Hey sissy are you ok yea i am okay brother but you are bleeding janet , jerin take her to the healer yes young master big brother what happen to you what do you mean ,
You killed all the knights yes I did because it's my duty as your big brother to protect my little sister ,
But dad will get angry you don't have to worry about that I will take care of it you just take a good rest and were is mother , she is in her room is mom okay no mom is not feeling well okay I will go now to see her ,
Wait big brother dad has given orders to knight that no one is allowed to go in mother room but why I don't know okay now you go and take some rest sure bye big brother and thankyou for saving me ( laughs),
Okay now rapheal are you awake yes I am can you check this body condition for me does it have any ill effects of using thrust and invisibility magic on the same time oh let me check,
Hmm nothing big but your heart rate will be going be faster as soon as mana capacity equals that's bad how much time do I have atleast 15 minutes to Mana to cool down then your body will face it's consequences i hate this damn body I have to focus on every aspect but first I need to check on Mary first .
( Sion walking through hallway to reach his mother room )
Young master oh jerin did you send janet to healer yes , and now she is ok and taking rest in his room okay but young master the master has strictly prohibited anyone to go in lady Mary room I don't care I am going to meet my mother and no one can stop me , ( they reached Mary room ) wait young master no one is allowed here ,
Just step aside guards i want to meet my mother but just step aside guards it's an order but are you deaf or something ,
We cannot let you go we will stop even if we have to use brute force because we don't care anyway it was an order so we are following ,
Now we have given you enough respect now go back ( hey rapheal can i use my mana zone to cover my body yet yes you can but be ready for the consequences ,
Yea I can deal it later but now I am really pissed off ok do as your wish ) guards it's your last chance silently step aside or be ready to die oh you thought you could kill us because you killed some small fries from knights orders you are a fool we are special guards of the Duke himself ,
You cannot do nothing you darn brat is it over or do you have anything more to say you , I think it's over ( mana zone dense form ) wait why can't we move our sword can't through him cut young master be quite jerin don't you move a bit ,
Wait what is this pressure I can't move it's like the gravity has been cancelled out be his sheer mana zone pressure but how can this be he is just lazy idiot brat is this the same young master ,
I can't breathe i am feeling dizzy (guards) please stop it young master it's enough, ok I think you understand it's good for you but to think of it you give up on me using just 10% of my mana capabilities and you call yourself special guards ,
You all are just piece of trash and don't you dare to come in my way again , yes young master now open the door ( door open) hey mom are you awake nah.
( it's feel wierd knowing that I am not her real child but just an imposter who has taken his son body it's crap ).
Okay now mom wake up it's your son , uh Sion why you came here i am sick and no healer is able to heal me ,
Go away from me you will also get infected don't worry mother , I will maintain some distance but mom be quiet for a moment,
(first I need to check the cause of this disease , but how wait a minute i can use holy magic but I have to channel it through my eyes to see the root cause and internal organs come on rapheal can you lend me your hand okay but you will be in great pain after I don't care ,
as you wish ahh it's hurts but I need to concentrate it's truly amazing I can see , every organ functionality is okay but their are abnormal activity in stomach and veins are these poision , at this moment,
I can heal 50% of area and detoxify it but i need to hurry and catch the culprit behind it ) hey mom now I am going to use some magic but no but mom just stay quiet ,
(holy magic astra)how is the pain mom is it okay now , ah yes it is but how can you use holy magic at this high capacity.
I been recently practising holy magic and praying to goddess aria to grant me the blessings to use holy magic and here i am the goddess bestow upon me the power to use holy magic ,
Sion yes mom do you think I am dumb no mom you are real genius and on that note I am taking my leave wait take care mom i will be coming soon to meet you .
( Meanwhile in the Duke John office )(luthor) master all the news about young master killing the knights were true he killed about 25 knights very cruely all their body parts were all over the training grounds ,
He did because they were beating lady Janet and abusing her infront of him , but the most shocking part is young master can use both thrust and invisibility magic and also use sword like a trained knight who has fought many wars ,
Why was young master hiding it i confirmed it with the tutor about young master training routine but they did not know anything about young master thrust ,
Invisibility and sword ability , don't take to much stress luthor he did the right thing to kill all the knights on the spot who were abusing my girl and for the rest of the part keep an eye on him daily on what he does or were he goes ,
I could not believe it how drastically he changed don't do anything yes master as you wish...