Huggies were making their move.

Mommy was sure that this guy can't survive this because you need a grab pack to do this game properly she was sertant that he will die.

But unfortunately for her max wasn't easy to kill.

He focused his black arms and made them into tendrils and he made small walls in the holes so that the Huggies couldn't get out now all he needed to do was wait until the time ran out.

Mommy was wide eyed she was not expecting this human to actually do something bizarre and she just doesn't understand.

While max was ignoring mommy's surprise face he took out his phone and decided to call mikado his adopted mom to see how she is doing he knew that she can get worried about him when he isn't around.

Max: hey mom just checking in how are you doing?

Mikado: funny I was thinking about calling you but anyway the charm shop is doing okay.

Max: how's Mona?

Mikado: she already misses you but that aside how's the mission anything interesting in that toy factory?

Max looked at mommy who was looking at him with a stunned look guess he broke her mind.

Max: well it's interesting to say the least.

Mikado: well when you are and come I'll prepare your favorite food.

Max: can't wait.

The lights turned on and a jingle rang out guess that means that the game is over.

Mikado: what was that?

Max: a signal to get back to work. Talk to you later mom.

Mikado: okay don't get killed out there.

They both hung up and max noticed how mommy was recovering from her stunned state.

Mommy long legs: huh? oh you did it…..hooray mommy is so proud of you here I have another hint for you.

He saw mommy's hand coming out of a vent and took the piece of paper.

Mommy long legs: only one game left to play sigh mommy was hopping you stayed here forever. Thought it's never too late to change your mind.

Max: for fuck sake stop it with the sexual jokes you sound wierd.

He left the room leaving once again an angry mommy long legs and she was going to take it out on the Huggies.

Max had to jump his way through a broken staircase and when he got on top he heard the sound of mommy killing the Huggies but like bunzo he didn't felt bad for them.

He got into a room with railings he walked around and he saw a place bordered up he was about go down but a familiar voice stopped him.

Poppy: max!

Max turned and saw poppy but what was surprising was that she was on the shoulder of a huggy wuggy look alike but it was pink and had eye lashes he also noticed no hostility from it.

Poppy: glad to see that you are alive.

Max: I'm fine but who is the huggy wuggy look alike?

Poppy: oh this is kissy missy we met while I was looking for you.

Max saw how kissy was doing a small wave of her hand to say hello he piece together that she might not be able to talk like huggy.

Max: looks like she can't talk.

Poppy: yeah the Huggies type of toys aren't able to speak since they don't have voice boxes.

Max: sorry to hear that.

Poppy: anyway good thing I managed to find you. I want to give you this.

Kissy crouched down and she took off a green hand from her leg max can guess that this is for the grab pack.

Poppy: this green hand can store up power and you can transfer it to other circuits.

Max: I don't exactly need it but thanks anyway.

Poppy: hey max.

Max: yeah?

Poppy: back at the sinkhole I was going to say that maybe we can work together.

Max raised an eyebrow at this.

Max: team up in what?

Poppy: look there is an experiment that was successful and it called 1006 the prototype.

Max: I heard about that but I actually thought that was huggy.

Poppy: no but he is the reason thinks became like this and I want to stop him by killing him.

Max: then what?

Poppy: huh?

Max: if you plan to kill him to get revenge then what you take over the place you would just be restarting the whole thing over again and plus this might be a factor but this place feels more like a prison for all of you. Basically there is not point in killing him if it doesn't have any exact benefit.

Poppy: well we can't exactly leave we are living breathing toys we can't go out there people will see us as freaks.

Max put a hand to his chin and thought of something

Max: i might have an idea on that but right now I might need to get back to playing with long legs i have a feeling she is going to snap soon.

Poppy: alright me and kissy will wonder around see you.

Missy walked away but she looked back at max with a curious look.

Max went down towards the boarded up railway and he threw the green hand in the air and moline materialized and at it storing it.

He got into a hole and ended up back at the entrance of Wack-a-wuggy he got back to the control panel and pulled the last lever and the voice of Stella rang out and the next game was called statues.

He went toward the last game and he was in a play ground like area the tv once again turned on and the rules played out.

The simple rules in this game is to move when the lights are off and stand still in the dark but he is allowed to look around but can not move

and the purpose of this game was to test a child's stamina he didn't know why would that matter but he wasn't a scientist.

Also a big toy named pj puggapillar was going chase him but he can tell this thing wasn't a threat.

And like before mommy was in the control room.

Mommy long legs: it was really sad to see the kids go they called me mommy because I was the closest thing to one.

Max:( or maybe because that's literally your name)

Mommy long legs: but they came for games. And never came back they left me to die alone. Mommy didn't deserve that but of course since you aren't an employee you wouldn't know what I'm saying anyway let the games being.

Unfortunately for pj max was pretty agile thanks to his training he was faster then normal people and pj never got close to max.

But when max came to the supposed end it a collapse mess and he pieced together that in this thing he was supposed to die.

He saw a window and when the lights were off he jumped into window and busted through.

He saw two notes but he knew that mommy was going to notice that he was gone and likely she would accuse him of cheating.

He took the notes and jumped into a hole that was big enough for him to fit through when he was about to hit the ground he made wings with his black arms and flew towards the other side.

While he was walking around mommy's voice rang out and she was becoming more and more unstable but max ignored her since he was used to dealing with psychos.

He had to make his way through multiple passageways and control stations but he got to one that looked like a water control facility.

But what interested him was a note and it was about mommy long legs or her real name Marie Payne.

The note said that her behavior was becoming problematic so they sent her into the game station to deal with her behavior.

Now that he had a name a real name he can finally get the mommy long legs name out of his head.

A few more moments of traveling he fell through a vent and he was in a place with a hole on the top.

He was about to get out through the hole but he then felt Marie's presence falling from the top he backed away to avoid her crashing into him and she looked like she was loosing her sanity.

Marie: I asked you to play fair and you cheated I hate cheaters!!. But now we are going to play one last game!!

Max saw how her body was stretching out her fingers arms legs stretched out if anything saw this they wouldn't be scared but not max who was used to creepy stuff.

Marie: it's called hide and.SEEK!!!

And now her pupils were dialed and she started counting but max didn't move

When she got to one she charged at him but like huggy he raised his fist and charged spiritual energy into it and he swung his fist and socked her in the face making her head hit a stone wall knocking her out.

Max looked at the knocked out Marie Payne and he looked at her limbs and knew how to restrain this unstable girl.