chapter 5 This is bad

Mom; Where did you get those from.?

Elician dropped the 45 kilogram bag of grain without difficulty.

Elician;"From the market"

Mom leans in to check on the boy's vitals.Her eyes widen in shock the moment she feels his hot temperature.

Mom; Don't you know you will die,look at how hot you are right.

Staring at the huge sack she finally asked the question that was bogging her mind.

"How did you get this.?Tell me what did you do."

Elician noticed the worry in her eyes.He had always hated that face. It always makes him feel vulnerable.

Elician had always wanted to lie but seeing his mom, staring deep in his eyes all the thought of doing that left him.

For more than two minutes he stood there without saying anything.

One thing about being a devil, he couldn't

lie to the one he loved.

Mom; Answer me Elician.

Elician:" Okay mom, I will tell you everything.When you told me to buy the corn,you only gave me 3 pennies and when I got there,the man took the pennies and without the I did what I had to do..

Mom's eyes lifted up, Perhaps what they say about her son may be true.

But Elician got smarter, until he finds out who he is, he is not going to tell anything about it to anyone that includes the mother.

Mom:So what did you do son?

Elician; I started screaming and everyone came around then I told everyone about what he did. I even added some of the other things to make my story pleasant and they all believed me.The crowd took one of his sacks then gave it to me.

He breathed heavily,his mother is the hard to deal with kinda person.She instantly believed his narrative.

Mom: (sighs) Son, what you did was not good, don't do that again.

Elician jumped in astonishment.

" What? You want people to cheat in me "

Mom;I didn't say that,I just don't want you doing bad things.

Elician noticed she was about to ramble her preaching on him.He simply cut her off preventing further damages.

" Okay mom.ok . I swear on the death of my nemeses I won't do that again"

Mom; That's my boy.

Elician; But mom,why were you so eager to know I got the stuff.Do you trust me?

Mom;I trust you son.

Elician;Are you sure? Because I feel like you believe some of the rumors they say about me.

Mom; Come on son, You are not a freak.

Maybe someone might rumor that you hypnotized the guy at the market but the truth is that you don't even have powers to do such a thing.

Don't get me wrong, hypnotics is for witches in tales it's not real.

Elician:So you don't believe I am a freak?

Mom;No! You are just a normal person.

While Elician was sitting there he started thinking " Wow, did mom just say something's about hypnotize!! I thought it wasn't real. Maybe I should try that sometimes….."

In the outskirts of the city, Between two isolated buildings a man and his wife were being robbed in the daylight.

" I said get naked."The Sword guy finally yelled, after seeing the nice figured body of the wife.

The husband suddenly felt numb. That dude had just collected all his pennies.Now he wants to rape his wife?What kind of wicked Schemes is this?

Husband: "Come on sir you cannot do this, she is my wife."

The guy brought the blade close to his throat.

Sword guy; Do you want to live?

Husband;Yes, please I need to live.

Sword guy;Then help your wife get undressed.

" Yes, honey, it will not take long," Said the wife.

Few moments later.

The guy's domineering shovel plows through the lady's pink garden.While the husband lay on the wall,hands tied up and left with no choice but to watch.

Seeing his own wife being molested like that made him want to commit suicide.

The man laughed in pleasure as he penetrated with his little brother.

Tears welled up the woman's eyes.She had never felt this pleasure before in her life.

The husband's heart ached the moment his wife started moaning in pleasure. Then out of pleasure she turned his raper to the ground as she went up and down on his long stick instead. Completely taking the control

" Mater, what are you doing"

Her husband yelled.

"What do you think I am doing?"

After she finished saying that she completely ignored her husband until they were both satisfied with the fun.

" I will divorce that bitch.

The sword guy once glared at the tied up mother fucker as he moved with the money that was once his." I took both your money and your wife wise up." he teased as he completely vanished from the scene.

After they finished eating, mom was getting dressed.

Mom; Elician!!

I need to go to the farms so that I can get some vegetables for the week.I need you to stay home and be a good kid.Don't go anywhere.

Elician: Okay mom, but we don't have a farm.

Mom; I know…….I am at other people's farms to pick up the leftovers. I don't have time to explain things to you okay….I am going.".....

Elician; Finally I am alone in the house….

I will try all my powers ……."

To be continued…