Promo battle

After his outting with the two prodigies, Adonis was finally back at his apartment and was getting ready for the show tomorrow.

When it was finally Thursday, Adonis did a open challenge for the X-division title, and a random Mid-carder answered the call. He made quick work of his opponent and after the match he grabbed the mic to address the rumors about him and Maxwell.

"Now look. I know a lot of you are shocked to see me still in WSA, and some of you might have thought that I was going to drop this title today, but I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I still have a certain man I have to beat and I have to become the first ever WSA double champion.(cheers) But my opponent is a man of a different caliber, I did some research and I found out that he's 5 years older than me, that means his 26 this year. If I do the math correctly I'm 21 this year,meaning there's a 5 year gap in between us. Max wants to talk about how WSA needed him and he came here to save it, but in reality he needed it. He's been here to what now? 4 years? You usually get a 2 year contract and him being here for two extra means one thing, no one is interested in what you're selling, Maxwell. You call yourself "He who shall save wrestling" but how can you save it when you can't even save your own career?"...

(Holly shitx3)

"You claim you're the measuring stick of WsA! But! In really to you're the cancer.

But, don't worry. Don't worry because when I beat you I promise you that I'll expose you for who you really are and the fraud you are."

Without waisting much time, Maxwells music hits and he makes his way to the ring. He looks Adonis right dead in the eyes before raising his title.

Change of pov: Maxwell

"Adonis, what are you doing right now? You're embarrassing yourself, kid. You think me being here is what? Me not being interested in the big leagues? I still have something to prove here, kid. Unlike you I've been doing this since I was 15. I got ten years of experience in this game, in those ten years I learned something called 'perfect timing ' . I am an opportunist , I don't just jump when McNeil says so, I've been building my name so that when I do decide to pick up his call I'll shoot straight to the big leagues. I don't settle for less, kid."

Change of pov: Adonis

"You know, that sounds like something only you would believe. You got your head so far up your ass that you belive even that type of nonsense? Let me tell you something, one you didn't get the call because you're not good enough and two I got it despite doing g this for only 2 years, that shows you just how much better I am at this than you."

Change of pov: Max(shouting)

Better than me? You? Keep dreaming kid. You are nothing but another prey that the machine is going to feed me to so that I look good. You can never be on my level, not now and definitely not in a million years. Let me spell it out for you incase your little brain can't process what I am saying. "YOU....CAN...NEVER....BEAT...ME".

change of pov: Adonis(calmy)

You know what? I like what you're doing right now, keep it up. Continue doing what it is you're doing. Continue looking down on me, continue sleeping on me, continuing doubting me. All that is just going to make it a whole lot sweeter when I whoop your ass like I did Trick Willson on Nct(cheers) like I whooped Anthony's ass and sent him packing out of WSA. When I beat you for that title,and I will. I want you to remember one thing, and is to not feel bad, you were "just another prey the machine fed me to look good". And right after I kick your ass, you're gonna hear that little voice at the back of your head saying 'The "Kid" was right. I'm not good enough for the big leagues, I will always be a C- Talent at best."

Change of pov: Max

Ohh I see it, I see it. You actually think you got a shot at me. Huh? You know what? We don't even have to wait till the PLE, you're in the ring. I'm in the ring(bith drop titles.) I'll just have to open that can of whoop ass right here and now.

Change of pov: Adonis

I like that idea,"Champ" lets see if you can back up the shit you just said."(Both drop mics.)

Maxwell throws the first punch between the two, the action is met with a loud roar from the fans. Both man start throwing heavy right and lefts at each other, Max runs to the ropes for momentum but Adonis follows, as max is about to turn he is met with a closeline that sends both men out the ring. After falling to the outside,they still get up to start fighting again. Ultimately Max gains the upper hand after a low blow. He throws Adonis back into the ring and stalks him like a tiger ready to eat it's prey, he picks up Adonis and hits him with his finisher move, the "package piledriver" (the one Kevin now uses).

Just one hit from this move is enough to hurt a men, but due to the distain that Max seems to have for Adnois, he picks him up and hits him with a second and 3rd one. While he was about to go for the fourth one, the WSA mens lockeroom came out rushing under the order of booka G to seperate Maxwell from Adonis , as Adoins was being safely evacuated by the medical team, Maxwell picks up both titles and pose with them.