Whoop that trick!!

A few moments while Donny was still doing his entrance.

Change if pov:

Booka G(on commentary)

"Well ladies and gentlemen, here he is. Will today be his lucky day or will he drawn in the pressure of Nct?


"If anything I thought you'd be cheering him on, Book..."

"Don't get me wrong. The kid is one hell of an athlete, maybe one of if not the best in WSA. But this is were the level rises, this is were the tiger has to earn his stripes and prove that he isn't just a kitten lost in the upper leagues."

The match with Trick was officially underway, Donny was nervous. Not only was this his debute match, but it was on the semi-main event of NcT. The atmosphere was similar yet totally different from the one in WSA. This was his time to prove to the world what he was made off.

Trick started of my going to the center of the ring with his hands up, this was a clear invitation to test Adonies strength. Adoins accepts the challenge by locking hands with Trick. They go back and forth without breaking the hold. This was however broken by Trick as he drives his knee to Adonies mid section.

This resulted in the hold being broken. While Adoins was holding his stomach, Trick used this as an opportunity to hit him with a thunderous chop to the chest. The Imperct was so brutal that it echoed through the the arena.

"What was that right now?" Said Booka in a completely surprised yet concerned tone.

After that hit Trick started throwing multiple hits at Adonis until he knocked him down. After that, he went to the ring post and climbed to the middle rope facing the crowed and started taunting the crowd. A Rookie mistake on his part because this gave Adonis enough time to assess what he was dealing with and how he could adjust.

Adonis quickly got up and ran to the post under Trick, he than picked him up and quickly ran to the opposite post and delivered a bucklebomb


This was met with a slighty cheerful reaction, he looked at Trick and smiled. Adonis went to the opposite ring post again, he than pointed to the sky with his right hand making a gun gesture, after 2 seconds he pointed at Trick and pulled the trigger. This was his way if saying he was about to hit either the running knee or the shining wizard, Trick turns after finally getting up, as he sees Adonis running he drops and rolls out of the ring for a breather. Adonis however doesn't follow him.

All he does is going to the back ropes for momentum, after he comes running as if he was about to jump out via suicide dive, however when he reached the front ropes he Jumps and his legs perfectly lands on the middle ropes and his hands on the upper ropes for balance. He than jump back to the middle of the ring and lands in a superhero landing pose.

This mad stunt of his recives a thunderous pop, not only did he execute a move that should be impossible for his weight class but when he did the move he scared Trick so much that he closed his eyes thinking he was gonna get hit.

After a few second Trick opened his eyes and realised that he was tricked, Ironic in'it?

Adonis gets up and taunts Trick by holding his hands up like how he did in the start, this was a clear invite for a repeat. Trick accepts and heads back in the ring, funny enough this was by the count of 8 as well.

He acts as if he was about to lock hands with Donny but, at the last second he swings a powerful right jab, Donny ducks under and the moment Trick turns he gets a fast hot B**ch slap to the face.

It was clear that at this point Adonis was just toying with him.

Change of pove

Trick thinking

(What's up with this kid? How the hack is he moving like this? This isn't a level he should be on when he just came here!!are you trying tell me that his better than me? That his on the same level as Mello? No, not even Mello can move the way he does, are you trying say his better than Mello as well? Who the fuck is this kid!!!?"

Change of pov

Back stage.

Mr McNeil (thinking)

("Hahahahah!! That kid, just where the hell has he been all this time? Booka was really hiding someone of this level from my nose for almost 2 years? How dare he !!! But his mine now. I'll make this kid the biggest Black champion ever in my company history! Not even Book or Rhök will hold a candle to this kid!!!")

"Ummm, Vick."

"What is it, H?"

"You had that creepy look on your face again."

"What creepy look? My face looks fine."

"You had that,"l'm gonna make money off of this guy!" Look again."

"I have one idea what you're talking about. Wait, do you smell that?"

"Smell what?"

"The smell of money that's coming our way, God damnit!"

Sean and 3xH just look at him with a concern look while shaking their heads.

