Chapter 37. The Death Of Gideon Ellandor.


[ A/n: A little heads up, umm there's a little cringe in this chapter... It just felt kinda right, I'm sorry 😭 ]


So here I am sitting beside a tree, resting by back on the trunk with my head down as blood dripped from my mouth.




Pov : Narrator Mc.




Location : Universe 179 [ Prime Universe ] Eloria. North America. Mexico. Guerrero Negro. Sector 54. Hidden Secret Laboratory.

Year : 3929.

Date : Feburary 25th.

Time : 9:49pm.


Gideon Ellandor ' Haha... what a pathetic life, At least it's finally ending right?.... But Why? Why did I have to go through all of this? What did I ever do wrong? ' " A-all I ever wanted w--was for my family to be happy... I went to this h-hel-lish facility just to get better... 

This world has taken everything from me, My Mom, Uncle, friends ....Dad and Tracy, Everyone single one I loved and cared about abandoned or betrayed me" As I spoke the frustration, despair, rage, disappointment, pain and betrayal I have kept lock in for years started breaking free and the more I thought, spoke and felt, the more closer I felt death.

Gideon Ellandor ' Is this how I'm going to die? am I going to die and all those that did me wrong, caused me pain and misery live their perfect lives without any repercussions for their actions, No, It's not fair, why only me? Why am I the one that had to suffer ' For The Greater Good Of The Prime Universe ' No I don't want to die like, I-i Can't Die Like This ' 

Gideon Ellandor *Raises his Head* * Looks Upon* " Damn it, Damn it, Damn You!, Damn You All To Helll!! I Refuse To Die Like This!!! I'll Drag You All Out, Kill You With My Bare Hands!!... DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!! WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!...

 You tore me apart, Piece by piece, In the name of progress, In the name of power... for the greater good you said. You all turned my body into your play ground and my screams into your entertainment, I am the monster you created, the shadow of your sins. One day, You all will face me, The monster you created. I Will Return, Even If I Have To Crawl Out from The Depths Of The Abyss, I'll Be Back And I'll Make Sure To Return Every Pain, Every Suffering You Gave Me I'll Return A Hundredfold... T-this I Promise yo- " I screamed out with every ounce of strength I had left and as I finished my worlds, I felt my senses slip away into the darkness, irretrievable, Death welcomed me into It's arms and as I lost the last vestige of my consciousness I felt someone hold onto my body in an familiar warm embrace.

Gideon Ellandor ' D-dad?.... ' Was my last thought before I died, At least that's what I thought because at that time I didn't know that my journey was just getting started.



[ Pov Change ] 

Pov : Elion Ellandor.



[ Flash Back ]


It was during the second time I visited my son in the facility, the way he talked was a little out of character, It felt like there was something bordering him but when I asked he told me it was nothing..

I visited him again the next month and had a normal chat as usual, but I felt strange like something was wrong, But I ignored the feeling and went back to the front lines, I kept my promise and visited him every month for five years, But the upsetting feeling still lingered...

Yet I ignored it all, because all that mattered was that My son was getting better even if the process was time consuming...

As for me during these five years, I obtained enough war points / merit points to become a Viscount but didn't because I was still a Demi - God, and also that I wanted to accumulate enough points to Rank up from a Viscount Upwards and as for why I didn't choose to become a Baron is because I didn't want to...

One can only become a Viscount by ranking up from Baron, So can be said for the other obtainable Noble Rankings, I planned to Rank up all the way to Duke Rank before my son got to the Advance Rank and leaves the facility as a surprise for him.

Another five years passed before I could earn enough points that could take me Rank up from Viscount to Count, but I was still trapped in the Demi - God rank, The reason for this is because of the excessive extraction of my Blood Essence years ago, An action I would have done again if needed, If it's for my son I can go through anything..

