Max came from the top of the train station he went to the control room that had in it was the last code for the train.
But he didn't care about that he dropped from the control room and landed in the bottom making cracks in the ground.
He put down a tied up mommy long legs but he was calling her by her real name Marie Payne.
She was still knocked out and that was good because he plans to test something but he heard loud footsteps and he turned to see kissy and poppy.
Poppy: hey good to see you're still alive.
She looked at the knocked out Marie and she thought that max killed her.
Poppy: did you kill her?
Max: nope.
Poppy: huh?
Max: i plan to test something on her.
Poppy: what?
Max: first let me confirm something.
Max put his hand on to Marie's back and his theory was confirmed the body and the soul are unstable this explained why she was was so aggressive.
He wasn't a genius but the body and soul rejecting each other was a bad things and this was the first time he encountered this kind situation.
But he noticed how the body was actually suppressing the soul while the soul was trying to expand its self.
He figured this made sense since Marie was originally human and the scientist put her in another body so the body was actually suppressing her soul which in turned made her mentally unstable.
While max was doing his thing poppy and kiss saw how max's jacket was moving around like there is wind but they felt nothing this got poppy curious on what max was doing.
Max had an idea since the body is suppressing her soul he guessed that he is gonna have to drain her vitality so that the soul can bloom.
And so that's what he did he focused just on the vitality and started to drain it but he will make sure that he doesn't accidentally kill her.
The process was long and it took max a lot of focus on it but when he sensed the soul of Marie becoming stronger he stopped and he got up and backed away.
But the next second Marie's body was changing she looked more human and she still had some of her toy counterparts features but overall this was an improvement in his opinion.
Meanwhile kissy and poppy were stunned by this bizarre scene.
Poppy: max. What did you do?
Max: not now I have a headache I'm gonna sit down.
Marie was waking up and when she did she felt like her body wasn't as stretchy as before but not only that she felt really tired and her head felt clear and she was having memories that she doesn't remember.
She managed to sit up and she saw max sitting in the stairs she wanted to charge at him but she still couldn't move.
Max noticed that Marie was awake and he got up and looked down at her.
Max: yo?
Marie tried to stretch out her arm but she couldn't and then she noticed how human her arm looked different.
Marie: what did you do to me?
Max: let's just say I did some modifications to your body.
Poppy and kissy were at the side worried that Marie might try something.
Poppy: you sure is okay to be that close to her?
Max: even if she did I can take her out she isn't that strong.
Marie: I'll kill you! You bastard!
Max: do it then.
Marie got up with some trouble but she was blinded by rage to feel the tiredness of her body she tried once again to stretch her arms but nothing happened.
She then noticed how her body was different she feels human and the feeling felt alien.
Max: so you notice?
Max took out his phone and took a picture of Marie and when he found the picture he showed it to her.
Marie was stunned to see her new body.
Marie: this is me?
Max: yup and thanks to you a theory of mine was confirmed.
Poppy: that is?
Max: first let me ask kissy a question.
Kissy percked up the her name.
Max: were you originally human?
Kissy just nodded.
Max: welp that answers my questions.
Poppy: what are you talking about?
Max: if kissy was human that means that whatever the scientist did to transfer her to that body also transfer her soul and since the body kissy is in wasn't her original body the soul was being suppressed by the body.
Poppy was honestly confused by max's words she can understand the scientific process but this didn't make sense.
Poppy: I don't get it are you saying that thing with the soul actually exists?
Max: that's exactly what I'm saying since kissy's soul was in an unfamiliar body it was having problems adapting but it could thanks the high amount of vitality of these bodies it was suppressing the soul.
Poppy looked at Marie who sat down with hands on her head but she was listening to the conversation but poppy only had one question.
Poppy: so what is mommy now.
Max: first stop calling her that her real name is Marie Payne and second I guess you can say that she is half spiri since her soul was moved to a body with vitality she is technically still alive but her soul was bonded to her human side in other words she is like half dead half alive.
Poppy: but why is she a teenager?
Max: well considering that she was a kid when she was turned into that I guess her soul developed into its teenage phase she might look mature in her toy version but by today her correct age would be a teenager.
Marie was listening to the conversation and when she heard her name she started to remember her memories of her childhood and she remembered being adopted by a woman and that nightmare and the scientist
And that massacre.
She started to breathe heavily and she remembered that she killed multiple people innocent and guilty alike and one of her victims was her adopted mother.
Marie started to build up tears at realizing what she did she killed her mother.
Max and the others noticed this and he sat by her.
Marie: what have I done? I killed so many people.
Max put a hand on her shoulder and that caught her attention but instead of saying anything he passed her the note file that was about her.
She grabbed it and she read it and to say that she was mad was an understatement when she was still mommy long legs she didn't know why she was put in the game station to begin with but now knowing she was there to so that the scientist could control her and the children pissed her off.
Max: I'll admit you didn't made a good impression on me and clearly you have some issues.
Marie heard those words and she turned away out of shame.
Max: but it can't say it was completely your fault if the scientist didn't do these experiments you wouldn't become an unstable person so all I can say is try to make up for that.
Marie heard those words and she felt a little better but she still didn't know what she was going to do.
Marie: how should I do that? I'm not even the top dog in this place the prototype is the one who started this whole thing.
Max: well you could try to get revenge on him but like I told poppy killing him won't fix anything and if anything it will just cause more trouble.
But max stopped and thought of his original plan and he got up and called Miguel.
Miguel: hey kid I saw the notes what happened?
Max: Miguel i just did a little test and I managed to turn one of the toys into a half spirit.
Miguel: how come?
Max: well there were originally human and when they got into there new bodies the soul was unfamiliar with its new form so it tried adapt but since the vitality of the body did match up with the one it was born with it was suppressed so I absorbed some of its vitality but only enough so that the soul can bloom
and appearly a soul in a different body has a lot of negative results like an unstable behavior and an identity disorder at least that's what I figured.
Miguel: I see is that all you need to say?
Max: well I want to give these guys a chance to live in somewhere that isn't an abandoned factory.
Miguel was silent for a while for a while but later a sigh came from the other line.
Miguel: I'll just put them on witness protection when you get back though how many are with you at the moment?
Max: three.
Miguel: well I'll send an extra cap in case you get more than three also when you come back training will be hard on you because you just have paperwork that I already finished so be ready for your punishment.
Miguel hung up and max had a look of someone who accepted his death.
Poppy: what happened?
Max: well he agreed to my request but when I come back he is going to put me through the wringer.
Poppy: is that bad?
Max just gave an empty laugh.
Max: oh you wouldn't know.