Title defense

The day starts with Adonis and Alysha training together. A lot of people have noticed that after they won the tittle they started getting close to each other.

Rumors had already started to fly that they are dating.

As they finish off their training for the day, a text is sent to Adonis.

"Hey, kid. Don't get too comfortable being champion. Remember it's the Champion who makes the title relevant, not the other way around. If you want to be a great champion i suggest you do a open challenge tomorrow. "

The text came from none other than Sean Michaels himself.

"A open challenge,huh?"

Donny Said out loud

"What's that about an open challenge?"

"Oh Alysha, Sean Michaels texted me saying I should do a open challenge tomorrow."

"Wow, Sean Michaels? I heard you guys talked a bit last week, but to think he'd text you! That's great."

As Adonis and Alysha were busy talking. A laugh is heared from the distant back. The laugh came from Rayker. The fomer WSA world champion and the leader of " Motor City mafia" faction.

"Hear that guy's? Our X-division champion here is busy getting texts from Sean Michaels. What do you think of that?

"I say the kid is riding the wave of those rumors a little too much. What about you, Flo?"

"I'd say he's desperate to remain relevant that he has to lie in order to do so, Thrilla."

It was obvious what they were trying to do, they wanted to get him worked up so that when one of them accepts the open challenge they would already have a advantage in the psychological battle.

Adonis just stayed quiet and passed through them. However they didn't take too nicely tho this and since they couldn't get to him, they decided to go after Alysha.

"Hey, women's champ. You see that? You're boyfriend has no back bone. Why don't you ditch the gutless punk and come with us? "

Rayker put one of his hands on Alysha's shoulder and the other to hold up her chin.

"Oi, Rayker"


Rayker turns around and gets hit in the face with a fist.

"Tomorrow, me, you. In the ring. I don't care which one of you 3 it is. Hack I'll even take all 3 of you on if I have to."

Both Flo and thrilla come charging In but Flo gets hit with the elbow while Thrilla gets his attack blocked than gets leg sweeped.

"See you guys tomorrow. "

Adonis and Alysha head out if the gym. On the way they are both quiet. The science doesn't last long as Alysha stops and grabs him by the hand.

"Hey. Thank you for what you did. I can't stand guys like that."

"It's no problem. Don't mention it."

"So where to now?" She said with a smile

"I don't know about you, but I'm going home."

"Ohh." She reolaied with a disappointed tone in her voice.

Both parties head their separate ways and head home.

The next morning, Adonis sends word to the General manager about the open challenge he wants tonight. And the coach he agrees to it.

After arriving at the hall, Adonis heads to the lockeroom to change into his training gear. He heads out to train as he waits for the show to start.

A couple of hours later, he changes into his gear and heads out. Today he was in the Sami-Main event. The main event today was for the WSA world title.

His music starts playing and he heads out.

When the beat dropped he come out and was met with cheers from the crowd.

"The following is a open challenge and it is for the WSA X-Division championship. Introducing first, he is the WSA X-division champion, Adonis Tyson!!!"


"Take a good long look ladies and gentlemen. Depending on who answers the challenge this might be the first and last time you see Adonis make his way with the championship."

Adonis makes his way to the ring and climbs on the ring post. He unbuckles the champion from his waist and grabs it in the hand he raises up.

After a few seconds of posing he finally gets of the ring post. His music slowly fades and he waits in silence to his opponent. Who will it be? Thrilla? Flo? Or Rayker himself?

Their music hits and they walk out to the ring. Rayker had a mic in his hand. After they made their way to the ring he stares at Adonis and smiles.

He positioned the mic to his mouth and started taking.

"Cut the music. Cut the music."

Rayker was met with a lot of boos afterwards.

"Ohh shut it and listen ,you dumb fucks. Here infront of you is a the X-division champion. And he issued an open challenge, since I'm a generous man I came to tell him his opponent. His opponent will be none other than all of us here in a gauntlet match."

*Commentator 1*

"A gauntlets match? The odds aren't looking towards the champs favour."

"It's gonna be straight forward. He will start things off with Flo, should he beat him he'll advance to face thrilla. And if by some miracle he beats them both, he will have to put the title on the line against me. So what's it gonna be champ,Think you got what it takes to step up?

Adonis grabs the mic from his hand and responds with words only.

"Ring the Goddamn bell already!!"

Rayker responds with a smile.

Rayker and Thrilla exit the ring and sit outside to look at the match.

"Ring the bell" said the referee

Flo jumps in the air to attack Adnois , but he counters by catching him amd hitting a power slam on him.

*Commentator 2*

Ohh, a powerslam from the champ. There's something you don't see everyday.

Adonis turns flo and sets up the Boston crab submission

*Commentator 1*

Ohh. A Boston crab from the champion! You are right Micky, there's something you don't see everyday.

Flo manages to reach the bottom rope to break the count, however Donny doesn't let go until the 4th count.

His strategy was simple. "Inflict pain"

*a flash back before he come out*

[Adonis. There is a high chance they'll try to use the numbers game against you. It's either they'll go for a 3 v 1 handicap elimination match or a gauntlet match. Should they pick either the strategy will be the same. To inflict as much damage as possible and obtain a quick win.]

*back to the present*

Thrilla gets on the opposite ring apron and distract the referee. This opened the door for Flo to hit a low blow on Adonis.

Flo immediately follows with an assault of punches on adonis.

He hits him with an Irish whip and sends him crashing into the post. He come running at high speed and hits him with a running boot to the face. This makes Adonis fall to the ground Conor of the post.

Flo runs to the ring post next to this one and prepares for his finisher. The coast to coast jump.

As he Jumps high, Adonis gets up and moves out of the way, causing Flo to crash and burn. This was enough time to allow him back on his feet.

Adonis waits for Flo to turn before comes running and hits him with a running Knee to the face.


"The running knee connects, could this do it?"
