Title defense(II)

Before the winner was even announced, Thrilla came from behind and hit Adonis with a knee chop.

As Adonis was in position, he came running to hit the stomp and went for a cover.


*Adonis kicks out*

Thrilla gets in position for a second stomp. He comes running again, but Adonis manages to sidestep him to catch his breath.

Thrilla comes running at full speed looking to drive Adonis to the ring post, but Donny manages to duck again. This resulted to Thrilla hitting a middle part of the post with his shoulder.

Donny quickly pulls him out and places his head between his thighs. He picks him up and turns to the ring post. He throws Thrilla into the ring post.

*Carl(Commentator) /Shocked*

"Ohh. A buckle bomb from the champion. Today his pulling out some new moves in his arsenal."


"Yes he is. To think that a 200 pound human could lifted a 240 pound man that is impossible. Talk about inhuman attribute."

Thrilla stands on one knee as the other. Adonis sees this and heads out to the opposite ring apron, as soon as thrilla gets to his legs, Adonis jumps to the top rope and launches himself like a rocket.

He hits Thrilla with "The flying Forearm smash " and quickly heads to cover him.

"One....two....three. Ring the bell"

The crowed cheers and Adonis looks to Rayker on the outside.

He taunts Rayker by signaling him to get in the ring.


"What the hell did I just see? You want to tell me this is a rookie? Everything about his move arsenal screams World wrestling League, Elite Wrestling World, Total impact wrestling and Japan wresting Alliance.

This monster doesn't belong in WSA he should be fighting with people on his level."

WSA is a small wrestling promotion that was established by former WWL legend Booka G. It was a promotion made up as a retirement for fomer house hold name who just want less attention to their names as well as new upcoming talents in the wrestling world. Rayker was on his way to retirement after failling to make it big. He started his faction a year a go in hopes to pass down his knowledge to Thrilla and Flo.

However in his 3 years in WSA he only felt this way twice. The first time it was againt he tag champions of that time, Reese and Jarred Millar. Twin brothers who knew each other like their lives dependent on it. The other was the guy who beat him for the WSA word championship, Dennis Aguilar. These 3 were once called "The 3 emperors" of The WSA even though they are young, their knowledge of wrestling was on a whole new level.

Rayker got in the ring, even though he was nervous, he was certain that he could win since he was facing a opponets who wasn't 100%. Little did he know that thanks to Zeta, Adonis was recovering slowly but effectively from his previous matches.

*bell ring*

After the bell rings, Rayker raises his hand. This was common in the world of wrestling. It was a gesture that ment the opponent wants to text his wrestling capabilities along with the opponent. They lock hands and Rayker manages to overpower Adonis.

He quickly transitions into a head lock. Adonis manages to pick Rayker, even though he was in the head lock.

He slams Rayker to the ground. He than proceeds to hold Rayker in a head lock of his own. A clear sign of "everything you do I can also do".

Rayker Manages to get his leg under the bottom rope, this forces Adonis to break the submission.


Talk about vintage wrestling skills on display. Now both parties are just looking at each other.

Adonis moves to the center of the ring and calls out Rayker. Rayker comes charging in but Donny ducks. Rayker goes to the rope to boost his momentum and come charging In again. This time he was able to connect with a big boot the chest of Adonis.

After Donny falls to his feet, Rayker delivers a leg drop.

He goes for a quick pin.


And Adonis kicks out.

Frustrated as he was, He signals for Flo to distract the referee on the opposite ring apron. Thrilla quickly rolls in the Ring and hits a stomp on Adonis, as drags Adonis up allowing Rayker to hit a devastating spear. Thrilla quickly heads out and Flo steps away from the apron.


At the last possible second Adonis kicks out.


"Talk about resilience. He survived not one, buy two major finishers. Just what is this kid made off"

Thrilla comes back again with a steal chair and while the referee is occupied with him Flo enters with a chair of his own. He tries to hit Adonis, however he ducks and the chair hits Rayker. Adonis sees thrilla heading out of the Ring and he quickly drops himself as well.

As the referee turns, he sees a froze up Flo with a Chair and Adonis on the floor holding his head.

The referee than gets mad the says to Flo and Thrilla

"You, you.....out of here."

Thus action is welcomed by the audience with cheers.


Adonis takes a page out of the book of the WwL Legend, Eddie Gonzales. Now it's one on one.

Adonis gets up to his feet and so does Rayker. Both men start throwing hands at the center of the ring up until Rayker drops to one knee.

Adonis positions him for the power bomb and pin combo and successfully hits it.

"One....two...thr-" Kick out

He quickly drags him next to one wring post and heads up. He successfully hits a front splash.

"One...two...." Rope break.

A rookie mistake on his part, he forgot to lock both legs.

Adonis makes a sniper like pose and heads to the apron. As Rayker gets up, he turns around and is welcome by a slingshot spear.


Spear connects. Could this be it?

"One....two....three....Ring the bell"


The winner of this match, and still the X-division champion. Adonis Tyson.

*crowd chants*

*This was awesome*

*This was awesome*

*This was awesome*

Adonis grabs his title and goes out to the fans to celebrate with them.


I've never seen anything like this. 3 title matches and 3 successful defenses in one night. Talk about being a fighting champion.

[Congratulations, all condition have been met. As a result, you have gained a new move]

[Show off: Move rank B]

"The user has to see the opponent's finisher move or signature move at least once. This will allow you to mimic the move in the fight and Upon success it will stun the opponent."

"The move can only be used once every