Change of Pov

Adonis and Trick have been hammering each other back and forth with fist, counters and "OmG" moments of near pinfall after near pinfall.

It was now the 14 minute of the match and Adonis had finally built enough momentum to end this match, he climbed to the top rope and hot a frogsplash on Trick. After that he dragged Trick up, put his head in-between his legs and lifted him up for a Powerbomb, but he hit a standing powerbomb without letting go, this allowed him to hit Trick several times over with it, after that he went for the cover.

"One...two...three. (ting, ting ,ting)

The winner of this match, Adonis Tyson.

Before he could even celebrate, he got ambushed from behind. This was done by none other than Karmello. He starts beating him up while shouting at Trick to get up, once Trick gets up the two starts beating him up and when Booka finally decided to get up and go help the kid, that's when the music hit. Issac "The swerver" Scotlyn came and made the save with a steal chair in hand.

Swerver also had his differences with the two, as Karmello was the reason he lost his NcT North American title.

Karmello and Trick ran out if the ring while looking at Swerver and Adonis in the ring. Swever held out his hand to Adonis to help him up, and Adonis took it for the boost.

He than looked over to Trick and Kermello who started telling them to drop the chair and make this a fair fight. Swerver dumped the chair out the ring and he and Donny both went out of the ring, Mello and Trick started running from the ring rump and so did Adonis and Swever, the four men met each other halfway as they just started swinging fists at each other. Swerver was focused on Mello while Adnois was on Trick, but before things could get outta hand McNeil and some security guards came to seperate them.

After a heated moment the two sides where finally separated, with Adonis and Swerver back in the ring and Mello and Trick on the top of the ring rump. With the crowed shouting "Let them fight" over and over again.

"Enough of this!!!!! Trick, Mello you want your hands on those two?"

"Yeah, we do. Bring 'em on!" They both Said

"Adonis, Issac do you want your hands on these two?"

Adonis and Swerver look at each other and nod at each other.

Swever than takes the mic and answers

"Hell, yeah."

"Well if that's the case, next week live on NcT. For the first time ever, it's gonna be the team of Trick Willson and Karmello Haydes versus the team of Issac "The swerver " Scotlyn and Adonis Tyson." (Crowed cheers)Now get the hell out of my face before I fine all of you."

A few minutes after both Trick and Mello are escorted to the back it was time for Adonis and Issac. Adonis grabs his title and heads to the back,while on their way the two men started chatting to each other. Swerver says that he's had his problems with Karmello ever since he took the N.A title from him and has been fighting to get it back ever since, however their last stipulation was that Issac can't challenge for it anymore as long as Mello is still champion, so now that Mello lost it to Kamron Grahams that means he has a shot at it.

Issac tells Adonis that he used to be a leader of a group called "Lit Row" here in NcT, however they were released back in the November of 2021 and since then he hasn't really been the same.

With that being said, it was time for Adonis to meet up with the designer in McNeils office, he invited Issac so that he might avoid getting jumped on by Trick and Mello, who than accepts the invite.

The two of them knock and hear Victor yell "enter"

"Ohh, Adonis, you're here? Good....you brought Issac too? Well more minds means the quicker things will be done. This is Amanda, she'll take whatever idea you have and turn it into anything as long as it's in her capabilities. Now than, I'll leave you kids to it...Oh and I wanted to talk about the possibility of changing your entrance, but we will leave that to when you're fully a member of NcT."

And just like that, McNeil left the office. With that being said it was finally time for Adonis to design his ring gear. The first thing on his mind was that he wanted to wear casual black polyester joggers for the bottom part, and as for his shoes Mr McNeil already said he could continue with his Nike high dunked black and white kicks and for the upper part, Adonis requested to wear a men's black Pu jacket chic leather jacket. And of course for the mouth requested a black mask (the type that was used by the shield back in 2019).

After a few back and forth it was decided that this will be his gear. Now came the most important part, the design of his logo/symbol. Nothing came into mind at the time, so Adonis decided to go back to his setswana tribe roots. Even though Adonis was a mix between black and white, his mother is originally a black woman and her tribe was called the "Kgabo" meaning Monkey. So for his logo Adonis chose a gorilla skull with its teeth out.

