( Jerin ) hey young master were are you going , to the training grounds i want to train in swordsmanship and all can you me bring a good long edge sword ,
Ha but why long sword young master it's I know it's heavy an edgy to carry but I want it so bring it for me yes ,
(I don't understand what is young master upto now is this some kind of mischief but referring to past doing of his he is really not joking around oh whatever it's a headache , oh jerin I found you here good I was looking for you ,
Chief secretary luthor is something the matter nah nothing big but were is young master jerin he is in the training grounds now i see well i want to meet him personally so I will take my leave,
Wait sir young master has told that no one is allowed to meet him while he is the training grounds and asked me bring to a long sword for training , oh is that so then I will not interfere but give young master my regards and message that duke John want to meet him in the office as soon as possible ok ,
So i will take my leave yes sir ( did i hear it right that duke want to meet young master , it's not a surprise after what he has done to knight's but it will be the first time that duke has asked for young master audience let's see what happens now ,but I have a bad feeling about it ) .
Young master here your sword you asked thanks jerin it's in good condition, is something bothering , you jerin yes young master duke John has order you to meet you in his office today itself ,
So what the big deal in it ha young master it's a big deal after so much time the duke has approached you to meet with you , listen jerin I don't care a single thing about that old man or his order so don't give a damn about it but young master , be quiet jerin and go and have a seat yes young master ,
( Sion he sure is quick one to act i thought he will take some time action but not this sudden let see what happen first I need to focus on improving this body physical condition as well as magic and aura using techniques well let's find out my capability , first I will try to increase my magic circle to atleast 4 circle by absorbing natural mana and then unleash it to create magic circle and for physical traing i will do daily 100 push ups ,
20 minutes plank and 15 km run from now it's going to hard but I will not give up that easily ) ( after 2 hours of training , in the Duke office) were is Sion , luthor master I have informed jerin about your summon to young master today .
I will go and check personally what he is upto , ok master I will lead the way ( after a while) jerin bring me towel yes young master coming ,
(Guards be attention duke John Ragnar is entering the grounds , Sion some one impatient here but i don't give a damn ) hey jerin what are you doing give me towel yes here it is , how are you my son ,
( Sion ignores him in sit in position of meditation to absorb mana in nature ) Sion are you ignoring me your father (Sion is busy in concentrating to absorb more mana ) ( luthor ) ,
Young master the duke is asking you something ( Sion slowly open his eyes ) are you saying something secretary , yes young master the duke wants to talk to you about something oh is that so ,
But I cannot see him like he can't see me or my mother and sister so i don't give a damn so leave it i want to concentrate on my training ( meanwhile the knights soldier is the young master has gone mad or what what he is talking) ( sion ),
Be silent and let me concentrate on my training you dumb nuts ( duke John grew impatient and grab Sion hands and was dragging him to office but he resist ) oy old man what are you doing , ha old man I am you father Sion and be in your limit don't cross it .
You have done enough so calmly come to my office Sion , I don't want to so leave me alone you so called father who does not care about your own family well being or how they are treated by their own servants and knights but ,
You came running for the knights that I have killed for abusing my little sister you really are something duke Ragnar you are just pathetic person through and through and I don't want to involve with such a low class person ,
(knights guards captain) it's enough young master you have cross the limit so what will you do you ugly lap dog ( knight charges to held captive Sion but he got rid of John grip by using thrust magic which make John to fly over a distance and sion grab a sword and killed the knight guards captain instantly by cuting his head off John instantly uses teleportation magic to stop Sion,
But was unable to catch upto Sion thrust magic what is this is Sion was really this capable of using this kind of magic and sword techniques I need to stop him but he will not listen to me and thats for sure ) luthor ,
Yes master bring janet as soon as possible yes master ( but janet was walking around the hallway , meanwhile luthor i can't believe what young master is doing but first I need to find lady Janet were is she oh there is she on the first floor of palace lady Janet wait a minute) ,
Yes secretary is everything all alright no nothing is alright can you come with me to training grounds but for what ,
Young master is throwing havoic infront of duke for not looking upto you and family and he killed knights guards captain also my big brother did what now please come fast now yes I will ....