After Uriel killed Lucifer, he was reincarnated as a young boy named Elician. The boy struggled to navigate this new life, living in fear of the demons who had tormented him in his past life. Elician's powers grew stronger each day, but he had no mentor to help him control them.
Elician's journey took a new turn when the demons kidnapped his mother, taking her to a new realm where no one could locate her. Elician was determined to save his mother and tried everything, but nothing worked. Along the way, Elician met a group of people who saw potential in him and offered to help. They worked tirelessly to unlock the full extent of Elician's powers, and he became a powerful force to be reckoned with.
With the help of his new friends, Elician traveled to the realm where his mother was being held. There, he faced off against the demons in a fierce battle. But just as he was about to rescue his mother, he met Lucinda Feramoven, his doppelganger.
Lucinda revealed to Elician that he was not the only one with such powers, and that he had a twin brother who had been lost in the past and had the potential to inherit the throne of hell. Elician now had to decide between his dream of ruling Hell as the Devil or quitting and finding his mom.
Amidst his quest, he encountered his twin brother and realized that he still had much to learn about his past. Because he realized that Lucifer and Satan were two different people.