Inside the room, Elician stood there as he pondered about all what the woman had told him. Now he knows what he is; King of hell. It sounded terrible to him but at least he knows what he is at the moment.
Which means has to grow strong and train his power to be more familiar with it. Thinking about this he realized that he doesn't truly know what he could do with his powers.
He could cast spells, he also had superhuman strength and could manipulate things with his mind. If he remembers clearly he could make things happen with just a thought. These were alot of powers to him but according to the woman's words, he must battle demons now.
Demons as he heard, cannot be trifled with easily. They could manipulate people, they could hear thoughts, they could teleport, take multiple forms and as well as control elements. There were a whole lot of things they could do.