The tour around her old house was filled with laughter and conversations about every single item of importance to Jasmine. Cory noticed she had a thing for big spaces especially kitchens and bathrooms; every other space in the house looked a good fit, but the kitchen and two bathrooms, almost looked like they belonged in the mansion.
The guest room had a queen sized bed, which was neatly laid, a wardrobe, and a little study by the side. It wasn’t anything fancy and Jasmine had said it was because no one ever really used the room. Cory liked how the house felt, warm and cozy, like home. He preferred the feeling it gave, compared to the mansion, but he figured it was because he liked small spaces compared to large ones
“Thank you for being here Cory” Jasmine tells him, right after they had laughed about how her addicted she was to her kitchen utensils
“It’s my job” He says, watching the muscles on her face form expressions.