playhouse of horrors

Marie and max went inside the school and to max this was no different then abandoned buildings that's were lost souls or pure souls use as a home.

They walked around to find the power station of the school.

But the announcement box suddenly blared up.

This is miss delight speaking. Please excuse the interruption.

Students remain in your seats until the bell has rung.

And no going in the halls without a hall pass.

Max didn't who that was. But Marie did she remembered miss delight she was a teacher in this place along with other clones of her.

She doesn't know what happened to her but she had a feeling that it didn't end well for the teacher.

They continued there way through the school trying to find the power station.

But announcement box blared up again.

Miss Delight: well I'll be. It's been awhile since I've seen a humans but that girl you look familiar.

Max glanced at a camera that was blinking a green light signaling that it was online he figured since Marie is half dead she would be visible to camera.

Normally a spirit can't be seen through normal cameras only ones with special functions by the equipment development team or that the souls can control there visibility.

Moline might have to teach them that.

Miss delight: oh well whatever the case-.mmm? Barb? Oh. Barb said that you two shouldn't be here. So do yourself a favor and leave.

The box turned off but he could tell that she was still watching through the cameras.

Marie: we aren't leaving right?

Max: of course not. We cam for the power grid and that's what we will do.

Marie: heh. That's easy for you to say you have all of those superpowers I have nothing to defend myself.

Max: you might not have a way to defend yourself but a funny thing about your new body is that you can't feel pain.

Marie stopped at that.

Marie: I can't feel pain?

Max: nope. Well unless I do this.

Max grabbed Marie's arm and pinched her by covering his finger with spiritual energy and twisted her flesh causing her to feel a sting of pain.

Marie: ow!! What was that for!?

Max: you can't feel pain but people who can control spiritual energy they can easily kill you. But but this place has nothing to do with the soul so you will be fine.

Marie: you couldn't have just i don't know just finger flick my arm instead of pinching me!?

Max: relax. I'm pretty sure that's not the worst pain that you felt.

Max walked away from Marie to look for the power station but those words she heard him say about not the worst she felt.

He was right because she started to feel phantom pains all over her body remembering the hell of pain she went through.

She touched were max pinched her and yeah compared to what she went through a pinch is nothing.

They continued there way through the school but miss delight once again told them to leave but they ignored it.

They managed to find the power station but unfortunately it needed a grab pack to power on.

Unfortunately because max remembered that he threw away the one he had since he thought he didn't need it guess he was wrong.

He told Marie to wait for him and he will be back with the grab pack.

But while Marie was waiting for max to come back she heard the door open and it was miss delight with her fleshy face with teeth on full display and her weapon barb was in her hands.

She walked towards the generator and smashed it.

Marie was caught off guard by her sudden appearance but she calmed down when she remembered what max said that she can't feel pain through normal means.

She saw miss delight walking towards her but the second she took a step she stopped.

Marie of course was confused by this she moved around and she saw how delights eyes were following her.

This in her opinion was pretty wierd creepy and awkward.

Because one she can't get killed by just through normal means.

And two Marie wasn't scared of miss delight because looking at her appearance.

She was pretty sure if max was here he would just walk up to her and back hand her in the face.

Yeah she is starting to get why max doesn't feel threatened by most of the toys here and now knowing that she is practically invisible to the toys she doesn't feel much in fear.

So right now all she had was a complete blank expression.

Miss delight saw that she wasn't running away from her nor looking away she guessed that her normal strategy won't work.

She rush at Marie and she swung barb at her head.

Marie was caught of guard by the sudden attack and barley managed to dodge it.

But she stumbled and crash on the wall.

And miss delight once again swung barb and this time she landed a blow on Marie's stomach.

She didn't stopped. she Kept on bashing barb into Marie black blood leaking all over the room.

When she was done Marie was a grotesque mess and miss delight grabbed Marie's arms and she ripped them off along with her legs.

She ate both of them but it was. Tasteless? For some reason Marie's arms and legs were tasteless.

But it had another effect she felt stronger more so then eating normal pounds of meat and her hunger felt almost non existent.

Miss delight turned around intending to eat Marie completely.

But to her surprise Marie was still alive but not just that her legs,arm and her whole body was completely healed.

