Dancing with the devil

After entering the building, Adonis notices the number of eyes on him.

Some of the guys he could recognize as he saw them on TV. Some are completely new faces in his eyes. While Donny was still taking in what it feels like being in the performance center he heard Booka G telling him that he's going to check Mr McNeils office and Donny should use this time to engage with the NcT talent.

Book calls over Trick Willson and Karmello Hayze, two african-American wrestlers. While Trick was 6'2 feet tall, Karmello was 5'10.

"Mello, TRick. How y'all doing? This right here is Adonis, the mid card champion at my school."

"Book. We good, me and Mell were just about to hit the ring to polish up our move sets. Nice to meet you, Donny."

Trick was a nice guy who seemed full of life and oddly enough the first one to reach his hand out to Donny for a shake.

Karmello on the other hand was arrogant and egotistical. He barley even acknowledged Donny.

"Book. It's always good to see the OG himself. What can we do for you?" Said Mello

"Mello, I'ma need you two boys to keep this young man company for a bit. I'm going to check if the big man has arrived yet."

"Ayt, no stress." Saud Trick

"Man, we get babysitting duties? Whatever"

You could see and feel by the way Mello conducted himself that he wasn't having none of the things Booka G just told him.

But, being the experienced veteran he is. Booka G saw this as an opportunity to get Adonis to showcase his abilities a little.

"Hey, Mell, Trick. I got an Idea, why don't you let Donny help you with training for a bit. You know, a quick spar?"

"Hey coach, I don't think I'm at that level yet." Said Donny

"Relax, kiddo. You got this. How about it boys, y'all game?"

"Sure thing, if the OG speaks this highly of you, you must be entertaining a bit. "

"You boys have fun. I'll be back in a bit."

Said Book, has he deeper in the building.

"How about it, Donny? Would you like to go first?"


*change of Pov*

After a few minutes of walking, Book finds himself at the office Door of Victor McNeil. He knocks on the door and is immediately answered by Victor.

"Come in."

He said with his rough like voice.

"Aahh, Book. How've you been? Did you bring the kid?"

"Yeah, his currently busy having a spar match with Trick and Mello."

"What? I gotta see this for myself."

And just like that Vic And Book went back to the many rings at the back to see what was happening. Upon ariving they find out that the match was just about to start.

The spar was between Karmello and Adonis, both started by a quick display of their athleticism. Mell was know as one of the quickest guys in the NcT rooster, buh to his suprise he found someone just as quick as him , if not quicker.

The show off between these two went back and forth with each of them also showcasing their technical moves. Little by little, everyone around them stopped doing what they were doing and started paying attention. Kermello was always viewd as the golden boy of NcT 2.0, he was the face on posters, and always the main event. At this stage the NcT rooster was convinced that Mell was ready for the main Rooster, however to see him struggle like this against a champion of an Indie promotion was something they thought they'll never see.

"Looks like "Mr Perfect" isn't so perfect after all."

Said one of the wrestlers in attendance.

Some even started taking out their phones to record this masterpiece that was unfolding infront of them.

*Change of pov*

Mello started thinking to himself.

*Who the hell is this kid? How on earth can he move like this? Isn't he supposed to be a trainee? F*ck that shit. This guy is definitely the real deal. Hold up, when did all these people get here?.....(he spots Mr McNeil) Shit, even he is here? If I don't end this now I'll look like a joke.*

Change of pov*


*God damnit, this kid really is a beast at this. I got to have him at all costs, hack to think Book was hiding this kid for all this time. (Smiles) Book, how on earth did you train this monster? *

Back in the ring, Kermello was starting to get irritated that no matter what move he threw at Adonis he just countered like it's nothing. That two of them were like the two sides of a coin, or so Karmello thought. With Donny growing bored, he decided it was time to change things a bit.

He started by sidestepping and hitting Mello with a German suplex, after words he did a standing flip to suppress Mello to the mat. He than followed by quickly applying the Boston Crab, all of this happend in the middle of the ring, but with Mello being prideful he refused to tap, Adonis also refused to let go, this wasn't until Trick came in and threw Adonis off of Mello. This action was met with harsh boos from the other wrestlers around.

Mr McNeil than ordered the other guys to get in the ring and seperate Trick, Mello and Adonis as things were starting to get heated up now between all 3 parties.

Change of pov*


"Hey, Trick. Why'd you get involved. Your turn was coming next.


"You think you hot stuff, huh. Come take swing at me, boy. I'll knock you're ass out."

"Hey, Mello. You should thank your henchman for helping you out, so match from The former NcT North American Champion. What you call yourself again? The "A" champ?."

"Hey, don't talk to my boy like that."

All the noise was starting to piss off Victor as he grabbed a mic and yelled at them

"Enoooooooough!!!! Trick, to the locker room this instant. You, Booka's Boy, grab your title and go to my office. NOOOOOOOW!!!"

Both parties started calming down after that, however you can see that they were still eyeing for each other.

After a fee minutes of isolated on the office alone, the door fi ally opens and Victor walks right in with Booka.

Adonis stands up to show his respect, he reaches for a handshake and Victor responds by reaching out as well, Sean Michaels also comes in along with WWL COO, The 14x Champion himself. The man known as one of the Workhorses of WWL in his Prime, Huxley Hurst Halsley aka 3XH.

Adonis shakes hands with all the men who are present, he waits for Mr McNeil to tell them to be sitted. After all parties were stitted he started the meeting.

"Look, Adonis. I'll be honest with you, kiddo. I like your skills and that little squabble you had with Karmello confirmed that my insights weren't wrong. So here's my offer for you."

