A Message

"Master…" A female elf said, her expression level but hiding something beneath.

"Melian, you have a new mission." Ithil said, walking out of his own private bath built into the ground like a pool, within his own quarters within a large tree.

"Yes, master." Melian, the elven scout leader who had been maintaining contact with Lance said, handing him a towel which he tied around his waist.

"The war against the demons will soon reach its high point and the different races will have to come together for that time, even the weaker races. Before then, you will eliminate all of the pig's forces, we shouldn't be the ones to oppose the human." Ithil said as he walked into his private quarters to get dressed.

"As you command, master."

"The rest, I believe you know what to do."

"Yes master." Melian left soon after to carry out her duties.