Çhapter 140: The price of power

Chapter 140: The Price of Power

The part climbing up the eastern ridge proved to be very tiring with a steep and thin trail at some point. The sky turned to orange and gold, and the sun began to set, and bedtime was calling. Anita’s muscles cried out in protest from the fight with the wraiths, and she kept going, the slight tug of the sanctuary directing her onward.

Jace stayed close, his eyes flicking over the area in obvious concern for an attack. This was so despite the earlier signal he had received about Lira; he seemed more pursued now—better oriented toward Anita, his sensibilities keen.

“Just a little ahead,” Lira replied coldly—and there was no tremble in her tone. She freely walked in front of him, and occasionally he saw that she was adapting well even on the rough surface.

Now asking interrogative sentences, I asked, “How do you make it here about this sanctuary?” Jace said, paused, and had added at the end, Hey.