Dancing with the Devil(II)


Replied Adonis, the news was a total shocker to him. Upon signing he already has a match lined up, and it was against Trick Willson for that matter.

"My first match in NcT, and it's against Trick? " He said to himself, softly

"Why the sorry look on your face? This is WWL, kiddo. Some people had to face Jon Seanah on their first matches here.But, that doesnt mean you should overlook Trick as well, he might not be Jon, but he is a beast in his own right. Go get changed, the fans have already started to come.

Without waisting anymore time, Adonis gets up and walks to the parking lot to get his bag. Now that he was here, he couldn't shake of the feeling of being nervous, not even by an inch.

After dressing, Adonis makes his way to Victor's office again.

"Ahh, Adonis you're back, I see."

"Mr McNeil."

"Look kid, I'll be honest with you. The black Geans aren't cutting it for me, so you're gonna have to stay after the show and run up some few ideas about the type of ring wear you want. And while we're still on that topic, why don't you have a symbol? A symbol is a Wrestlers brand in its own right. Honestly, we're gonna have one hell of a meeting after the show. The Nike high dunked shoes are fine, however you can't keep using the same 2 or 3 pairs, so for the time I took the liberty of purchasing 5 pairs for you, they should arive sometime tomorrow or the day after that. "

"Wow, thank you sir. But, did you really have to go that far for me?"

"Of course I did, what nonsense are you talk about. You're gonna be my cash cow in South Africa, just imagine all the money I'm gonna make form your home country."

At that moment Adonis realized that unlike Booka G, Victor didn't invest this much in him because he belived he could be something great. He did it because of the main goal of exploiting money from the South African economy.

Adonis thinking*

Wow, I heard this guy was money driven but to see it in person is wild. I was kinda hoping the Rumors weren't true though.

After that, another issue came into the mind of Adonis, although he was the WsA X-division champion still, he was currently a WWL NcT wrestler, so what will happen to the tittle when he was in NcT?

"Umm, Mr McNeil. What's gonna happen to my champion when I'm in NcT? Do I walk out with it or not? Am I even allowed to defend it on NcT or just at WsA?"

"Mhhhm. Good question, I'm not gonna lie kid. I hate putting the light on other Wrestling companies, however the WsA holds a special place in my heart. Not just because of its Booka's baby, but also because Book has produced some talent to play a key part in the new NcT that I'm building here. So while you were changing I had a conversation with Book, and we came to the conclusion that you will defend the title on NcT as well and should you win one of the singles titles in NcT before your contract is over with WsA you can also defend them in WsA."

The news was music to Adonis's ears but before he could even say thanks that's when McNeil cut him off. But, this time it was in a serious tone.

"However, me and Book also agreed that you can never, under any circumstances lose one brands title to the other brand. Should you lose my NcT title to some wrestler in WsA that means you just proved to the world that you should'nt be here and you only got here because of Book's backdoor connections. That will ruin the reputation of not only you, but the others who came from Book. And on the other hand, should you lose the WsA tittle in NcT, that means all the efforts the of others back at WsA will be for nothing. "What's the point of going to WWL if their best guy couldn't handle the pressure?" Is what the critics will probably say. Remember, unlike the old-school wrestling days, this isn't scripted, so every lose counts, every win counts, every draw counts. You win you get praise, you lose you get Shitted on, sad but it's like that, not only in Pro-wrestling but in every spot. Now, get outta here, the shows starts in a hour. Go to catering and eat something before it does. You got a long night kid, and some doubters to prove wrong as well."

With that being said, Donny gets up and heads to the cater place. There he sees other wrestlers as well, both of the old age and the new. The most noticeable was Edwardo Garcia, aka Ed Garcia. The 11th triple crown champion, 6th Grandslam and Inaugural WWL United States champion. The man was a 3x WWL Champion, 3x WWL World champion, 7x WWL Tag champion, 4X WWL united States champion,3X WWL European Champion, 6X WWL Intercontinental champion. This means he had won a total of 26 Championships in WWL, and to make things worse he is WWL hall of famer.

He had recently made a comeback in the world of wrestling to mentor the young talents, but deep down everyone knew that he had his eyes set on passing down his Knowledge to only 1 and his names Domnik Místico, the son of another WWL legend Rey MÍstico. He loved Dom so much to the point that you'd think he was his real son.

Another Legend in attendance was none other than Brocán Leznar, a man who got tired of the Pro-wrestling life and went to mix martial arts for almost a decade. He has been wrestling since 2002 but only lost about 60-70 of his matches. With wins over 150 and only less than 5 draws, if there was a word to describe him it will be a beast in the world of wrestling , but he was one mountain that Adonis has set to climb one day.

"Oii kid, are you just gonna stand there looking at me all day? It's rather rude if you ask me." Said Brocán

"Ohh, I'm sorry. It's just that, wow. You're Brocán Leznar, who in their right mind would be amazed." Said Adonis in a shy like maner.

"Oh sorry, I'm Adonis Deutsch by the way. As of today I'm a NcT wrestler, my ring name is Adonis Tyson. It's an honour to meet you, sir."

"Adonis, huh? Whatever, it's none of my business who you are. Just promise me one thing kid. Promise that when you get called up to the main shows that you'll stay out of my way, see guys like you often want to make a name for yourselves by calling me out every now than. I have no problem knocking out your teeth if you do, I just don't like working with little shits who are still wet behind the ears."

With that being said, Brocán didn't even wait for Adonis to respond, as he just past by him without even looking at his way.

"Ohh, no more thing,kid. Don't let Victor down. I don't know why, but he has high hopes for you. When I was young I got bored of this business and left for the world of MMA, at the time I had my own interest at best, but he gave me a chance when no one else did. Now that I'm older I see a little bit different, to his eyes it seemed like a big middle finger to his face. Anyway, goodluck and all that crap."

Just like that Brocán exist the cater area leaving Adonis alone yet again in front of the door .