The three entered a station with 3 statue of huggy.
But max noticed how Marie and kissy were trembling guess whatever playcare is it left massive scars on the two.
They jumped over the railing and went up stairs and they saw a sign that said.
"See the world through the eyes of a child on Elliot's express"
Marie and kissy scowled at seeing that sign because they remembered when they were kids that they we're excited about being on playcare but that excitement was destroyed by the scientists and scums of playtime co.
But max noticed that poppy had a sad look on her face he didn't know why but he will keep that in mind.
They saw a sky rail and they had to pull two levers to start up the rail.
They all got into sky rail and the girls sat down on the seats but max was standing up.
But when it started moving the tv turned on and he guessed that this might be pre recorded message.
Hello. my name is Elliot Ludwig. When you look around at the world today what one thing do you think it needs more of? I asked around once.
Money, I never had enough.
Understanding, I can never get any.
Faith, the common man has lost it.
Each answer was different. And I perhaps see some little truth in each.
But I think each was missing something.
Something simple.
You see non of them could muster a smile.
While Elliot was talking max saw how deep they were in the caves he checked his phone and he saw that there wasn't much connection he will have text Miguel to let him know he is okay.
But that wasn't the only thing he saw how in the middle the cave system there was a dome and now he sees what the scientists were thinking.
It's easy to see that they conducted experiments illegally and they wanted to keep it a secret by going deeper away from the surface so they won't be caught by the authorities.
But he also noticed how Marie and kissy were shaking more violently the closer they got to the dome but poppy just looked at the tv.
He saw by the two girls in pink and held there hands to comfort them they calmed down but they were still shaking.
These children deserved to smile, they deserved love, and they deserved a safe home.
That is why it is with enormous pleasure that as the founder of playtime co., I announced.
There was a bright red light blinding them for a bit but quickly went away.
But when it did max saw a small civilization inside the dome with hanging clouds buildings and statues of what he was told by poppy were the smiling critters but he noticed how one was tumbled over.
This could have been a wonderful place for the kids but now that he knows the grim reality of this company he felt that this place was more of a prison.
Kissy and Marie looked at the ruined playcare and they both had flashbacks of this place.
Kissy when she was still human helping out and gathering dirt on playtime co.
As for Marie she thought of that horrible nightmare she went through and she got chills remembering that. and that was thanks to catnap.
Poppy looked at playcare remembering how the scientists just did there search on the kids for suitable candidates those were painful memories.
Playcare!! Our very own onsite orphanage. But it's not only that. It's a school, a playhouse, a place to belong.
Our very own ecosystem beneath the surface.
Dedicated in every inch and detail to ensuring a child's smile.
Its teachers and counselors, mothers and fathers,
Until such a time they have all of that in you.
May playcare bring joy,inspiration, and smiles to all who enter these doors.
For what gives life its meaning, if not a smile?
With those final words the skyrail stopped and the doors opened and they stepped out.
Max had to admit that was a good speech but knowing what's going on here. Yeah it doesn't exactly feel like those words actually mean something.
Marie was looking around remembering how lively the place was but she soon remembered the bad ones and she shook her head to make those memories disappear.
Max: so this is playcare huh? Got to admit it looks like a nice place if not for the bad people here.
Marie: I doesn't matter this place was more of a cage than anything.
A phone rang out poppy took out the phone and answered it.
Poppy: Ollie you there?
Ollie: yeah. so you remember what are we doing?
Poppy: yeah we sent the gas to the left so that our plan works.
Max and Marie looked at poppy with suspicion since they didn't recall her telling them that she had a plan.
Kissy on the other hand knew what Poppy was planning since poppy decided to trust kissy.
Poppy hung and she saw how max and Marie were looking at her with suspicion.
Marie: since when did you have a plan?
Max: and how come you didn't tell us?
Poppy: look I know we agreed to help each other but I can't talk about it now.
Max: you can't or you won't? There's a difference we have time and not only that but you and I both know that keeping secrets from each other is going to backfire.
Poppy: look I promise I'll explain everything once we finish here okay please? I. I just want to make sure this works.
Marie and max made eye contact and they are still suspicious of poppy's plan but will hold there tongue.
Max: you better keep that promise or else If you plan to betray us i will personally execute you myself.
Poppy sweated a bit at the threat but she regained her composure.
Poppy: let's go under the statues.
