down to playcare

Max walked over to kissy to do the same thing he did to marie.

Max: kissy can you sit down? I'm going to do the same thing I did with marie.

Kissy still had a smile on her thought the smile was hollow but her rubbing her arm seem as a sign that she isn't sure.

Max: don't worry it will be quick and plus your only going to feel a little tired it will ware off.

Kissy was hesitant but she saw Marie's human looking form and she doesn't look hurt she sat on the ground crossing her legs in a sign of acceptance.

He got the message and got behind her and put his hand on her back and focused.

Like Marie kissy's body was restricting her soul he drained her vitality not enough to kill her but enough so that the soul can awake.

The process was quick and instant like Marie kissy's body was glowing and now like Marie she was now more humanoid and the only that changed was that she wasn't as tall as before she was more human sized.

Kissy looked at her new body and she felt the this form felt right then when she was in her toy form.

Kissy: this feels. Right.

She stopped when she realized she can talk but before she could try and try out her new voice her body collapsed due to fatigue.

Max caught her before she could hit the ground and put her in a sitting position.

Poppy came over astonished by kissy's new human look but kissy looked tired.

Max: don't worry she will be okay she is just tired.

Marie came over to see kissy's new form and she was surprised at seeing the progress of how she was in a humanoid form.

Max: alright now you poppy.

Poppy: huh? Me?

Max: yeah your small size could be useful for getting through small places but if we encountered another enemy you are just gonna be a sitting duck.

Poppy didn't like to admit it but he was right her only weapon was her mind and knowledge of the facility but she won't last long against a toy.

Poppy: fine what do I do?

Max: just sit still and I'll get to work.

Poppy went still and max put his hand on her back and he did the same thing with kissy and Marie.

Poppy's body grew and she was more human size but ironically she was still shorter than him.

She looked at her new body and she wasn't used to being big but she didn't like that dispite her body being larger she was still shorter then max.

But the tiredness kicked in and max put her next to kissy who finished recovering.

Kissy: I've been getting my memories together and I remember when I was still a worker at playtime and they turned me into kissy missy as a punishment and to shut me up.

Max: so what did you do?

Kissy: I sabotaged them I did everything to see what was going on with playtime co but when I found out I had enough and when they were working on the catnap toys I was putting the red smoke on those toys to get the public suspicious of playtime co and hopefully have the authorities investigate but.

Kissy took a moment to get her thoughts together and calm down.

Kissy: thanks to the mask playtime puts up the public though that this was just a minor mistake from playtime co. Those poor kids I had one of my own but they took her away from and I had enough and I collected all the data on playtime's experiments but I they caught me and turned me into a toy.

Max: looks like the employees didn't know about the experiment and those who tried to speak up got shut down or probably killed.

Kissy just gave an empty chuckle at hearing that.

Kissy: you don't know the half of it so many things happened it's not even funny. I had a close friend called Rowan stolls he found out by accident that huggy was alive he tried to pretend that he saw nothing and you wanna know what playtime did? They almost got him killed in a car accident he survived but he sent a recording for people to find I was the only one who got it directly.

Kissy had a sad look on her face at the last time she saw her fellow employee.

Kissy: after that message I never saw him again most likely that play time killed him.

A silence hung in the air and Marie broke it.

Marie: playtime co created this mess thanks to Harley swayer that crazy bastard brought the idea of the bigger bodies initiative to playtime non of us would be in this situation.

Poppy: not just him the prototype went too far with the hour of joy it would have been fine if the corrupt were killed but innocents were killed along with them this whole thing is unforgivable.

Max was out of the loop but he summed up that this harley swayer is the one who started this mess and the prototype just killed anyone who was connected to playtime.

He looked at the train and he decided to ask poppy for any future plans.

Max: hey where does that train lead?

Poppy: that leads to playcare and the first floor are you planning on going to playcare?

Marie perked up at that.

Marie: wait I thought you wanted to get out of here?

Max: yeah about that I lied I just wanted to see what exactly the scientist were doing to the kids and thanks to you I figured out that they used the games to find worthy test subjects.

Marie: so what exactly is your objective here?

Max: to pretty much end this whole thing with the prototype I case he becomes a problem later.

