And through this hell my only companion was Tracy my personal Ai, For some reason they left her with me but made sure I couldn't contact the outside world and even if i could who would I contact? My 'Friends'?, My 'Uncle'? My 'Mother'? Or My father? My father.... I hadn't seen him since the three years... I didn't know if he was alive or not but I hoped he was, I did until...
Pov : Narrator Mc.
Location : Universe 179 [ Prime Universe ] Eloria. North America. Mexico. Guerrero Negro. Sector 54. Hidden Secret Laboratory.
Year : 3929.
Date : Feburary 25th.
Time : 8:29pm.
[ Flash Back ]
After three whole years of uncertainty, My father came and when he did he had a burdened look on his face, He told me he was tired... Tired of me, He told me that he had a family now and the progenitors told him to forget about me and or his 'family' would be in danger and if he does he would be heavily rewarded....
He told me he had no choice, that he was sorry and left..... I never saw him again.... I didn't blame him... I never did.... He's done so much for me.... But it hurt way more than any Illusion did...
After three and a half years In Solara, I was transported to another planet, How did I know? Because most of the people there were of the beast race, I was transported to Elysium, The world of the Beastmen...
Even when I was transported to another planet the sadist and the mind flayer weren't replaced, They went with me... everywhere. causing me pain and misery, being the hands that pain used to give me agony.
But in all this, there was Tracy, my one and only friend in that hell, her mere presence alone was comforting...
The procedure continued for three more planet transfers, From Elysium to Atlantis, then to Terrafera and finally to Eloria which I'm currently in.... Eloria... They took her from me after my first week of arrival, They took Tracy from me and made watch as they destroyed took her apart, piece by piece...
I was broken that day.....
And so went three years of torture and I was sure that in half a year I would be transported to another planet because I realized that I never stayed less or higher than three and a half years in any world...
Just yesterday the sadist made me experience an illusion were I escape became stronger and released my vengeance on all eleven worlds and their progenitors both guilty and innocent.... It was exhilarating, I watched as the ten worlds burned and just when I was about to slay the last Progenitor the Supreme Ruler and the major cause of my suffering, I awoke to see to the sadist staring at me with a nasty grin hoping to get a reaction out of me but she got nothing, she frowned with frustration and stabbed and gutted me multiple times to vent her frustration before she stormed out saying 'Boring' but I just stared at her weakly as she stormed out with no reaction what so ever....
Three years ago I stopped showing any reaction, I felt the pain, the agony but it stop showing in my expression.....
I picked up a hobby a few months after morning the death of Tracy. Reading, I loved to read but it just that before I read about subjects on mechanics, string theories, super advanced thermodynamics, anything scientific, but those weren't available here so I read novels and my favourite until an hour ago was 'My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires' Written by Victor Weismann and Translated my Dylan Von James, the story is about a young man that had a special blood that made him an overpowered vampire progenitor.
To be honest, I envied him, he had everything I desired... But he was foolish, he broke his own family. His father Leon was a newly turned vampire that acted out of place, yes that wasn't right but separating him from his wife by saying that he needed training so as to rein in his impulsive actions and desires was fine, but to start seducing his own mother? That was messed up, but I was still okay with it, It happens in real life parents marrying their children, a man having multiple wives, a woman having multiple husbands is legal in todays society.
So the Mc seducing his mother or having a large harem was fine with me until the two thousand plus years time skip were they met again, the father was treated like some beta Mc, were he was shaking his boots just in their mere presence and his 'Wife' had the audacity to say ' It felt like meeting an old friend ' The Mc could have made him strong but didn't, he left him at the bottom of the food chain but still had the guts to say 'I still respect him'. It was still manageable to read until I read how the father was treated when he met his grandchildren.....
I hate betrayal, I despise it with my very being, and that sadist knew that, so she made sure I had illusions of being betrayed and dying over and over again most of the time...
[ Present Day ]
I sat on the edge of my bed in the fully white room.
Gideon Ellandor ' I hate that novel, *Sigh* It's always the father, Every incest novel I read always paint the father as the bad guy ' I thought with an emotionless face but was distracted by a large explosion.
*Boom* *Tremble* *Boom* *Tremble*
Gideon Ellandor ' *Sigh* Another Illusion were I escape? But why am I self conscious? A new tactic? ' I thought in boredom.
*Donn Tiii* *Donn Tiii* *Donn Tiii*
*Donn Tiii*
Gideon Ellangor ' They should be here by now ' I thought as I looked towards the door.
High Human 1 " The Facility has been breached! Secure the subject! " The High in tech armor ordered before a few High Humans stormed into the room with weapon strapped to their waist and held me by my arm and started dragging me out of the containment room, they guarded me as they tried to transporr me out of the facility to another place.
Gideon Ellandor ' How predictable ' I thought weakly.
They took me to a Teleportation pod, but wasn't functional, so there decided to transport me on foot .
We maneuvered through the underground maze like facility were we could hear battles going on around every corner.
As we turned a corner we came face to face with incorporeal humanoid beings that seemed to flicker in and out of existence.
Gideon Ellandor ' Spirits huh? That's the first.... Is this real? ' My thoughts were cut short and the incorporeal beings charged at them with weapons at the ready.
They High Humans were outnumbered by one to three, when the others were fighting the three took hold of me and dragged out and moved in high speed as the facility walls blurred to me.
They suddenly came to a stop in front of an armored man holding a claymore ready for battle, the three spirits engaged in battle and as they fought some blood from the spirits splashed on me it looked like the armored man would win.
Gideon Ellandor ' Is this real? Why do I feel like it is? If it is then..... ' I thought as i avoided the battle going until I heard something.
Spirit 1 " If The Living Treasure Cannot Be Obtained, then It Must Be Neutralized " A wounded spirit said before it shot me with something, whatever it was immediately disappeared into my body and seconds later I started feeling a sense of weakness as I walked away.
As I walked my vision blurred and blood seeped from my mouth, but I didn't stop until I got outside the facility.....
So here I am sitting beside a tree, resting by back on a tree trunk with my head down as blood dripped from my mouth.
To Be Continued.....
Task : Power stones
Description: Give power stones to, I, The True Monarch, When the power stones gets to 10 you earn a new chapter, with every additional 10 power stones you earn another chapter.
Rewards : +1 or more chapters.
Duration : Till the end of the week.
Penalty: None
Current Progress 3/10