They followed poppy towards the statues and it was a typical room with electronics but poppy opened a cage that had a pipe.
And out from the pipe came a key.
Max: were the hell did that come from?
Poppy: those that matter?
Kissy: kinda.
Poppy just groaned and led the group to a door near the sky rail.
They followed her and they saw a big machine with red gas in one container with two that were empty.
Poppy: this the gas prediction zone this so see that red smoke? Is made in this part of the facility lt off the the right we need to make it go left instead. Once we do that we will go further down and once we do I'll explain my plan to you two.
Max: so how do we do that?
Poppy: well for one we will have to reboot the power since it's currently off.
Max: alright so we should probably look around for something to turn on the power.
The group looked around for something to turn on the power.
Kissy and max found a power box but along with a grab pack but it looked different more advanced.
He saw a vhs tape and he stuck it in a tape player.
This time it was about the grab pack 2.0 but it was a working prototype.
Kissy decided to take it since they might need it max raised no objections.
He threw away the one he had stored in moline's stomach and left it there to gather dust.
The group got to a part of the facility that will filled with liquified red smoke.
It took some time but thanks to kissy's experience as an employee came back to her and she managed to turn the power back on.
They got back to the main room and poppy worked on the computer and transferred the gas to the middle tank.
But all the sudden the power cuts out and max had to use the flashlight function on his phone along with kissy's grab pack that had a small flashlight.
Poppy called Ollie and he answered.
Poppy: Ollie someone has cut the power in the gas production zone what do we do to reboot it again?
Ollie: go to home sweet home there is a core that will restore the power of the facility but not the machine. But you will need a big power box to turn the machine back on.
Poppy: so what do we do?
Ollie: you will have to grab cords from each of the 3 building and connect it under the statue that's how you'll get the big power box.
Poppy: okay thanks Ollie.
Ollie: always happy to help.
Ollie then hung up the phone and now with a plan in mind they got outside but thanks to the power being out the whole dome was in darkness.
Guided by the lights of kissy and max they got to home sweet home that looked like a haunted house.
They were in front of a door max was about to open it but he saw below had a leak of red gas.
He didn't know what this gas those but didn't want to risk anything.
Poppy: what's wrong?
Max: there's gas leaking this place must be filled with red gas.
Marie: oh no I'm not going in there that gas traumatized me I am not experiencing that again.
Max: lucky I have some that could work.
Kissy: you do?
Max: yup.
Moline appeared out of nowhere surprising the girls by moline's snake form.
Max: it's cool she is my sister. Moline the mask?
Moline: yeah I know.
Moline opened her mouth and out came 4 mask that look like simple mask of black leather.
Poppy saw the masks and she looked at max with a questioning look.
Poppy: max these max aren't gonna protect us from the red smoke.
Max: yeah it will these mask are specifically made to repels any gasses in the air. Miguel has a. Little problem with breathing normally so he wears a mask to not hurt himself.
He said all of this while putting on one of the masks.
Thankfully moline's pocket dimension stomach doesn't produce any spit so all of the mask are clean.
Poppy: how are you sure?
Max: don't believe me? Fine I'll prove it. back away
Marie: wait! You'll-
Before she could finish max got inside the room filled with red smoke.
They expected him to be already on the ground experiencing a horrible nightmare.
But to there surprise he came back and he looked fine.
Max: so believe me now?
The three girls looked at each other and they put on the masks and went inside.
Luckily the gas was only in one room so they got away from it fast they decided to keep the masks on there necks in case they encounter that red smoke again.
They decided to split into two groups to look around for the power station.
Kissy went with max and Marie went with poppy.
Kissy was quite and max didn't mind it but mainly because he felt a presence in home sweet home but it didn't feel friendly.
In one part of the house kissy was about to open a door but max stopped her because he heard loud footsteps from the side of the wall and also heard it breathing heavily.
When the coast was clear they went inside a room but it had nothing so max ignored it but he noticed that kissy was attracted to it she grabbed one of the pictures and she saw a child in it and she had a sad look.
Max peeked at the picture and it was of a girl.
Max: was she?
Kissy: yes I adopted her at the time I thought the adopted initiative was a good system for the orphans but they turned into something inhumane.
Max: what was her name?
Kissy: I. I don't remember time passed and I just forgot but I do remember her face that's the only thing I can remember.
Max put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her and kissy didn't push him away she looked at herself in a mirror.
