Man: The prophet had went out to heal someone he will return very soon. Come and have a seat.
Once they were in, he ushered them to sit on a chair nearby as they waited for the prophet.
Man: I will return to you shortly. Do you care for a drink maybe?
Mom: No thank you.
Man: Okay, I was doing something, I have to go and continue. I will leave you here.
As soon the man left Elician whispered to Mom.
Elician: Mom, I don't trust him. Don't let your guard down.
Mom: What do you mean by that son?
Elician: Don't mind me mom.
The building they were in was very dirty for a prophet to leave in. Elician could smell some bad scent coming from the chair they were sitting on.
After waiting for an hour, the door to the building swung open revealing a bald man who was also very tall.
The short man from earlier quickly came to collect the items the Prophet brought in. Maybe gifts was the right word to use.