Her left arm that was ripped off was reforming and miss delight watched stunned.

But seeing this gave her an idea.

She decided to keep Marie as an unlimited supply of food every toy in the factory was suffering from starvation so she will not let this chance go away.

Marie felt her body being bashed into paste but she didn't feel pain even when her arms and legs were ripped off she still didn't feel pain.

She felt her arms and legs regenerate and the process wasn't painful.

She got up looking at her completely healed body and not a scratch was on her.

But she felt a hostile feeling behind her and she dodged out of the way of miss delight's weapon.

But miss delight didn't let up she was planning to knock Marie out and find something to restrain her so that she doesn't fight back.

Marie whi had no combat experience compare to miss delight who was an amateur but she was still dangerous to her.

So Marie was at a massive disadvantage since she would usually stretch her arms and grab and eat whoever was in front of her.

But in this new body she was basically a sitting duck.

Miss delight was about to rush Marie but a hand was on her shoulder she turned and it was max who looked pissed off.

And his glared struck fear in her very soul.

In a part of the school was an empty class but all the sudden the wall cracked open and a bloodied miss delight came out of it on the brink of dead.

What Happened was that max threw her against walls with tremendous force more than Marie has ever seen.

He dusted off his hands and turned to her.

Max: you have okay?

Marie: y yeah I'm fine. she ripped off both my arms and legs but I didn't feel pain.

Max: good but still that bitch should consider herself lucky because I could have make her suffer worse.

Marie: were is the grab pack.

Max: I it's outside the door but looking at the generator the crazy bitch broke it so I got this thing for nothing.

He grabbed the grab pack and threw it in the air letting moline store it.

Marie: so what do we do?

Max: well I found another way that leads to a cave system. And something tells me that we will find something in there.

Marie: shouldn't we get back to poppy?

Max: she can wait besides I have a feeling that whatever is inside the cave system is going to be important.

Marie: alright fine.

Marie followed max towards the entrance to the cave system.

And it was huge.

They had to deal with a grab pack puzzle.

Max said fuck that and kicked the door down but unlike the others he actually did it quietly.

He put his foot In the door and slowly builded up force and when the door dented he kicked it of slowly.

Marie was confused by this but max told her that someone was here.

They got to the other side.

And Marie and him saw a cat looking creature and Marie felt a shiver of fear remembering that toy.

Catnap was a loyal follower of the prototype and out of all the toys along with the prototype he scared her the most.

He thanks to his red smoke she experienced horrible nightmares and it didn't help that his grinning smile just made him look terrifying.

But what was most eye catching was that catnap was standing on two feet praying to an amalgamation of toys and max saw a human skeleton in it.

Marie once a ago felt a shiver of fear on seeing that thing she guessed that catnap made it for the prototype to worship him.

Max picked up Marie in a princess carry and he made two black tendrils and put them all the way to the bottom.

He lifted himself and he slowly made his way down not risking making too much noise to attract catnap's attention.

His foot made contact with solid ground and he slowly backed away from the purple cat.

But there way was blocked by another metal door.

Max put Marie down and put the blue hand on to the scanner

Hopping that the cat is too engrossed in his praying.

But luckily he left and max could sense catnap going through his own secret entrance to his shrine.

The door family noticed and they got inside the playhouse area.

Marie: that was terrifying that's the first time I saw catnap's shrine.

Max: you know him?

Marie: not on a personal level but enough to know that he is dangerous because he is the prototype's most devoted follower.

Max: sounds like he either is a nut job or he has an actual reason.

Marie: actually he does have a reason.


Marie: his real name is Theodore grambell when he was still human the prototype talked to him and they became friends. He asked him to get stuff for him and the scientist noticed that and he said that it's for his "imaginary friend"

Naturally the scientist rodded it off because Theo was a kid but one day the prototype attempted an escape and Theo and him needed to use a 2 green hands but from what I've heard Theo got electrocuted and he was on the brink of death.

The prototype could have just left but instead he gave Theo to the scientist to save him and giving up his own freedom.

After that Theo, now catnap views the prototype as a god it's kinda bittersweet if it wasn't for "that" day.

Max: what day?

Marie was hesitant to tell him but she just decided to say the name of that day.