Two years passed before I felt the breakthrough, I was excited to say the least, After years of delay I was finally about to move to the next Rank, It was then I met the two harlots, Elysia and Cedric, I met them in the Front Lines, Cedric wanted to strike up a conversation with me but I ignored him, both of them, I acted like they didn't exist, That didn't mean i had forgotten what they both did to me and my son, No Never!, But as a wise man once said ' Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold ' And to add I was already a General a rank above him which was a Captain... Over the years Cedric grew to Peak God Rank and Elysia Became a Goddess, But that changed nothing, Actually I want them to become stronger and obtain all the good things in existence so I can take everything they cherish and care about from them.... and then It will be their turn..

I know the reason Elysia cheated on me, I found out during the Six years I was away from Gideon in the Front Lines...

The Following next year brought me ever closer to my breakthrough and at the end of It I told Gideon I won't be seeing him for a few years due to somethings that came up in the Front lines, He was sad and so was I but I promised him I would return...

It took me three years to breakthrough, due to previous mentioned issue, but it was worth it, After breaking through to God rank I felt immensely powerful, After going through the metamorphosis, the hidden issues of the Blood Essence extraction that bothered me were removed and my Racial weakness weakened a little, I became a God with high Authority in both War and Swordsmanship, and had lesser Authority in Battle, Leadership and Strategies...

It took me five months to consolidate my strength and Seven months to rein in a little bit of control over my authorities, then I was ready to meet my son after Four years...

When I got to the facility in Solara I had a strange sense of a foreboding crisis but I shrugged it Off, even when my senses had never failed me, that time I hoped it did... I prayed to the Progenitors and wished above all my wishes that nothing happened to my son...

When I met him, He was smiling and was happy about my return, Everything would have been fine if not for the sense of absolute disgust and rejection I felt for the Gideon I saw, My senses were yelling, screaming at me, telling me that what ever I was seeing wasn't My Son!!!...

For once in my life I rejected my senses, I mean come on my son was right in front of me even if he was a Hologram, That was when I felt a tug from one of my Authorities and it was the Authority of Strategies, I connected to It and as soon as I did I had a surface level understanding of what was going on within the Genetic Research Sector, and what i understood shook me ' My Son Wasn't In This Sector ' Sure It was okay, they could have moved him to another sector for treatment but why didn't the Baroness or 'Gideon' tell me, and this foreboding feeling spoke otherwise...

That day I didn't act out of character and spoke normally, After leaving the facility I didn't go back to the Front Lines as usual, But booked a hotel in the capital, My Son was not in the Genetics Research sector and I was going to find out why....

I monitored the facility for months targeting one person, It wasn't the Baroness as she was stronger than me, but someone else, Someone suspicious, Mirabelle Augustine her Assistant, I investigated her and found out that she had a family of four, her father, mother, brother and herself, Her father and her brother lost their lives in the Front Lines Thirty (30) Years ago and her mother's health deteriorated due to the lost of both her son and her husband, The deterioration led to an incurable disease that even with today's technology and special abilities, It is known as the { Soul Sickness } and had been put in stasis since then.

To explain how much of a curse this disease is, Is that it could kill a God if not specially treated.

The reasons I found her suspicious was that when I first saw her Sixteen (16) years ago she was at The Master rank, but within Sixteen years she jumped from Master Rank to Ancestor Rank, A feat that would take people over sixty years to accomplish unless she was a genius which she is not, or had access to gigantum amount of resources which highly doubt she did.... That didn't sit right with me. And what's more? Her mother that was suffering from an incurable disease was suddenly healed and is currently fine as if nothing ever happened to her in the first place.... Yeah I'm not buying that, Something was going on and I'm going to find out what.

After a few months of stalking of which I did my normal monthly visits, I got my chance, she took a few weeks of leave to spend some time with her mother.

I Kidnapped her an hour after she left the facility and knocked her out before I stripped her of her belonging to see if she was bugged before I took her to a deserted and quiet part of the woods were a wooden cabin was located, a cabin I made myself in preparation of her capture.






To Be Continued...


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