Poppy: he's problem right now if he ever got out things could get worse.

Max: ha! No it can't?

Kissy: why?

Max: don't you know of the government? If you guys were outside now armed forces would come in and shoot you down or contain you. As for my guys the prototype is only a king in one place but outside he is nothing more than an easy target.

The 2 aside from kissy who knew about the government affairs didn't know just how dangerous it was but they Marie knew that if max can knock her out with just one punch she could only imagine someone who is as much of a monster as him.

Kissy: so you are really planning to go down to playcare?

Max: yeah my job was to make sure that lost souls weren't around but it looks like plans have changed.

But he had a theory he guessed that the people and kids who became spirits they spent years here and when they realized that the toys couldn't see them they took this opportunity to just leave this hellhole.

That's the only thing that would make sense why he doesn't sense any spirits they all left.

Marie: if you really plan to go down to go down things are going to get really ugly.

Max: that's fine I'm used to seeing ugly things.

Poppy: no really things get more dangerous down there.

Max: I'm strong enough to know her out I'm gonna be fine but since you guys are half spiritual you will eventually learn how to control spiritual energy.

Poppy: spiritual what?

Max stuck out his hand and black energy danced around his hand leaving the 3 gawking.

Max: since you guys are spirits you can used this like it's second nature.

Marie: but we don't know how to do that.

Max: that's fine I'll teach you while on the way. come on I want to get this over with.

Poppy: wait! When we get down we are going to meet a friend of ours his name is Ollie and he can help us out.

Max: alright that's fine. The more the merrier.

The four got on the train and poppy put in the code and it started moving towards a tunnel that was leading to me playcare.

But while it was going down it was getting faster and faster poppy tried to slow down but nothing work.

She tried the breaks but thanks to her weak body she couldn't pull it.

Max did it himself but the train was shaking violently so he created a black dome surrounding the girls and himself to protect them from the crash.

And it did and when the shaking stopped he checked and the train was starting to catch on fire.

He kicked down the door and they got out of there.

Max: everyone ok?

Kissy: I my head is spinning but I'll live.

Marie: I'm okay. mostly.

Poppy: I have a bid of head trauma from the shaking but it's nothing serious.

Max: good no one is dead. Come on let's go to this playcare place.

They got there but the metal doors were blocking there way.

Max was about to kick it but poppy stopped him.

Poppy: wait! Before you kick it down there is something we have to get!

Max: that is?

She was about to answer but a really loud ringing noise pierced through the walls.

He followed the sound and it came from a white door he tried to open it but it was locked so he kicked it down.

He then saw a phone ringing and he took to answer it but when the voice came from the other side it was really loud in his ear.

Ollie: hey hey can you hear me?

Max: low the volume would you!? You could have made deaf!

Ollie: sorry! But anyway I saw you and poppy coming in from the train but she looks different.

Max: are you Ollie?

Ollie: yup I am and I'm going to help you and poppy.

Max: how old are you?

He asked this because it was 2020 and no way should Ollie sound like a kid.

Ollie: I don't really know why does that matter?

Max was now suspicious of this kid if this Ollie character even is a kid.

Max: no reason but can you hold on I have something to do.

Ollie: okay.

He hung up and max came back to the railway where the girls were waiting.

Poppy: I take it that you met Ollie?

Max: yeah and I'm suspicious.

Poppy: why?

Max: mmm I don't maybe the fact that he sounds like a kid who hasn't aged in years! What's with that?

Poppy: he's a toy obviously that's why.

Max: have you even seen him?

Poppy: no. But he sounded like he wanted to help.

Max: I don't trust him.

Poppy: why not?

Max: because the fact that he acts like a kid is throwing me off and It feels wrong.

Poppy: I get it but trust me Ollie is an ally and he is here to help us.

Max still didn't trust Ollie but he will hold his tongue until something happens.

Max: fine but my suspicions won't go away.

Poppy: that's alright.

Kissy: if you two are done can we get moving?

Max: I know.

He rounded up his leg and he kicked the metal doors down and went inside.

And things are about to get more serious then before and catnap will be watching them in the shadows.

Note: hope you're all excited about chapter 4 because I am excited to see it baby!!