Marie: 8/8/1995 that was the day of the "hour of joy".

Marie walked away not ready to explain what the hour of joy was to max.

But max wasn't stupid he figured that on that date things went to shit.

Be catches up to Marie who was struggling to get a smiling critter that was biting her arm off her.

This thing just appeared out of nowhere and it jumped on her and she defended herself with her arm and once again thanks to her spiritual body she can't feel pain so to her this was like having a mosquito on her.

She was having trouble getting the critter off of her but the little bastard had a tight grip.

Max saw the whole thing and it was pretty funny to see.

But he had enough of watching and he took out a small sword and with one single move he cut the critter in half.

Marie was rubbing at her bitten arm and glared at max who was looking of to the side.

Marie: you enjoyed watching that didn't you.

Max: I dunno what you are talking about.

He noticed a purple vhs tape and a player connected to a tv.

Marie: I don't think it's the right time to watch a movie.

Max: I don't think this is a movie.

He put it inside and the screen blared to life.

And on it was a face of catnap that was looking directly at the viewer.

Marie flinched but max wasn't phased.

The tape was about catnap's celebration of his getting used to his new body but it took a turn when catnap said "the prototype will save us" from there leith went off in how nobody is going to save him and how everyone of the toys belong in this prison.

When marie heard that they deserve to be in a prison she clenched her fist and she rounded her fist and she punched the screen of the tv breaking it.

Max couldn't blame her since the bastard basically told her that she is nothing more than a prisoner but he noticed how her hand was covered in yellow spiritual energy.

He guessed that the rush of emotions got her to subconsciously enhance her arm with spiritual energy.

Marie looked at her hand that was covered in yellow spiritual energy and she felt her arm becoming stronger.

Marie: this is spiritual energy?

Max: yup looks like your emotions got it out.

Marie: why is it yellow isn't it normally black?

Max:no different colors of spiritual energy mean different properties. Yellow just mean that you have more of a stock of energy.

Marie: so I have more energy than others?

Max: basically yeah. But we can talk about that later let's get through this place.

They made there way through the playhouse and they killed any of the critters that attacked them.

Max told Marie to take this as a training experience and so she did.

Marie enhanced her first with spiritual energy remembering that feeling she felt before and she managed to control it.

Her control wasn't perfect by any means but she gained some fighting skills but she was still just a rookie.

An at this point the hoard of critters were terrified of the two and didn't bother them.

The two got into an area that had a pool but when they entered a room on the other side it was a literal prison.

Max and Marie looked around the prison but Marie saw something that horrified her.

He heard her gasp and rushed over and when he did he saw an orange dog with a sun emblem on its neck pure black eyes and and a permanent smile on his face.

But what was the most eye catching thing was that his bottom half was completely gone either ripped off or cut off.

Dogday: w, who are you people?

Max: holy shit! Your actually still alive!?

Dogday: heh. Funny you say that because right I wish that I was dead I still feel pain down here.

Dogday motioned to his bottom part.

Marie: my god. I think I'm going to be sick.

Max: who are you?

Dogday: I'm Dogday. who are you two?

Max: I'm max she's Marie.

Dogday looked at Marie and he realized that she looked an awful lot like mommy long legs.

Dogday: why do you look like mommy long legs?

Marie: because i was her I just had a little make over.

Dogday of course didn't get it.

Max: so what the hell happened to you?

Dogday: I, I was the leader of the smiling critters some of us had our own quirks but we got along but catnap was different. He was distant and barely interacted with us but.

But when the hour of joy came we took our revenge on the scientist.

Dogday looked down at his cut off waist with a look of regret.

But all the did was that we traded one hell for another one we killed the guilty but the rest killed everyone including the innocent.

I wanted to stop the prototype but as you can see. It didn't went well. They torture me everyday and at this point it's an old friend.

Dogday looked at the two with a pleading face.

Please. Get out of here hell. I don't know if poppy is still around but if she is. please end this madness and torture.

While Dogday was talking max had a blank look absorbing every word he said.

But Marie once again had a guilty expression.

But it was interrupted when they heard the vents beside Dogday making noise.

Max sensed that the little shots were in there.

Dogday had a panicked look.