This wasn't his brightest idea, however for him it ment being closer to his mother's culture and tradition.

"Okay, the pants will be done in time for your match next week. The design should l get it printed on the back of the jucket or just the pants and mask?

"I think the pants and mask will be enough, too much branding ruins the final product."

"I agree." Said Issac

"Okay, the Jacket will be bought like the shoes. However we are only buying two for now due on tight funds. So don't under any circumstances throw the jacket in the crowd when you're in the moment...oh and we'll also make t-shirts that you should come out with in the back of your pocket and you throw those to the crowed, if you like."

"The idea doesn't sound that farfetched, if anything it would be kinda fun, sure I'll go with it."

After everything was said and done, it was now time for Adonis to head on back to his room, Issac offered to give him a rude back and Donny accepted. With everything that happend that day Adonis was exhausted, as soon as he got to his room he fainted on the bed without even taking his shoes off.

The next morning when he wakes up, he goes for his phone . The first thing he notices was a message from his mother on what's app, the messages was written like.

"Congratulations, son. I just saw your match on recordings , why didn't you tell me that you're under WWL now? What a hell of a debute. Good luck."

Adonis replies to his mother and the two have a back and forth conversation talking about life in general, after an hour he gets out of bed and heads for the shower. Just as he finished dressing up he gets a call, the call was from Booka G who tells Adonis to be ready in 3 hours as they'll be heading back home now a d getting ready for tomorrow's WSA show.

Adonis who felt guilty because he thought he was waisting bookers time now sighed in relief. With nothing else to do, he decides to check his socials, He noticed that Issac Followed him so he followed back. He also noticed that both Prodigies followed him too, but unlike Issac he decided to not follow them back.

After going threw this socials he noticed that all of them were now above 20K with the lowest being 20,686 followers on Twit and the highest being 37,965 followers on Faceblog.

"Hey, Zeta."

[Yes, Adonis]

"I was wondering, why haven't I got my reward for beating Trick yesterday?"

[Because there was no challenge to be taken. Trick might be a WWL supastar, however his level is that of Maxwell]

"Are you saying I'm a level above Maxwell now?"

[Yes and no, interms of physical abilities you are, however in terms of experience you are not. So when you do face Maxwell you shall receive a reward. You didn't get one from Trick because he was just a lower level than you in every aspect.]

"Oh well, I guess I can't help it. Anyway, I wonder what I should do with my 3 hours of free time."

[I suggest going to out for a walk in the park. I fresh change of environment can help you relax a little.]

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

And just like that, Adonis headed out. However as he opens the door he finds two girls waiting for him. It was none other than korra and Roxannah.

"See, Roxi. I told you this was his room."

"You said that on all the other rooms as well."

"Good morning, Donny."

"Umm, Hey. What can I do for you?"

Said Donny in a confused tone

"The thing is, Korra and I where just about to head to the park and wanted to know if you'd be interested in going with us."

"Ohh, well I don't know. Booka said we gonna leave any minute now so I'm affraid I'll have to turn it down."

"Sorry to burst your bubble , but we talked to Booka on our way looking for you. He told us you guys are leaving at 12, so there's no way that excuse is going to work on us."

Adonis saw no way out so he just decided to go with the flow. After locking the room he let out a heavy sigh and turned to the girls.

"Fine, you win."

And just like that the twi girls grabbed him by one hand each and started pulling him. Adonis could only ask himself "what have I gotten myself into?"

Upon reaching the park he noticed that a few security guards were escorting them.

"There's no need to looked puzzled, these guys are no threat to us. Now that I think about it, you're basically becoming a big name yourself, have you ever thought of one day getting a gaurd as well?"

Said Roxannah

"Maybe, I haven't decided yet." Adonies replied.

They 3 started of by going to a ice cream stall. After receiving their orders they went for the swings and after all was said and done, they went back to the hotel for a quick swim. This wasn't how Adonis thought he'd spend his time , but it was a clear reminder that a rest is needed every now and than.