She remembered when she was human and when she was a toy but now in her new body she felt whole like she regained her humanity even though by max's words she was both alive and dead since she technically already died once and she was transferred into a different body.
She touched her skin and it felt cold and hot but what matters to her was that her skin was actually real and not just a giant fur.
She would admit being human was difficult and being a toy was worse but this body felt right and she is fine with that.
She turned to max who was just staring she gave him a genuine smile of appreciation.
Kissy: max thanks for giving me some sense of normalcy you have no idea of what it felt like to be "that" the hunger was always a killer but in this new body I barely feel hungry at all.
Max: well that's because because since you are half spirit you don't exactly need to eat to survive. You can still eat but it's not a constant thing you need to do.
Kissy: so I've been meaning to ask but you said that spirits are an actual thing?
Max: yeah I have been dealing with them for almost my life but I've gotten stronger to fight them.
Kissy: so if you and the prototype were to face each other would you have trouble?
Max: nah.
Kissy was surprised by the simple response and she was more surprised that max didn't even look scared.
Max: like I said in the train station the prototype is only a king here but out there in the outside world if he were to face a lost soul or even an exorcist he won't last long and if him and I met I would easily kill him.
Kissy: don't be so sure the prototype can take body parts of other toys and puts it in himself to get stronger and not to mention he is very intelligent.
Max: okay then let me ask you this? Has he ever fought anyone on his level?
Kissy: what?
Max: has he ever fought anyone on his level?
Kissy: no. Not that I know.
Max: well judging on how easily I knocked out huggy and Marie non of you have any combat experience. i however have been training my entire life to become an exorcist and not to mention I'm ten times more skilled in combat and I've seen lost souls that came out of horror movies he doesn't scare me.
There was a silence but it was broken by the door opening and Marie and poppy were there.
Marie: we found the power station.
They followed the two and they got to work on resetting the power.
Once it was done they got outside and poppy noticed something above the cat walks blinking a red light.
They got on the lift and waited to get to the top.
Kissy: so max why haven't we encountered spirits you said since we were technically spirits shouldn't we be able to see them?
This caught the attention of Marie and poppy.
Max: well if we're to guess. I'll say that during the years that they were stuck in here they eventually decided to just leave the place since I'm pretty sure some went after revenge for their killer and once they did that they just decided to go to the outside world when they found out that they were invisible to those without any spiritual experience.
Kissy: is the outside world. Bad?
Max: nah it's not bad. You guys are far away from civilization my driver is in a motel near the factory so once I'm done I'll go back to the campus.
Kissy: if we were to get out what would we do?
Max: well if you do got out looking like that you wouldn't be able to be seen by normal people but since non of you don't have any combat experience you will probably get eaten alive by a lost soul.
Poppy: what even is a lost soul?
Max: lost souls are basically spirits that were once humans but they were consumed by negative emotions and they became monsters that kill anything humans other spirits and even other lost souls. And unlike you they eat to get stronger.
Marie: what do you mean?
Max: well spirits can eat souls despite of they are human or not and when they consume the soul they get stronger and lost souls have two staged of evolution.
They family reached the top and kissy pulled the lever turning the power back on.
She went back to the elevator to continue the conversation.
Kissy: so what are the stages?
Max: well lost souls have two stages the most common one is the when they are just rabbid animals that are just guided by instinct. And the second is when they regain or still have some remnant of humanity those are the most dangerous but when they reach there peak they become lost knights that stage is the most powerful stage of a lost soul some are strong and some are just crazy strong.
Poppy: how strong?
Max: strong enough that they would make the prototype look like a kid playing god. I actually faced one during my beginner days and I almost died.
Marie: how did you survive?
Max: well. I kinda suffered from a minor amnesia and when I was hit on the back of my head I started to regain my memories and thanks to that I awaken my ability.
Poppy: those black wings?
Max: yup I can turned them into anything I want from weapons to whips and other stuff. You guys have abilities too.
Kissy: we do?
Max: yup but unfortunately this place is not exactly ideal so I can't exactly train you unless something or someone interferes.
Poppy: so we might not get to use our abilities?
Max just shrugged.
Max: possibly who knows.
The lift got down and they went to the school.
This time max decided to just bring one person with him since he honestly didn't see the school being a problem.
Marie decided to go along this time since she had a lot of questions about max's life.
But once they finished with the school they will encounter a new ally.