Dogday: look! Leave me behind I'll just slow you down!!

Max: sorry but you don't deserve to die in a place like this.

Dogday: huh?

Black tendrils appeared from his shoulders and like the Huggies they plugged the holes preventing the critters from entering.

Dogday was shocked by the this.

But he didn't have time to process this because he felt his restraints begin cut and max caught him.

Dogday: what are you doing? I told you I'll just slow you down!

Max: no you won't.

He put Dogday down in a comfortable position and he got to work.

He put his hand on dogday's waist and black matter surrounded the two and the black matter entered dogday's waist.

The black matter connected itself to his nerves and Dogday got a small feeling in his lower body.

The black matter then came out of Dogday's waist and they started to form into black legs.

Max used his black arms to give Dogday prosthetic legs to walk.

Max didn't consider himself a hero he didn't believe in things like justice to him there is no such thing as justice only actions and effects mattered in the world.

But that didn't mean he will just let people like Dogday die in a way Dogday was more of a casualty of war.

Dogday felt his lower half and it felt alien to have legs again he was crippled for a long time he thought he will never get his legs back.

But the black legs weren't his.

Dogday: how did you do that?

Max just extended his hand to Dogday and he took it but when he stood he almost fell max couldn't blame him since being crippled would naturally make him forget how to function his legs.

Max: I'll explain when we get out here.

They three removed the floor boards below the prison and made there way towards the exit.

The little critters tried to stop them but max and Marie easily delt with them.

When they finally made it out Dogday looked around the playcare area it felt like years since he had seen this place.

Max and Marie led him towards the bottom of the statues and when they got there they saw poppy who was walking back and forth in a panic and kissy was checking on the power.

When poppy saw the two she rushed over.

Poppy: we're have you two been!? I was worried that-

Poppy didn't finish because she saw Dogday behind the two with black legs she guessed that it was the work of max.

Dogday: my god poppy it's really you.

Poppy: Dogday!? I thought you were dead!

Dogday: I was almost but-

Dogday now realized that poppy was different really different she wasn't as small as she used to be she was more human sized and kissy was also human size but they two looked more human then before.

Dogday: poppy!? Why do you look like that!? What's going!?

Max patted him on the shoulder.

Max: I'll explain.

Max explained everything to Dogday and to say he was shocked was an understatement.

Dogday: so all of the girls here. Are like ghost?

Max: more like spiritual nature taken form but since there half dead there souls became one with the body.

Dogday had a thinking look and he looked at max.

Dogday: you said that the girls here thanks to them being spirits they can't feel pain unless you attack the soul right?

Max: yeah. You want in?

Dogday: yes. Please you said that they can regenerate even lost limbs and if you ask me.

He looked at his prosthetic black legs.

Dogday: I like to have legs again but I would rather have my own legs.

Max got up and put his seat behind Dogday.

Max: process is painless but you will feel tired.

He got to work and like the girls he drained his vitality but it was actually lower than the girls he guessed since he didn't have legs his body lost a lot blood.

Dogday's body glowed and max discarded the black legs from Dogday and in its place legs were growing back.

When Dogday's body finished glowing he now looked like an anthropomorphic dog and now he looks like a living cartoon character.

The others were surprised at seeing Dogday's new body but max wasn't he saw many pure souls that had the look demons and other mythological creatures but some looked cartoonish Marie and kissy are an example of that.

Max helped Dogday on to the seat and when he saw his new body he let out a small laugh that turned in a laugh of relief.

Dogday: I'm back to normal and I feel whole.

Max: good to hear that you are feeling well.

Marie: but why does he looks more like a cartoonish Dogday?

Max: some spirits have cartoonish appearances he isn't the only one.

Poppy: well that aside now we are at 50% power we need to get that wire and plug it in here.

Max: yeah that's not going to happen a crazy bitch kinda broke it so we will have to wait a while.

Poppy: no! We can't wait we need to get this done now!

Max: well tell me oh wise and genius poppy were else is there another power station!?

Poppy: the counselor's office there is another one there. But that is catnap's home territory.

Max: alright fine he won't be a problem.

Dogday: let me come. I want to pay you back for helping me.

Max: alright let's go.

Dogday and max exited the power room and they made there way to the councilor's office.