He hands the contract to Adonis. The contract had the logo of WWL as well as the NcT logo.

The contract had the following


This Contract is entered into on [09/05/2022] by and between:


with its principal place of business at ***** Orlando

*Adonis Deutsch* ("Wrestler")

with an address at *****


WHEREAS, WWL is a professional wrestling promotion that produces and presents live events, television shows, and other forms of entertainment; and

WHEREAS, Wrestler is a professional wrestler with skills and experience in the field of professional wrestling;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows:


1.1 The term of this Contract shall commence on the Effective Date and continue for a period of two (2) years.

1.2 During the term of this Contract, Wrestler shall be exclusive to WWL and shall not perform services for any other professional wrestling promotion within the territory of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.


2.1 WWL shall pay Wrestler a guaranteed minimum salary of $150,000 per year, paid bi-weekly(5,769).

2.2 Wrestler shall be eligible to earn bonuses based on merchandise sales, pay-per-view revenue, and other forms of income, as determined by WWL.

2.3 WWL shall provide Wrestler with medical insurance, workers' compensation insurance, and other benefits as determined by WWL.


3.1 Wrestler shall be required to perform at a minimum of two (2) live events per week, and shall be available for television tapings, pay-per-views, and other events as scheduled by WWL.

3.2 Wrestler shall be responsible for their own transportation, accommodations, and meals while traveling for WWL events.


4.1 Wrestler shall have input on their character development and match outcomes.


5.1 WWL shall have the exclusive right to manufacture, distribute, and sell merchandise featuring Wrestler's likeness, ring name, and character.

5.2 Wrestler shall be eligible to earn a percentage of revenue from merchandise sales, as determined by WWL.


6.1 WWL shall take a 12% on Wrestler's ring name, character, and likeness, and shall have the exclusive right to use and exploit same.

6.2 This will enable Wrestler to use their ring name, character, or likeness outside of WWL,but WWL shall gain 12% of profit that wrestler gains while working on some projects outside of WWL(such as advertising, movies or music video appearances.)


7.1 Wrestler shall not disclose any confidential information about WWL, its business practices, or its talent roster.

7.2 Wrestler shall not make any public statements or appearances that may be detrimental to WWL's reputation.


8.1 Either party may terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party.

8.2 In the event of termination, Wrestler shall be entitled to receive any accrued but unpaid compensation and benefits.


9.1 Any disputes arising out of or related to this Contract shall be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.

9.2 The arbitration shall be conducted in the state of America, and the parties shall be bound by the arbitrator's decision.


10.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of UNITED STATESOFAMERICA.

10.2 Any action or proceeding arising out of or related to this Contract shall be brought in the courts of the state of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

By signing below, the parties acknowledge that they have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Contract.


By: Victor Kennedy McNeil


Date: 09-05-2022

*Adonis Deutsch*

By: ______________________________

Date: _____________________________

Although the contract was everything Adonis wanted, he hesitated to sign it. After taking a deep breath, he looks at Mr McNeil and asks.

"Sorry, sir. I just wanna clear something up. If I sign this contract, that means I'll effectively be a part of the Nct Rooster, right?"

"Yes, you will be." Said Mr McNeil.

"Than would that mean, that I have to vacate this title and leave WSA?"

"Well, yes. That's how it will turn out."

"Oh, I see. Than I'm sorry, but I'll have to turn down the contract."

The room goes silent for a bit, than the men in the room all look at him surprised.

"Why, is that? Do you think our schedulesare jokes? We made free time for you and you have the guts to turn us down like this? I'm kinda disappointed, i thought you wanted to follow in the footsteps of Kof, but i guess i was wrong about you." Said 3xH

"No sir, it's not that I don't want to be here. I really do, trust me.

"Than what is is?" Said Sean

" Well, If I join ship now than I'll have to let go of this title right here. I know it's not on the stage of WWL titles, but if I do that, I feel like I'd be flipping off the only man who believed in till this point, and I just don't wanna seem ungrateful to Booka G."

After a few seconds of silence, Mr McNeil starts laughing. However, he wasn't laughing at Adonis's answer, if anything he was laughing at the loyalty the boy showed to Booka G, in his lifetime he saw this level of loyalty in a handful of wrestler. But none of them denied coming to WWL the moment they got the call.

"(Laughing) I like you kid, I really do. Fine I'll make you a deal, you can sign the contract and I'll throw in a additional condition, only for you though. I'll give you the right to go back and forth between NcT and WsA up until until your contract is up in September. That means you now work for 2 companies kid"

This came off as a shock because McNeil is worldly known for monopolizing his wrestlers, so for him to say Adonis can still work WsA and NcT was a shock to everyone in the room. Booka, 3xH and Sean look at him with confusion. At that moment they were all thinking the same thing, either he's changing because of old age or Adonis was just the luckiest man on earth.

"Now kid, tell me. Did you bring your wrestling gear? I already have big plans for you."

"Actually, yeah. It's in Booka's Car."

"Good, good. Give me a moment."

Victor grabs his phone and calls in a few wrestlers who were present during the Whole squabble between Adonis and Trick. He tells them to send the video to the production team as it will be used on their pages.

He than leaves the room with 3xH and Sean in order to discuss some personal things, leaving Adonis and Booka alone.

"Congratulations, kid. Welcome to the WWL family, I hope you archive major things here."

After what seemed to be 5 minutes at best, Adonis's phone vibrates and he checks what's happening. All his Socials have been tagged by all official WWL page along with the WsA page with the caption "Things getting heated on his first day?"

A few minutes later it was advertised that Adonis will make his Inring NcT debute againt Trick Willson.