Chapter 173: moment of respite

Chapter 173: A Moment of Respite

The forest's surroundings felt even more silent after the war had ended. The fresh air revealed a combination of underground terrestrials along with leaf aromas while the heavenly space proudly displayed star glitters like glittering jewels. At the clearing Jace and Anita took their time to regain control after their recent encounter.

Jace looked at Anita using his soft-glam eyes to show his care towards her. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Her hand kept shaking but she managed a simple nod to answer his question. “I’m fine. Just… a little drained. The portal proved difficult for someone to operate smoothly.

Jace spoke with deep admiration when he told her "You were incredible." You used your abilities to shut down that portal… You are the one person who could handle that task better than anyone else.